Enchant Arm

Well, that's almost a hallmark of Japanese RPGs or Manga. Often the hero is rather simple-minded but straight-forward. Plus, there's usually an know-it all in the party. I suppose, it's not to intimidate the average Joe or to have the details explained to player via proxy.

Ya but this is over the top, like I said I haven't gotten into the meat of it so I'll hold off judgement, but jeez, a simple script rewrite would've worked wonders.

Can anyone answer my question about the VO's? I just want to know if I should take this back to EB and get a replacement.
I practically broke a sweat trying to like that game.
They're still two games!! :p

For my own addition to the Enchanted Arms commentary, though, I will simply add what a friend said about Makoto's english voice acting:

"Every time he speaks is like a hate crime waiting to happen."
ERP: My game, much of the dialogue's don't have voice overs. It seems almost random, like even the main characters don't always have voice overs when they're conversing. Is this a glitch on my disc? Or is this how it is for you too?? It seems to me that all text should have voice overs, especially since their lips are moving, so I'm thinking I got a bad disc or something (it was pre-owned).

No that's how it is.
I skip motst of the voiceovers, so it doesn't really bother me.
I read in another forum that the Japanese track has more voice overs than the English one. :?: Haven't tried this yet as my game still hasn't gotten to me in the mail. :???:

Probably an issue with the localisation then.
If I had to guess, they did all the voice overs first then some of he dialogue was changed.
Spoken voice is a pain in the ass, sine you can't trivially revise what you record.
Ya but this is over the top, like I said I haven't gotten into the meat of it so I'll hold off judgement, but jeez, a simple script rewrite would've worked wonders.

Can anyone answer my question about the VO's? I just want to know if I should take this back to EB and get a replacement.

It gets better, favorite part so far is when your party member ha to explain how to use a ladder. :)
I'm just worried about the long-term implications of this decision. The fact that it had an "Only for the XBOX" label and ended up being cross-platform could be detrimental to the strength of the brand-image. Though the game is mediocre by most reviews, it's still the first next-gen JRPG, which is particularly big for the XBOX. Having it ripped away is going to have some kind of reprecutions.
Well I just finished this game after picking it up on Ebay for half-price. I thought I'd drag up this thread again rather than using the PS3 port thread to discuss my impressions.

I think Penny Arcade's "review" was spot on. This game sets its goals a little low, and executes on them extremely well. They're not trying to reinvent the genre, they're just playing within pre-existing rules.

The story was fun, a little light, but most RPG's are nonsense anyway. The visuals were a mixture, with some really interesting character design mixed with some gorgeous environments. Effects were rather bland, but overall it was definitely a step up over last gen's JRPG visuals.

I recommend any self-respecting JRPG lover with a 360 to sink some hours into this game. It's enjoyable, good old-fashioned fun.
great game -- pick it up for $20 from best buy

this game is under appreciated. Bestbuy Canada (in-store only) has it on sale for CAN$20 for their boxing week sale.

Pick it up and try it out today.
If your an RPG fan $20 bucks for this title is not a bad investment especially if you are waiting for the heavy hitting next gen RPGs to be released.