Episode III

I dont get that criticism. They spent 3 movies slowly turning anakin to the darkside. But I dont see same criticisms for the 10 min the emperor tries to turn luke in ROTJ. Now that was contrived...

In fact I think Lucas gives anakin too many instances of coming out of the closet and yet he still makes it to the jedi council. There shouldve been a sequence where anakin is banished from the jedi because of all the previous sins he committed... But as it is his dramatic conversion to the dark side because of the violent events he walks into as Windu is about to kill the emp works for me.
pax said:
I dont get that criticism. They spent 3 movies slowly turning anakin to the darkside. But I dont see same criticisms for the 10 min the emperor tries to turn luke in ROTJ. Now that was contrived...

In fact I think Lucas gives anakin too many instances of coming out of the closet and yet he still makes it to the jedi council. There shouldve been a sequence where anakin is banished from the jedi because of all the previous sins he committed... But as it is his dramatic conversion to the dark side because of the violent events he walks into as Windu is about to kill the emp works for me.

ahhh, but thats covered because they're only going along with it because of the prophecy! which blinds em to the problems ;0 . also that obi-wan likes the kid/guy so defends him to yoda...

mind you , the emporer gives up with luke, he decides to kill him ...
oh yeah,, younglings,, the use of that word WAS the worst bit of the whole 6 films ;)
Yeah I suppose by the time of ep6 the empo relaizes hes too twisted and the fact of killing Lukes friends doesnt give him much time to make his sales pitch to the dark side...

Still it was a way weak pitch... Script should of seen him being sold on an uber power showcase or something... Maybe a resurrection force power that could resurrect one of his dead friends (Seeing the corpse of Leia or Han in the mind of Luke from a previous sequence...)...

Bleh no easy rescuing of that movie now... Maybe the tv show?
davefb said:
her adopted mother who of course would have been frightened as she was looking after one of vaders kids!!
Yes, it was a great plan to hide the young Luke and Leia on Tattooine. It would be the last place Annakin/Vader would have thought of looking if he wanted to find them :rolleyes:
As for "oh he changed to darth in 2 days" . EH ???
He went from loving father-to-be to slaughtering children and attempting to murder his wife in days.
That has to be the most barking statement ever. from the START the kid has a temper and is concerned about his mother
So it is with every teenage brat. Yet in the first two prequels he countlessly did good things, saving Obi Wan many times. The odd hissy fit hardly indicates you are about to become the evilest man in the galaxy shortly...
I thought the transition was really good , unrequinted love
I presume you mean unrequited? But his love for Padme wasn't unrequited - she loved him back.
Did you miss all the times Yoda mentions annakins fear and anger ? ?
Remember I do not :)

Which, I guess, is why they chose him for so many dangerous and critical missions? Which, I guess, is why he was the ideal candidate to spy on Palpatine, even though the Jedi suspected he was up to no good. Yeah, real clever to put the "chosen one" in such a position when they have doubts about his disposition. The dunces.

agree with you simon , thought it was really good entertainment!
If you like CGI and endless battles between people you don't care about, then yes. Apart from Palpatine not one character in III had the slightest charisma. Compare Annakin to Han Solo. Compare Padme to Leia. No contest.
Diplo said:
So it is with every teenage brat. Yet in the first two prequels he countlessly did good things, saving Obi Wan many times. The odd hissy fit hardly indicates you are about to become the evilest man in the galaxy shortly...

Well, Slaughtering a groups of sand people :?: including mothers and children in EPII is a bit more than a hissy fit. I don't know about where you live but where i'm from but your average teenage brat does not spend his/ her weekends laying waste for groups of Pikies, Travellers or Gypsies :p

Yes, it was a great plan to hide the young Luke and Leia on Tattooine. It would be the last place Annakin/Vader would have thought of looking if he wanted to find them

I don't think Leia went to Tattooine :?:

At the end of the day you can pick holes in most films and sequels are easier than most.

Sure there were things I didn't like about it:

A) the CGI intro just didn't engage me at all, just didn't draw me in even though it looked great. It wasn't a patch on the originals space combat sequences. It didn't even match up to the sequence in EPI :( Must have been down to the direction, although I did like the way the camera zoomed through the CGI into the cockpit of the crashed ship though :)

B) related tot he last point, I hated that Lizard thing Obi Wan was on

C) as with all the new films, Yoda speaks too much like Yoda.

On the positive side, as someone else already said I was impressed by the continuity of the whole thing, such as the Quigon :?: reference.

Overall I really enjoyed it, even if the end was a bit of a downer :)
davefb said:
I think she says she remembers "her mother",, NOT "her real mother".
I just assumed that meant she remembered her adopted mother who of course would have been frightened as she was looking after one of vaders kids!!..I

actually isn't leia replying to lukes question about "OUR" mother...

I thought Luke asks her about "her real mother".

Ahh, the joys of Google..
Luke turns and looks at her a long moment.

Leia... do you remember your mother? Your
real mother?

Just a little bit. She died when I was very

What do you remember?

Just...images, really. Feelings.

Tell me.

(a little surprised at his insistence)
She was very beautiful. Kind, but...sad.
(looks up) Why are you asking me all this?

He looks away.

I have no memory of my mother. I never knew
Diplo said:
davefb said:
her adopted mother who of course would have been frightened as she was looking after one of vaders kids!!
Yes, it was a great plan to hide the young Luke and Leia on Tattooine. It would be the last place Annakin/Vader would have thought of looking if he wanted to find them :rolleyes: .
But the emporer told Anakin that he had killed his own wife, ergo there would be no child to go looking for.
Simon F said:
Diplo said:
davefb said:
her adopted mother who of course would have been frightened as she was looking after one of vaders kids!!
Yes, it was a great plan to hide the young Luke and Leia on Tattooine. It would be the last place Annakin/Vader would have thought of looking if he wanted to find them :rolleyes: .
But the emporer told Anakin that he had killed his own wife, ergo there would be no child to go looking for.

That makes sense.

Still doesn't explain the fact that Leia remembers her mother. :?
Its a force thing! The jedi take kids as infants to train in the force why wouldnt she have at least some vague memories being the daughter of the strongest force endowed badass in the galaxy?

Its not hard to fill in the blanks for most of the holes some people see in the movies I find... I really only see ep6 as weak in that respect.
pax said:
Its a force thing! The jedi take kids as infants to train in the force why wouldnt she have at least some vague memories being the daughter of the strongest force endowed badass in the galaxy?

Its not hard to fill in the blanks for most of the holes some people see in the movies I find... I really only see ep6 as weak in that respect.


Why would she remember? If the force was that strong in her, she would be fighting! Going SSWWOOOSH SWWWOOSH with the neon lights and all that.
london-boy said:
Why would she remember? If the force was that strong in her, she would be fighting! Going SSWWOOOSH SWWWOOSH with the neon lights and all that.

Maybe she's a pacifist...

Seriously guys, the movie is just a sci-fi flick for the masses, you're all asking for some real "artwork" with some huge "story" - which these movies were never meant to be.
I thought Ep. III was pretty decent, but that's probably because the first two movies lowered my expectations a good bit! ;)

IMO the first third of the movie was pointless. Just a loose connection of totally unbelievable action sequences, featuring impressive but unconvincing CGI and lacking any kind of dramatic events. After that the movie got a good deal better and I really liked the way Obi-Wan played out. In the end I could really see some sort of connection between the Obi-Wan of Ewan McGregor, and the Obi-Wan of Alec Guinness.

Some things still stand out as particularly stupid. Like that noisy lizard Obi-Wan rides on. Yeah, that's what I'd choose to sneak up on the people you wanna spy on, NOT! Why do I have a feeling this and other things in the movies were basically just added to have another toy in the stores? Still, overall the 2nd half of the movie had a decent dramatic arc to it and worked out better than I expected from a continuity POV. Ignoring that 180° turn from arrogant prick to total mass murderer within a matter of minutes (yeah is was set up even in Ep. I, but the transition was still not believable).

I also weep at all the wasted opportunities to use the force. The original trilogy showed many subtle ways in which the force could be used, it made it fascinating and cool to be a Jedi. Yet in the prequels all it seems to be good for, is to turn Jedis into jumping, lightsabre-swinging ninja rip-offs. Lightsabre duels could have been fare more dramatic too, if used less frequently.

Throghout the whole trilogy, I couldn't get rid of the feeling that the story in the background was actually pretty good, in a nerdy SW fan kind of way, but the translation of those events into a dramtic piece of screenplay was just totally screwed up. Dialogue in general isn't Lucas' forte, but what he delievered in those 3 movies is truly horrible. So much potential, characters and actors wasted. The direction and editing was uninspiring too, Lucas is really a far better producer than he is a writer/director. Why, oh why, didn't he do the prequels the same way he did the original trilogy, hire a director and writer and just control everything from the background? :cry:

Well, at least the SW prequels improved from movie to movie and ended at their highest point. Unlike some other big-ass Sci-Fi trilogy I could name, which was the other way around ... *cough* Matrix *cough* ... :devilish:
london-boy said:
Sorry, just had to open a thread for this. I'm still shocked.

I have never seen a movie with such bad acting/script/timing. Considering the budget, i'm in total shock and astonishment at how on earth this movie - more so than the other 2 - got through quality control. My feeling is that they just wanted to release, get this weight off their shoulders, and get on with their lives.

It was so bad, i think i got goosebumps from the cringing.

Movies like this are what is keeping the human IQ as low as it is.

i DLed and watched...piece of crap....
Anakin is like THE most retarded person in the universe.... and thats allmighty Darth Vader from orginals?


/me pukes
I think overall there were just a ton of mistakes made in the writing, plotting and design process for the entire prequel trilogy in general.

There was really no character arc for Anakin from good->bad. What we were given were little flashes of bad, and the final 'turning' is just so odd it can't really be excused. Anakin attacks Mace. Mace dies as a result. Anakin feels terrible, realizing he did wrong. Anakin's reaction to how he feels? He completely and utterly surrenders to Palpatine and is dubbed 'Darth Vader.' Anakin's original bad deed in Ep2 had to do with vengence and anger, which is really not built upon at all in Ep3. Ep3 is solely about thirst for power in order to protect his wife.

Was also funny to see the dialogue so hokey and dumb in regards to exposition. I mean.. you've got like 7 hours of movie dedicated to Anakin, and due to using the time so inefficiently, they're forced to use lines like, 'my powers have doubled since we last met' or 'this is the 10th time I've saved you.' Lucas wasted one film with mostly pointless pretext, including a needlessly young character/actor that left their hands tied to progress the character any, he had to leave all the 'learning-jedi' phase of Anakin's story to the second film, and then all of the Anakin/Obiwan friendship, CloneWars, and Anakin being a powerful+good Jedi is left to crappy one-liner exposition.
I've just watched "Closer" (which I saw as a stage play in London about fifteen years ago), and Natalie Portman is so good, it's unbelivable how bad she is in the new Star Wars films. She's also got great performances in films like "Garden State" and even as a kid in "Leon", but she's crap in Sith. I can only blame Lucas for his poor writing and directing.

It looks to me like Lucas is now so far divorced from reality, he can no longer write for or direct real people. Give him a load of CGI action scenes and CGI artists to direct and he's fine, give him real people (and actors that we know can turn out great performances) and he's hopeless.
Maybe I should preface this post by saying that I'm not really into Star Wars, never was, and this was the first movie I actually saw in a cinema. (rather than catching it on TV when nothing else was on) Maybe I should also mention that I wouldn't have gone hadn't my nephew insisted on and paid for it, and it all basically came down to him wanting to finish Lego Star Wars (great game!) and me not wanting to do Episode 3 before seeing the movie.

Anyways, I can't say my expectations were high or anything, but damn, was that movie bad. :oops: The dialogue, the story, the screenplay, the acting and on top of that the hilariously coreographed light saber <strike>battles</strike> dances. :rolleyes:

I was laughing in all the wrong places, I was literally hitting my forehead to forget the idiocity of some of the lines and the only part I really enjoyed about this movie was when those Jedi turds got their ass handed to them by the retarded clone soldiers. Loved that!

Personally, I think I just lost my will to <strike>live</strike> watch any more Star Wars. - Nooooooooo ...