EB: Gainward SoundXplosion 5.1 Channel Headphones


Gainward was kind enough to send me a set of SoundXplosion 5.1 channel headphones to check out, I put up my review of them over here:

Ok, I was just as nuts/gonzo about Doom3 coming out as anyone else. I'd been upgrading my PC for the better part of a year in preparation for it when just a few weeks before it came out I read about what a big deal the surround sound was. I think the exact quote was, "if you don't have 5.1 speakers, GET THEM!", that got me started thinking about headphones. I have a very good 4.1 speaker set-up that I've always been more than happy with, but I wondered if indeed I was missing out on something by not having true 5.1 surround.

Then I found out they made 5.1 channel headphones and a little light bulb went off over my head and I figured they'd be the perfect accessory to get to better enjoy my Doom3 experience.
Find out what I thought of 'em over here and my thanks to Charlotte Su of Gainward for all her help/patience with this.
I have a bud who wasn't too impressed with Zalman's headphones. Said the effect was poor and the unit itself uncomfortable.
The Gainward SoundXplosions were comfy as hell. They're lightweight despite their robust looks.

I really did like these headphones, they oozed quality and geek-neat. 8)