Factor 5: no more games for Nintendo's Gamecube.

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VNZ said:
Not to mention the criminally bad job U.S. Gold did of porting all the great Capcom and Sega games to C64/Amiga/etc.

Well, these machines really weren't suited to such conversions... They had too few joystick buttons (a whopping ONE, though all Commodore computers had 3 defined in the joyport), and the memory or color palette wasn't really enough either.

So no matter how good the coding, it would have looked and played pretty crap anyhow.
cybamerc said:
> only time will tell, if Capcom's 5 (except RE4) will being PS2 Ports or not

Then I suggest you keep such claims to yuorself in the future.

Condescendence and rude suggestions are not the best ways to have a nice and polite discussion.

Rumors have been posted like what they are...Rumors, you can argue that you don't like rumors and therefore my claims about that "almost all" capcom's 5 are being port to PS2 were not clear, ok my bad , i apologise about that, but when you asked "precisions" about that i bolded and underligned the fact that some part of my claims were based on "rumors". I never pretended that thoses were "solid facts", the only thing you can reproach me, is that i wasn't clear on my first post, that's all.

Anyway that's not the topic so i won't digress anymore about that.

try to ignore it. he and a few others are always like that when they think you're attacking nintendo. Even if it's only speculation, they will still go for the throat. I remember a thread about all 5 capcom games (with the exception of resident evil) ending up on other platforms months back, and the same people, with the same attitudes, came forth and started an argument, even though the comments originally came from people working at capcom, they will still argue it to the death.
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