Fatal Inertia: PS3 & Xbox 360

that probably actually made MS money because so many people bought the premium with the proprietary hard drive.
Played the demo, unfortunately it's not my cup of tea. I do typically like pod-racing type games, but fatal inertia just didn't click with me. Perhaps I just have to get used to the "boost-after-turning" strategy to get some fun out of it, but the controls make it difficult to time that right. The pop-in was also pretty distracting. It actually looked pretty good when moving fast though.
I'm downloading it now. I heard it's really confusing.

What confuses me is how anyone at koei canada though that this demo is going to get people to actually buy this game! And someone please tell koei that for a racing game to be fun I actually want to race and not spend most of the time trying to stay either on the track or avoid slamming into things.
Looks like the PS3 version was cancelled.


PS3 having issues with UE3? Sounds like fluff :???: UE3 debuted on the PS3 did it not?

They had the UT demo running on a SLI'd PC back in e3 2005 for sony if thats what you mean. If you ask me this goes right back to the Silicon Knights lawsuit.

it wasn't canceled, its just delayed.

The phrase "delayed indefinitely" usually means cancelled. Though it seems you're right and that development has just paused.
[UPDATE]a rep for Koei explained that the PS3 version of Fatal Inertia is on hold due to game-engine problems. "It's purely a middleware issue," the rep said, underlining the publisher's commitment to the PS3 platform. "We've always supported Sony and will continue to do so."

I think majority of internet would disagrees with you regarding UE version used in R6 Vegas, but a quick search didn't reveal a definitive answer. Would you have a reference for that?

next to the logo, read the text.

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Good question.
I don't think anyone shipped a UE3 PS3 games yet. Rainbow Six Vegas uses a modified UE2.X, and the port work was handled by Ubisoft, if I remember correctly.

That is correct. If you have followed the stories at all, you could have figured out that the UE3 in general is behind (i.e. the Mass Effect complaint), and that it is more behind on the PS3 than on the 360 (witness Gears on 360 last year versus UT3 on PS3 this year, with Sony having deployed coders to Epic to assist this year).
it's pretty fun and I actually got first place in one race. it has a lot of problems but most of the problem is learning the controls.

A is accelerate and X is brake. B is to look behind you and Y resets your craft. you press X+A at the start to do a boost right before the start. the triggers do strafing like f-zero and you press them twice if you get a lot of mines on you or something. the bumpers use the items. right bumper uses it as a weapon and left bumper uses it as a boost. the BACK button changes view (I recommend cockpit). down on D-pad to drop your current item. Left stick turns or changes the pitch of the craft and I don't think the right stick doesn't do anything I think.

it's not that great but online it could be fun.
holy crap this game is fun (and very pretty) to me :)

I love these kinds of racers and beyond the crazy learning curve... (if you turned it off after 2-3 races you have no idea what I'm talking about).

It is very pretty... nice lighting, motion blur, water/particles effects, very little aliasing evident during game play and lots and lots of stuff happening at once at a high speed. (thank you Koei Canada)

If it's $40, Day 1. :D $60, I'll wait a bit only because I know it will just fill a void with Halo 3 and Bioshock etc.. and not take a lot of my time although if online is fully featured it could happen.

Fatal Inertia is the debut title from KOEI’s Toronto-based development studio, KOEI Canada. The team is led by Producer Takazumi Tomoike, creator of the Dynasty Warriors® series, and KOEI Co-Founder and Chief Advisor Yoichi Erikawa, who under the pen name Kou Shibusawa is regarded as one of the world’s top video game designers.
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this game seems to get deeper every time I play... there really are a lot of little nuances to the game play to be explored. As mentioned the FZero like drift on the triggers and the corner turning brake-boost are cool as hell.

the tracks are very tricky too.
Thanks for the impressions Tap In. I'm sure I'll pick this up at some point purely for the futuro element.

And well done KOEI. There was a bit of negativity towards this in the past year or so.
Didn't know it's been out for ages, just checked this thread and saw there was no reviews listed for it.