Elite Dangerous [XBO]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11852
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Hopefully Frontier change their mind about adding face tracking on xbox.

We asked the Frontier devs if they had any intention of utilizing the Xbox’s Kinect to do facial recognition and head tracking (which on the PC enables players to open and close control panels simply by looking at them), and at least for now, there are no plans to do so.
I'm not sure it would be accurate enough, with the TrackIR you are using dedicated hardware to help track and generally sitting a couple feet away. Sitting in a front room, with no hardware on your head to help the Kinect at ~6ft+ would be really limiting IMHO and probably be more frustating than anything else.
I hear it works well with Forza. Keep asking I say, gyro steering was added to Project Cars as well in the latest patch. If enough people ask ...
Hopefully Frontier change their mind about adding face tracking on xbox.

Maybe they aren't using Kinect to have some extra rendering capabilities. So I don't think they are going to use it.

I hear it works well with Forza. Keep asking I say, gyro steering was added to Project Cars as well in the latest patch. If enough people ask ...
In my experience with Forza 5, yes, it worked and when it did it was very cool. The problem is that the system was so erratic, it always ended up decalibrating.

I'd place my shoulders and head right in front of Kinect where it could see me upfront, or so I thought. There was a long horizontal line and a dot in the middle where your head should be indicating when it was calibrated -if the dot was in the center you were good to go-.

But for some reason, the dot sometimes went all the way to the right, other times it went all the way to the left instead of being in the center of the line. So I ended up thinking that proper calibration was impossible.

Head tracking worked more or less the same though, but when decalibrated you had to "violently" tilt your head instead of making a smooth movement, it was distressing if you do that and your shoulders hurt a bit, I tried...
yep, that's what I mean - sure it'll 'work' but will it 'work properly' - if it went screwy during a dogfight and you lost a load of cargo would you use it again? If they can add support for the delanclip (or more likely a similar MS solution) then sure it should be fine
Hmm, that sounds worse than the PS Eye headtracking in GT5 ... How close were you to the Kinect? Maybe too close?
Hmm, that sounds worse than the PS Eye headtracking in GT5 ... How close were you to the Kinect? Maybe too close?
70cm to 1,20m away. Perhaps a bit close, but calibration never complained, and the circle moved in the horizontal line when I was calibrating it just fine. Distance didn't seem to matter much, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. When it did it decalibrated itself after a while, for some odd reason, I hadn't moved the chair around.

Battlefield 4 head tracking worked a lot better from the get go, no calibration needed, but I didn't get past the first level, just purchased BF4 because there wasn't many games at launch. I also got CoD: Ghosts , worst decisions ever, that money is lost and didn't play nor enjoy those games much
BF4 on the xbone had head tracking? Damn, I've always wanted that in a battlefield game.
Hmm, I feel it should work better from 1,50 or so, but I don't know for sure.
BF4 on the xbone had head tracking? Damn, I've always wanted that in a battlefield game.
it had body tracking for leaning, not really head tracking from what I recall. There might have been more if in 3rd person in a vehicle but I am not sure on that.
yep, that's what I mean - sure it'll 'work' but will it 'work properly' - if it went screwy during a dogfight and you lost a load of cargo would you use it again? If they can add support for the delanclip (or more likely a similar MS solution) then sure it should be fine
With all those gadgets how much I wish I had a good computer. I miss the PC.


I am in the process of building one, but it might take a year, when the new graphics cards are out.
The beta is public now for free. I've downloaded it, will try to share my impressions one of these days.
Good luck, Commander!

Not sure what you get in the beta exactly. This game can seem overwhelming at first. Don't be afraid to just get out there and make some mistakes. You'll have your own spaceship. Go through the ship's menus and press a few buttons to see what happens.

The only thing I would suggest to research as you get started is how not to overshoot your destinations when coming out of supercruise.
Good luck, Commander!

Not sure what you get in the beta exactly. This game can seem overwhelming at first. Don't be afraid to just get out there and make some mistakes. You'll have your own spaceship. Go through the ship's menus and press a few buttons to see what happens.

The only thing I would suggest to research as you get started is how not to overshoot your destinations when coming out of supercruise.
Thanks commander. Introduce yourself again, because it's not easy to know every single commander in space now. :)

I am a member of a fraternal order, the leader even. If you are a supreme commander and need a wing commander, you can count on me, if you value the things our order fight for, which is freedom, justice, demon hunting, and perfection chasing. Honour above all. If so, you are in.

We will name you our supreme commander if you pass the trials, and you will be the supreme commander of a hundred city infantry, in space.

If you don't, you will be a nominal commander in our order. But you will always have a chance to show your supreme skills and be our supreme commander and build an empire with us that will stand the tests of time. :)

On a different note, I managed to complete a few missions, but I have less that 60 minutes to do so before the beta expires for me. In fact, first time I played I had less than 60 minutes to play it. I think I am quite close to reach the limit...
I have no idea why a beta would be so time constrained. Sounds more like 'demo' than 'beta'.
I have no idea why a beta would be so time constrained. Sounds more like 'demo' than 'beta'.

That's what it is. They even said as much during the E3 presentation. Early Access = pay to be in the BETA. 60 minutes free = demo to try it before you pay any money.

Early access has existed for a while on PC, but XBO is improving on that by allowing you to at least try it to see if the game is in a state you wish to pay money for.

A person should NEVER enter Early Access unless...

1. They are absolutely positive they want to play the game no matter what.
2. They enter it with the knowledge that Early access does not represent the final game, and that the final game may be drastically different than what they experience when they first enter early access.
3. The game may potentially never be "finished" and will be in perpetual BETA and/or work stopped on it. Then again it may get finished.

I'm sure Microsoft will attempt to do their best to vet the games that get in so as to minimize the risk associated with [3] and to some extent [2]. Elite Dangerous, for example, is a relatively safe bet considering it's state on the PC.

Ah, so there are two options for playing Elite on the xbox? I didn't realise that.