Facebook is fucking useless!


Invisible Member
I kind of need to get hold of a relative, but it seems his phone number is not listed, so I found him on FB instead. Tried sending a message, but I don't know if it got through because FB said we were not 'linked', whatever the shit that means.

On the other hand, FB didn't say the message didn't go through either. *shrug* I really love this fucking ambiguity...!

Do I HAVE to 'friend' / get friended by someone before I can interact with them in any way? I don't want to do that. I just need to get hold of the guy.

Fuck this fucking facebook shit!

Ok. Maybe I can get hold of his wife instead. That'd work too...
Facebook does mark successfully sent messages with a checkmark, and then with the subtitle "seen" after its been opened. But messages from non-friends dont give imediate notifications to not encourage spam. These mesaages go to a special section called message requests which nobody ever sees. Their solution is not great, but I can definetly understand their reasoning.
I hate adds that are friends liking adds except they didn’t.

I don’t mind FB so much except at those times where I swear I will make my own completely free version where should you ever use it so much it needs actual funds to keep working you can choose to pay real money instead of having to deal with adds. Speaking of which, why the hell is youtube red not yet available in my country?
People generally prefer ad-financed websites over real money because most people don't have money to spend on every website they visit. I myself feel much the same, I already have enough running subscriptions in my life...
I betcha they're fudging the numbers, eg I'm prolly included as an active member even though I havent logged on in months, and only prolly 5x ever in my years there as a member, usually I have to reset my password when I log on since I have no idea what it is.
Too me facebook just looks so amateurish, it looks like a website from the early 2000s, obviously theyve tested this and its what the public wants
Right, its for stalking...
Well apparently psychopaths don't use facebook, pedophiles OTOH
Are you suggesting there are kids on Facebook? Because last I checked those mostly hang out on Pinterest and Snapchat and such.

For me, Facebook is for keeping my relatives up to date (many of whom live quite a ways away) and occasionally check in on old friends that moved far away (well actually I moved far away, but hey).
Instagram and Snapchat is mostly where the kids are.