Guden Oden said:
Sorry, we haven't had a Turrican for so long now, or indeed anything like it from any software vendor, one can hardly complain about lack of originality. Besides, those Turricans were side scrollers.
Such games, imho belongs to the past, because they're to far from today's standards.
By "today's standards" i mean that the level of difficulty of those game are galaxy away from today's games, and that was theirs challenge and theirs interrest.
IF you make those games easier , they will start being boring and damn shorts, back in the days , all those games have to be finished in one play, even those with password , had the classical "limited continues".
Today's games NEEDS save/load system, they also have to be "easier", or the game will bomb.
So if turrican comes back just like it was, it'll bomb , if it comes back easier , it'll be considered boring (See the PS2 game "Blowout" from Midway), the best they can do is a game with the "spirit" of Turrican.
marconelly! said:
Turrican 2 was awesome. Amiga version was the best IMO - very solid graphics, and it had *gorgeous* music, which just made the game
I agree with you here, the amiga version was the best version available
on a side note, a lot of persons (young and grown up) are complaining about multi-consoles games, funny when we remember the days of the C64,then came the atariST/Amiga, etc... the games were ported across all the computers available even if thos were really different technically speaking (number of colors, sprites , etc..).
And we have now peoples arguing about the great numbers of games being on all the machines...