Dreamcasts roll in the origins of the XBox fan base

XBox owners, did you formerly own Dreamcast?

  • I owned a Dreamcast, and I'd probably still be there if it hadn't been killed off. Now on XBox.

    Votes: 23 15.5%
  • I owned a Dreamcast, but I would have gotten the XBox anyway. I now own that XBox.

    Votes: 35 23.6%
  • I never owned a Dreamcast, but you better believe I own an XBox.

    Votes: 34 23.0%
  • Not an XBox owner - just watching the poll

    Votes: 56 37.8%

  • Total voters
I think if you actually asked, most people who bought an Xbox are/were PC gamers, not Sega fans.

Most Sega games failed miserably on the Xbox. Seems strange if the majority of Xbox owners were Sega fans.
I have to say, those points brought up are eerie, but page two of the article has a lot of truth in it which is why Xbox 360 will surpass the dreamcast.
BlueTsunami said:
#21 and #23 made me laugh. Crazy bald white guy. :LOL:

Its ok, not everyone can be BORICUA SOY!!!

That was interesting parallels, all of which I think our many threads have covered. Although with one posting it I was surprised it had a page 2 :LOL:
My owning a DC had no effect on my decision to buy an xbox. The only thing it has done to/for me is want another Skies of Arcadia, and be pissed off at people selling the BBA for $150.
Well voting seems to be winding down, and the results thus far are fairly interesting.

* ~61% of B3D XBox owners formerly or still own Dreamcast

* of that 61%, roughly a third seem to have adopted XBox as a console to replace or stand in for their Dreamcast upon it's death, while the rest feel that the appeal of XBox would have been enough on it's own to warrant it's purchase, Dreamcast's survival not being relevent

Going into the poll I would have expected fewer XBox owners to previously have owned Dreamcast - that's actually quite a large number - but of those individuals I might have expected a higher than 33% 'loyalty' to the system.

Anyway like I've indicated before, this poll wasn't to see what happened to the Dreamcast owners - because I know some people were kind of agitating for that - but simply to see how much of the XBox user base is/was linked to Dreamcast formerly.

I think next I'll try to determine what the trends are in the PS2 userbase throughout the years. With the most consoles sold, it'd be interesting to see how many bought it early on and then later abandoned it to go to one of the other consoles, how many enjoy it exclusively, how many enjoy it and own other consoles as well, and how many actually just recently bought it to supplement their 'primary' console, or in fact to switch to the PS 'side' altogether.
I owned a Dreamcast and now own an Xbox, but I moved onto GameCube after Dreamcast. (not even completely though, I think I bought Shenmue 2 after I got my GameCube, probably that Winter) I only got an Xbox more recently because I was interested in online play.

I don't think the Dreamcast fanbase really crossed over to Xbox, but rather over to GameCube and PS2. I don't think there's a single Sega game that's sold well on Xbox, yet the Sonic and Super Monkey Ball games did extradonairily well on GameCube (plus Nintendo and Sega have a somewhat common heritage), and Virtua Fighter 4 and the Sega Sports games did well on PS2. I'd say the classic Sega fans (those who grew up with Sonic) went to Nintendo, and the ones who grew up with Sega as the hip company (arcade games, Sega Does What Nintendon't, and the various things Sega tried to do to be mainstream) went to PS2.