Infinity_ said:
That game mightbe good what u talking about but there isnt no game at this time that comes close to the Gfx in farcry from the textures used and the lighting and all it almost looks real and there isnt no way its gone to run on xbox or any other concole unless its down graded alot.
As I already said, the points I am criticising about FarCry is
platform independend - I am
not arguing that Xbox or any current console could mimic what FarCry is pulling off - I am more arguing that a game doesn't need
x amount of more textures, pixel-effects or polygons to look better -
it all comes down to art direction in the end, which is why, I find the games I mentioned to be more visually impressive than what FarCry is representating.
To elaborate further on what my point is,
a lecture on the power of art direction ... presented on 1999 hardware featuring games with subpar, repetitive textures, low polygons, no per pixel effects etc:
Metal Gear Solid 3:
Easily, you can spot the repetitive, low-res textures in both games. Polygons and the lighing is easily shattered by that of FarCry, yet, looking at the screens of both games, which do you think does a better job at representating realism? The point is, a game having better more detailed texutres, per pixel effects, more polygons doesn't necessarly make it look more
realistic as shown in the above screens that are done on 1999 hardware - a hardware that could never replicate what is being done in those FarCry screens. I could post screens of GT3 as well, which arguably isn't that technically impressive as other more recent racers (PGR2, Burnout 2/3 etc), yet the wet track is one of the most stunning moments you'll find in a racer.
Those above screens of MGS3 may or may not be that impressive to you -
yet it's the movement that makes it the stunning game it is. Download one of the latest movies (or last year's E3 trailer on MGS3) and you will see the second screne with everything in movement. You'd be hard put to notice the low-res textures or other PS2-esque issues, but will be easily stunned by the physics and animation of just about everything represented in that scene.
I actually find it very sad that a technical masterpiece such as FarCry is hammered simply because of lacking art. A game with this kind of engine could look so much better and
So to put this silly debate to an end: is Killzone or MGS3 more technically more impressive than FarCry?
No. Does MGS3/Killzone look better than FarCry? Certainly subjective - to me they do, by a long shot. They certainly are much closer at representating
For further reference, here are more screens of MGS3 if you find them to be a better representation of the game: