Far Cry on next gen machines..?



Relating to this article saying:
Far Cry, highly successful PC franchise, to be re-imagined on select next-generation consoles as ‘Far Cry™ Instincts’

I'm debating over at Rage3D about whether this article means Xbox2 or the current XBox. What do you think ? By "next gen" I assume it means the next, but you never know..
I was under the impression that they were planning to release this game on xbox with an extra level or 2 . maybe the engine will be used for future consoles

edit: that's the console versions name. it will come out on xbox and ps2 supposedly. you can check out the screenshots at gamespot
From IGN:

April 07, 2004 -
Ubisoft announced today that the popular PC shooter Far Cry will be hitting the consoles as Far Cry Instincts.

Ubisoft already announced the game for the Xbox a few months ago but today the company stated that the game will be coming out on other consoles as well. This could mean the tropical shooter will be appearing on GameCube, or PS2, or both. The console version of the game will be based on the PC shooter but is being redesigned from the ground up. Ubisoft is promising new gameplay scenarios that will change player's tactics while exploring the island.
I'm not terribly impressed with the performance of the game in its PC incarnation I have to say. On my P4 1.7+Mucho o/c'd GF3 it chugs something awful even at the lowest screen resolution. It's all that bloody foliage, heh.


Sub-30fps gaming doesn't sound too fun for me. Hell I have problems at sub-60fps gaming. :p
I doubt I would be picking this game up for a console. The graphics would be way too watered down for my tastes after playing it on my PC for the past two weeks straight. I'm not even sure if there should be a PS2 version as this game takes up an awful lot or memory. Hell, even the Xbox will be having trouble with the game.
Sonic said:
I doubt I would be picking this game up for a console. The graphics would be way too watered down for my tastes after playing it on my PC for the past two weeks straight. I'm not even sure if there should be a PS2 version as this game takes up an awful lot or memory. Hell, even the Xbox will be having trouble with the game.

Stream it? But I agree the level of detail & massive amounts of foliage would definitely be problematic for the current gen.
Then what about the pixel shader effects, the textures alone could bring Xbox to a crawl. I may be thinking this way bvecause I play with all settings on very high and haven't really played with anything lower. I will do that when I get home on monday and report back my findings.
Sonic said:
Then what about the pixel shader effects, the textures alone could bring Xbox to a crawl.

The Xbox/ps2 version of the game is totally different from the pc version.
As stated in the annoucement the game will be redesigned from the ground up, the Ubi montreal studio is in charge of the console version.
So the only link between the pc and the consoles versions will be the storyline and the islands.

By the way, the pictures shows the ubi montreal 'touch.....blurry screen :p

j/k :D , ubi montreal is an excellent studio!
I'm very impressed with those two screens actually... the detail has not been very noticeably compromised and Ubi-Mont has added an awesome new lighting engine with light blooms and accurate per-pixel lighting. The only other engine I have seen to have this particular sort of lighting is Rebel Strike's.

It could look better than the PC ver!
Xbox cant handle farcry.It maybe can tune down alot but nothing like it is on pc.You have to have 1 gig of memory on high setting on pc or it want even run smooth.















Thanks Im glad yall liked them.It is just funny to me whhen i see fanboys on consoles say the game doesnt inpress them and it doesnt look all that good and some saying it will look just as good.I mean some people need to use your brain.The effects in that game are sick and the lighting it would bring the xbox to a stop.