OK, I'm quite obviously slow at this game as I love exploring.
And now part of my exploration has led me to find a path that bypasses the first 2 story bosses (I'll obviously have to go back to them to continue the story) and I've now got access to the next major area.
I basically skipped a castle which has as much explorable content as I've already played. And looking across this vast expanse that I can now see. I think I see at least 3 more explorable castles as well as a vast expanse of explorable wilderness.
Basically, there are multiple ways to do anything and everything in the game. If you get stuck on something, honestly, just go explore and adventure somewhere else. When you come back, you'll likely be more powerful and what had you stuck will be something you'll be able to then handle relatively easily.
I'm over 30 hours in and I've still mostly been in the starting areas just farting around, leveling, exploring, fighting, and having a grand old time.
I'd also completely forgotten how you could summon other players to help you with boss fights. I did that with a giant bear boss that was giving me trouble.
Looking at the map, with how slowly I'm taking things. I'd estimate it's going to take me close to 300 hours to finish the game.

I'm like maybe 5% of the way through it. And that might be optimistic. It may be (probably is) even less. I've played MANY AAA games with less content than I've already played.
Of course, if you're faster at this (better at the combat) then it can obviously be finished much faster.
The key thing is, 30 hours in, I'm still playing an open world game. More importantly, I'm still having just as much fun as when I first started. I'm still coming across world areas that make my jaw drop at how incredibly well designed it is.
Hell, this vista I'm looking at is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Graphically, it's not as technically accomplished as Forza Horizon 5 or Horizon Forbidden West, but aesthetically and artistically, it evokes feelings of awe that neither of those games really did for me. Unlike any game before it, it really
feels like I'm in an epic fantasy where some of what I see is beyond what my mind could have imagined prior to seeing it in the game.
It's extremely rare that a game can conjure up images or scenes that surpass what I can imagine. For me, this is a shiny example of a game that can.