EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 (rumor)

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It's funny because they were rejoicing that MS stole all these franchises to make them exclusive and now even their own games may be hitting PS
Which IPs are coming to PS though? Seems the third-party ones (before MS bought them) rather than XB's exclusives like Halo and Forza. Which makes sense as the ABK type titles were created around a market share that included tens of millions of PlayStations, so that's part of the business model and ABK making money. Removing those devices from those games audiences means hampering the earning potential of ABK and making it turn less money than before MS bought it, which probably isn't a great sell to the investors. "Yeah, we bought this huge publishers for crazy money making x millions a year, but now they make 15% less because we won't release their games on PS." I expect the investor response to be something along the lines of, "why the bloody hell not?!" Which leads to "um, yeah why not? Let's sell to PS and make more money."

The only reason not to is to use massive exclusive power at considerable cost to try to push gamers onto Xbox, which at $70 billion would likely be more expensive and less effective than subsidising every Xbox to sell at $100!
Please quote/screenshot tweets. In this case, it's been deleted?
it seems so, a wake-up call from someone at MS in the upper management, it seems. :unsure: It was from Mat Piscatella. He tweeted this, more or less, iirc:

He was saying that "If you've been doing things one way for 20 years and you don't get the expected results, the normal thing to do is to change and try another way. Maybe that will work. At least you've tried. Good decision" (my memory is kinda foggy regarding the tweet but I had read it).

He also posted things like this:

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Buying up studios for a console that isn't selling isn't the smartest of plays. This makes logical sense.

They want games to be a service and the underlying hardware can be anything.

Pretty much. If you spend $70 billion and expect that investment to turn into a profit, you pretty much have to sell your games to as many people as possible. It's already becoming super obvious that game development is becoming unsustainable for the big AAA games. You're pretty much a sinking ship if you spend $200 million making a game for a console with a limited user base. Sony are "winning" and even they are looking to expand their audience with PC for the same reason.

Wouldn't be surprised if xbox tries to keep one or two games a year exclusive, but if they have all of these studios and intend to have many games published every year there's no way they can all be exclusive.
I wonder if some of the shifting in strategy relates to certain development studios within Microsoft wanting to have broader access to more platforms to meet sales expectations, and warding off any potential layoffs or closures due to poor game unit sales.

I could see Ninja Theory, Zen/Bethesda, and other studios wanting the same level of access to capture more gamers (sells) as ABK has with COD on PlayStation, on making sure their games are successful. A level playing field internally, you might say.
  • Tim has heard that Call of Duty may not be coming to game pass.
  • Hardware sales have not met the projected sales and the CFO got spooked.
  • In the last three months of last year, they had consoles for $350 and no one cared.
  • Xbox One was more wanted than Series consoles.
  • They said the hardware is dead, and they are seeing declines in hardware year over year.
  • Game pass is unsustainable; the market they have is not enough to offset the cost.
  • Tim heard from someone at Microsoft that you may not like Xbox when they get Activision. They want ROI.
  • He heard that Xbox has an insane showcase with tons of games, but everyone is going to be saying asterisks.
  • The leaks happened because a Microsoft employee who didn't want this to happen leaked it, so there would be a public outcry.
  • Microsoft now has no problem buying more companies in the future if all games go to all platforms.
  • Tim thinks they will go all-digital, with ads on game pass (pre-roll or at the end of a chapter e.g. Like a Dragon) and AI community managers.
I wonder if some of the shifting in strategy relates to certain development studios within Microsoft wanting to have broader access to more platforms to meet sales expectations, and warding off any potential layoffs or closures due to poor game unit sales.

I could see Ninja Theory, Zen/Bethesda, and other studios wanting the same level of access to capture more gamers (sells) as ABK has with COD on PlayStation, on making sure their games are successful. A level playing field internally, you might say.
Fair enough. As long these studios continue to exist.
One interesting thing about the original rumor (Zenimax employee) is the part that “internet discourse isn’t considered”

Probably players who talk about games on Twitter, forums etc are a small part of the total, and the big mass of game consumers just play them (and some eventually read a gaming news here and there).

It serves as a reminder of how niche certain gaming circles are.
I could see that. It's the same way in the board gaming space. The market dwarfs the "online discourse" players.

I fully expect one more high end console from MS until xCloud can be viable in 2033 or something, but maybe Q4 2023 was just too painful for Xbox. They've sold more than the GameCube did in half the time, but that might not be enough to save the hardware division.
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Klobrille, a famous xboxer, seems to be disheartened and retiring. Sounds like a farewell, like he has been pensioned off.


I'll keep this short. This here has been my home from day one. I made friends here. And we had many intense discussions, both with disagreements and agreements. Just how it should be. While I saw many people here come and go, I tried to never forget where it all began. I learned so much here and I tried do give things back to this community, be it with hot takes, bad jokes or some visuals.

The baseline for being Klobrille always was the trust & credibility of the brand I support and my excitement for the path ahead. All of these three are at an all-time low right now. I've made the decision, depending on what's next or its scale, to take significant steps back and reduce the Klobrille persona, or eventually even retire it. It's a process that started last year already for me, I lack the excitement and energy for what's next, plus I'm shifting my focus to other, non-public things. You'll see when the time has come, but until then, this will likely be my last message here.

Much love. Thanks for everything. đź’š

- Klobrille
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Robert Morrison from Bend Studio, a 1st party Playstation developer shared this photo.

I don't see this as a "Doom" and "Gloom" scenario of Microsoft phasing out the XB hardware line, quite the opposite. I see them restructuring more of their efforts to support all platforms, and yet, providing more cheaper all-digital box solutions (such as S) and potentially mobile XB offerings.

At the very minimum, I don't see Microsoft exiting the console manufacturing space anytime soon, or another attempt at the next-generation.
imho, it's only doom and gloom for Phil Spencer, who I think is going to step down. He is much better than Mattrick, but he did anything significant enough for the Xbox to change course, other than being polite and making PR statements on other companies and stuff. He is okay though, I am not saying otherwise, but people like him o the retired Major Nelson aren't going to attract new people to a brand, in fact it's the opposite. MS has been smart enough to retire Major Nelson but anyways.
Which IPs are coming to PS though? Seems the third-party ones (before MS bought them) rather than XB's exclusives like Halo and Forza. Which makes sense as the ABK type titles were created around a market share that included tens of millions of PlayStations, so that's part of the business model and ABK making money. Removing those devices from those games audiences means hampering the earning potential of ABK and making it turn less money than before MS bought it, which probably isn't a great sell to the investors. "Yeah, we bought this huge publishers for crazy money making x millions a year, but now they make 15% less because we won't release their games on PS." I expect the investor response to be something along the lines of, "why the bloody hell not?!" Which leads to "um, yeah why not? Let's sell to PS and make more money."

The only reason not to is to use massive exclusive power at considerable cost to try to push gamers onto Xbox, which at $70 billion would likely be more expensive and less effective than subsidising every Xbox to sell at $100!
Gears of War is also on the cards apparently.
If Halo is in the cards, everything is, but we certainly don't know this yet. How can they wait until April to clarify all of this stuff?
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