EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 (rumor)

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Major Nelson had negative charisma.

I'm interested in hearing more about the new direction at Xbox.

The way I understand it right now is this:

PS titles are getting delayed PC release and that's not hurting Sony, so why can't some Xbox titles get delayed PS release?

MS believe they can't get PS users to jump ship so they may as well sell millions of games to them. They also believe that hardcore Xbox fans won't abandon the Xbox ecosystem, especially GP users. They may be right.

They aren't worried about devs abandoning Xbox since anyone releasing on PC can easily support Xbox versions.
I think you’re just seeing the beginning here to the transition point where Xbox is becoming a purely cloud service from this point forward.

The releasing of games on another platform is just a hold over until consoles head into that direction anyway.

If you don’t need to buy a hardware to play games, and all you need is a screen and controllers, no need to patch, etc. it’s probably where we will be eventually in the future anyway.

MS didn’t just buy ABK to fall out of market. This isn’t some rash decision made after winning ABK. This was always intended. We are probably on the last generation of Xbox hardware while they pivot to pushing games on cloud.

I would be very surprised if the announcements next week don’t at least talk about heading into this direction. Game ownership on cloud would be an interesting discussion and I’d be curious to see if they follow GeForce now model.

Not really sure what is about to happen of course. But cloud seems like the only realistic Segway for them given the discourse. When you give up hardware, you go somewhere else.

If there is a pro model of series X, it’s going to be on the cloud.
Now we're supposedly getting nextbox in 2026

Maybe MS has given up on this generation (understandable, at 2:1 sales) and is just trying to make as much money as possible while rushing out a new console gen they might actually succeed on.
There it is. Behind all of the smoke, there was a indeed a fire.
yup, and this is converting into a comedy. Tbh, as a MS fanboy whose first game was Microsoft Golf that was bundled with my first PC, I feel a bit sad that Xbox can't compete, but I am not too worried nor attached to the console.

I had a console during 9 years, and was an Xboxer, but like someone wrrote recently, if sonyers, xboxers, and nintendoers disappeared and only gamers were left, just plain and simple gamers, things might be better.
yup, and this is converting into a comedy. Tbh, as a MS fanboy whose first game was Microsoft Golf that was bundled with my first PC, I feel a bit sad that Xbox can't compete, but I am not too worried nor attached to the console.

I had a console during 9 years, and was an Xboxer, but like someone wrrote recently, if sonyers, xboxers, and nintendoers disappeared and only gamers were left, just plain and simple gamers, things might be better.
You’re right… but actually most people doesnt care. Most people just have their favorite platforms, favorite games and play them.

It happens that in some corners on the internet some dudes actually fight for brands/companies. What can we do…
Now we're supposedly getting nextbox in 2026

Maybe MS has given up on this generation (understandable, at 2:1 sales) and is just trying to make as much money as possible while rushing out a new console gen they might actually succeed on.
once the cat is out of the bag there isn't a way to put it back in. So if Ms starts announcing all their big games going multiplatform then the xbox is dead and a next gen system in 2026 would be doa. Why invest into a console that only gets MS games when you can invest in a playstation that gets sony games day one and xbox games down the road ? Why invest in an xbox when you can invest in a nintendo console that not only gets nintendo games day one buy also ms games down the line?

Why buy an xbox when you can buy a pc and get xbox games day one and playstation games dwon the line and be able to upgrade to always have the best visual quality ?

So hopefully spencer is clear and concise in whatever comes out next week. MS has been vague for to long as just as they were starting to turn the issue of content around that vagueness has come back to bite them in the ass.

IF Ms does exit the console industry I feel it will be a horrible event for console gamers. I would expect without other high end competition the price of sony consoles will swell in price while nintendo can double down on weak systems that are heavily reliant on thier ip and young kids.
If Microsoft tanks their way out of the console market it'll be interesting for PC too, because directx won't have nearly as big of a market in gaming. Could make the pc gaming space open for Valve/steamos/linux. Hell, it even opens things up for Apple. Very interesting times.

I have a feeling we'll still see some xbox exclusives. They'll hold back a few titles, but the majority of their catalog will be multiplatform out of necessity. Funny that xbox fans were so happy about the activision/blizzard purchase, but it ended up making multi-platform inevitable.
As far as I can tell the latest xbox has sold 21 million units, If they move to the cloud are they going to be able to create some sort of server farm with the power of 21 million xbox's
As far as I can tell the latest xbox has sold 21 million units, If they move to the cloud are they going to be able to create some sort of server farm with the power of 21 million xbox's

You make it sound like they'd abandon current hardware and move it to the cloud. :)

They want to be bigger than the console market, so 200m-300m active cloud users to keep the financial bods happy? Whether that's realistic or not. /Shrug. Clearly not this cycle, given the lack of mobile xCloud growth. I'm pretty sure MS is asking the question as to whether it's ever going to happen.

I'm assuming that the ultimate plan would be 'Xbox' just being another virtual machine on Azure. They'd never have anything like the full user base as concurrent users. Only MS have the data to know the peak number of virtual machines they'd need spin up. They have all the data on how people use their consoles.
Microsoft sells the exact same product as Sony. So why should it matters where you play their games?! I get more differences by buying nVidia instead of AMD than going with a Xbox. The market doesnt need two very similiar products at the same price point.
If MS want to go all in on Windows everywhere they should at least create a gaming focused mode for the OS that can be controlled via a gamepad. Not everyone wants to game all the time with their nose six inches in front of a monitor screen.
I think that they already doing something about it for the windows handleds segment
I'm not sure how Xbox is necessarily dead if there is a consistent 1-2 year timed exclusivity period before single player 1st party non-licensed Xbox titles appear on other consoles?

Not saying they will do that, but it makes the most sense if they are considering continued investment on Xbox hardware.

Now we're supposedly getting nextbox in 2026

Maybe MS has given up on this generation (understandable, at 2:1 sales) and is just trying to make as much money as possible while rushing out a new console gen they might actually succeed on.
They absolutely wont succeed if they try and release a new generation Xbox in 2026. It will be an even bigger disaster for so many reasons I've talked about before. It will be their end.

I honestly reject these rumors simply for the reasoning that they couldn't be so stupid. I know they could be, but I just dont want to believe they are. Surely there are people with functioning brains there that can understand the situation and how the current game industry works on even a basic enough level to grasp how completely terrible this idea is.
I honestly reject these rumors simply for the reasoning that they couldn't be so stupid.
The same people that made it all more complex for developers and marketing with the S to make it a trojan horse, and all that they can do with it is release a more expensive revision.
You make it sound like they'd abandon current hardware and move it to the cloud. :)

They want to be bigger than the console market, so 200m-300m active cloud users to keep the financial bods happy? Whether that's realistic or not. /Shrug. Clearly not this cycle, given the lack of mobile xCloud growth. I'm pretty sure MS is asking the question as to whether it's ever going to happen.

I'm assuming that the ultimate plan would be 'Xbox' just being another virtual machine on Azure. They'd never have anything like the full user base as concurrent users. Only MS have the data to know the peak number of virtual machines they'd need spin up. They have all the data on how people use their consoles.
I would hate to see another subscription based model (monthly/annual) take the form of a virtual based console machines.

Subscription prices would have to drop by quite a bit to make up for the loss of perpetual physical hardware ownership, or better yet offer the virtual machine as an free extension tied to GamePass purchases for anyone willing to forgo physical software ownership.
Xbox and PC are different platforms, so I don't think this necessarily means anything.
it wold cost nothing to them typing Xbox/PC or something along those lines, but you might have a point there.

Microsoft is going to completely suspend production of Xbox consoles in Q1 (and Sony are going to reduce PS5 production). Use a translator:

this change comes from the man who multiplied the value of Microsoft by 10, Tim Cook and Elon Musk eat your heart out.

Just in case this disappears, 'cos a similar tweet from another soure has been deleted before this one, here is the text:

Satya Nadella to rebrand Xbox to Microsoft Gaming. The brand that we’ve known for 24 years is outta there. Satya believes in a anywhere and everywhere approach when it comes other than gaming and cloud. Stay tuned for next week’s Microsoft Business Event, hosted by Satya. -rumor
Microsoft is going to completely suspend production of Xbox consoles in Q1 (and Sony are going to reduce PS5 production).

Both MS and Sony make devices outside of China. Hard to read much in the way of relative demand reduction from China alone.
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