Episode III

London Geezer

Sorry, just had to open a thread for this. I'm still shocked.

I have never seen a movie with such bad acting/script/timing. Considering the budget, i'm in total shock and astonishment at how on earth this movie - more so than the other 2 - got through quality control. My feeling is that they just wanted to release, get this weight off their shoulders, and get on with their lives.

It was so bad, i think i got goosebumps from the cringing.

Movies like this are what is keeping the human IQ as low as it is.
That's why I didn't both to go and see it.
Just like 99% of AAA game titles, it's crap.

For me, Star Wars started on EP4 and ended at EP6.
K.I.L.E.R said:
That's why I didn't both to go and see it.
Just like 99% of AAA game titles, it's crap.

For me, Star Wars started on EP4 and ended at EP6.

I think War of the Worlds will be much better than this, and it's still a hollywood big budget movie...
I think like many others seem think, that it was a lot better than Ep. I and Ep. II.
It still has the horrible clash of styles, like classicism and art deco - probably in a lame attempt to make it feel prior to the *real* movies. It still has the blatantly misscasted actors like Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson and Hayden Christensen, the ship designs are horrible, the CGI very unconvincing and overused, and the saccharine tagged on love story unnecessary.
But if you can se beyond those issues, there is actually a rather good film underneath.
Not up to the standards of the classic Star Wars, but still very much better than 90% of the garbage out there.

As for the acting, was that ever really good in any of the other movies?
l-b, you're right with Ep.III, but just because you expected too much.

I expected lots of cool visuals and a nonsense-cartoonish story just to support the visuals and I liked it as such.
Squeak said:
I think like many others seem think, that it was a lot better than Ep. I and Ep. II.
It still has the horrible clash of styles, like classicism and art deco - probably in a lame attempt to make it feel prior to the *real* movies. It still has the blatantly misscasted actors like Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson and Hayden Christensen, the ship designs are horrible, the CGI very unconvincing and overused, and the saccharine tagged on love story unnecessary.
But if you can se beyond those issues, there is actually a rather good film underneath.
Not up to the standards of the classic Star Wars, but still very much better than 90% of the garbage out there.

As for the acting, was that ever really good in any of the other movies?

Better than 90% of the garbage out there? Such as?

This movie had by far the worst acting i've seen in years. Blame whoever, i blame the script and the director personally, but Ep 3 is definately not better than 90% of movies released. I'd go as far as saying it's one of the worst movies i've seen in years.

There were funny moments, where no humans were involved, and that should tell you something...

CGI was good, but how hard can it be to make good CGI.

I must have not gone deep enough to "see the good movie underneath"... :? ;)
_xxx_ said:
l-b, you're right with Ep.III, but just because you expected too much.

I expected lots of cool visuals and a nonsense-cartoonish story just to support the visuals and I liked it as such.

I expected that too, and enjoyed the few good things about it, but the acting was insulting. A total insult to people's intelligence.
london-boy said:
I think War of the Worlds will be much better than this, and it's still a hollywood big budget movie...
It's inexcusable that they chose to set it in a modern day setting. War of the Worlds is so heavily rooted in turn of century style (19-20th that is), that it simply doesn't work in a modern setting. It will be a completely different story.
london-boy said:
Better than 90% of the garbage out there? Such as?
Let's turn the question around, name me 10 movies out of the those release in, say the past year that are better than Episode III.

CGI was good, but how hard can it be to make good CGI.
It was very evident whenever CGI was involved. CGI is just not ready for the kind of grand and general use, that many movie creators seem to think it fit for.

I honestly think that good use of real models and puppets, like in the original movies, look more real and have more charm.
With CGI modelled stuff, it's not just the way it's lit and textured that looks unconvincing, it’s even more so the way that it moves.
I have a strong suspension that it's because almost all of the animation is still handcrafted by animators trained in classical 2D animation, where you need much squash, stretch and exaggeration to make it look expressive.
That's fine for light, stylised 2D characters, but not so for heavy looking realistic lit models.
Squeak said:
Let's turn the question around, name me 10 movies out of the those release in, say the past year that are better than Episode III.

Well i don't think i've seen 10 movies in the last few months. All i can say is that out of the few i've seen, this was the worst acted one.
It was very evident whenever CGI was involved. CGI is just not ready for the kind of grand and general use, that many movie creators seem to think it fit for.

I honestly think that good use of real models and puppets, like in the original movies, look more real and have more charm.
With CGI modelled stuff, it's not just the way it's lit and textured that looks unconvincing, it’s even more so the way that it moves.
I have a strong suspension that it's because almost all of the animation is still handcrafted by animators trained in classical 2D animation, where you need much squash, stretch and exaggeration to make it look expressive.
That's fine for light, stylised 2D characters, but not so for heavy looking realistic lit models.

That's true, some scenes, especially with the "clones", you caould noticed for a fraction of a second, sometimes longer, that they moved like puppets, worse than PS1 games for god's sake. Totally wrong.
SW is camp, and in tradition to old 50's B-movies.
And it's great as it is.
I loved EP3, and EP1 and EP2, EP4, EP5, EP6
I too wonder why westerners/east asians are so crazy about Star Wars as if it were the best movie Hollywood has ever made. Jedi's tube light type swords are so hilarious and not to mention the one to one fighting.
Deepak said:
I too wonder why westerners/east asians are so crazy about Star Wars as if it were the best movie Hollywood has ever made. Jedi's tube light type swords are so hilarious and not to mention the one to one fighting.

See guys?

That's coming from someone who grew up with bread, water and Bollywood. :D
I don't think the acting in SW1-3 is that much worse than in most other scifi/fantasy movies. Well, LOTR did put the bar a bit high, but apart from them...

It's just that there's less acting, even though there's much more happening than in many other films... and the dialogue is sometimes so bad it must be hard to act them well :)
EPIII did have quite a many good moments, and even well acted ones.
Some scenes with Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) were good, as were the ones where Padme (Natalie Portman) showed her skills in good crying.
Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) had good moments, especially towards the end, as did Anakin (Hayden Chrisitansen).

I think all the actors consistently surpassed for example Keanu Reeve's acting in Matrixes (what memorable dialogue or scenes did he have in those films, I don't remember any that shone for their acting, same goes for other characters too) :D
rabidrabbit said:
I don't think the acting in SW1-3 is that much worse than in most other scifi/fantasy movies. Well, LOTR did put the bar a bit high, but apart from them...

It's just that there's less acting, even though there's much more happening than in many other films... and the dialogue is sometimes so bad it must be hard to act them well :)
EPIII did have quite a many good moments, and even well acted ones.
Some scenes with Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) were good, as were the ones where Padme (Natalie Portman) showed her skills in good crying.
Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) had good moments, especially towards the end, as did Anakin (Hayden Chrisitansen).

I think all the actors consistently surpassed for example Keanu Reeve's acting in Matrixes (what memorable dialogue or scenes did he have in those films, I don't remember any that shone for their acting, same goes for other characters too) :D

I thought SW was much worse than the matrix movies - and i despise the matrix sequels. What worries me is that the editing itself was just bad. The timing of the dialogues were totally off, if the lines themselves and the bad acting wasn't enough of a problem already.
I was going to write in my post about the editing and bad timing, but wasn't sure was it really there or did I just remember wrong.
I'm glad you brought that up, the editing really did make the acting worse.
rabidrabbit said:
I was going to write in my post about the editing and bad timing, but wasn't sure was it really there or did I just remember wrong.
I'm glad you brought that up, the editing really did make the acting worse.

I have an eye for those things.

And personally, the Anakin guy was 100 times worse than Keanu. And that's saying something.
Anyone complaining about script and acting in this one should first get their memory wiped out and then watch any film in the original trilogy. Now there's some real turkey - Luke getting education from Obi-Wan, Luke telling Leia of being her brother... Actually, Luke doing anything. Even Harrison Ford manages to give shivers on some occasions.

Somehow people seem to forgive all this for the original films. Maybe it's just nostalgia, having seen it many years ago.