Fatal Inertia: PS3 & Xbox 360

Looks like the PS3 version was cancelled.

While the Xbox 360 version will ship on September 11, the PlayStation 3 version has been "delayed indefinitely," a Koei representative told Game|Life this morning. The delay, he said, is due to "the delay is due to the progress of the game engine for PS3." Fatal Inertia uses Unreal Engine 3, middleware produced by Epic Games.

PS3 having issues with UE3? Sounds like fluff :???: UE3 debuted on the PS3 did it not?
PS3 having issues with UE3? Sounds like fluff :???: UE3 debuted on the PS3 did it not?
Good question.
I don't think anyone shipped a UE3 PS3 games yet. Rainbow Six Vegas uses a modified UE2.X, and the port work was handled by Ubisoft, if I remember correctly.
I want to bet that Unreal Tournament 3.0's progress on PS3 is directly related to the progress of the UE3 on PS3, just like I want to bet the same thing was true for Gears on the 360 in relation to the UE3 on 360. So at E3 we'll probably be able to tell how far along UE3 is on the PS3 by looking at the PS3 version of that game.
PS3 having issues with UE3? Sounds like fluff :???: UE3 debuted on the PS3 did it not?

Sounds strange to me to but, perhaps they are having trouble getting the same fps/graphics as the xbox360 version... strange. :???:
Rainbow Six Vegas uses a modified UE2.X, and the port work was handled by Ubisoft, if I remember correctly.

I think majority of internet would disagrees with you regarding UE version used in R6 Vegas, but a quick search didn't reveal a definitive answer. Would you have a reference for that?

And there is the streaming issue. IIRC, UE 2x doesn't have any support for texture streaming and I remember reading both Vegas and Gears suffer from similar streaming related problems. Of course nothing definitive again.

On a side note, Stranglehold PS3 version was shown during Gamer's Day, and UT3 demo of GDC was implied to be running on PS3. Those two are the only games I know.
I want to bet that Unreal Tournament 3.0's progress on PS3 is directly related to the progress of the UE3 on PS3, just like I want to bet the same thing was true for Gears on the 360 in relation to the UE3 on 360. So at E3 we'll probably be able to tell how far along UE3 is on the PS3 by looking at the PS3 version of that game.

The reason the ram is 512MB in the 360 is because of Tim Sweeney.
While the Xbox 360 version will ship on September 11, the PlayStation 3 version has been "delayed indefinitely," a Koei representative told Game|Life this morning. The delay, he said, is due to "the delay is due to the progress of the game engine for PS3." Fatal Inertia uses Unreal Engine 3, middleware produced by Epic Games.

LOL. This was one of the PREMIERE PS3 games. ROFL, the irony is just too good.
MS asked a lot of developers whether they thought it should be 256 or 512.

They were given the choice of 512MB or a HDD. They wanted 512MB. It was Tim Sweeney that drove that point home when they showed MS brass Gears on 256MB and on 512MB. Saying that this game was going to cost us an extra billion dollars over the term of the 360 for this decision alone.


Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, says Gears of War set the standard for 512MB of RAM in the Xbox 360, costing Microsoft $1 billion.

To sway Microsoft into going with 512MB of RAM, Rein said, "what Tim did was actually send a screenshot of what Gears of War would look like if we only had 256 megs of memory." According to Rein, this screenshot bolstered Microsoft into taking the more expensive route.