Dreamcasts roll in the origins of the XBox fan base

XBox owners, did you formerly own Dreamcast?

  • I owned a Dreamcast, and I'd probably still be there if it hadn't been killed off. Now on XBox.

    Votes: 23 15.5%
  • I owned a Dreamcast, but I would have gotten the XBox anyway. I now own that XBox.

    Votes: 35 23.6%
  • I never owned a Dreamcast, but you better believe I own an XBox.

    Votes: 34 23.0%
  • Not an XBox owner - just watching the poll

    Votes: 56 37.8%

  • Total voters
london-boy said:
They might have tried to boicott Sony by buying MS and Nintendo hardware initially, but i'm sure that any real Sega fan bought a PS2 when they realised that it was the only console they could play VF4 on. ;)

Only sad loonies calling themselves "real Sega fans" would miss out on VF4.

Damn there goes my "real Sega fan" status.:devilish:
I find this thread fairly symptomatic of why the Console Forum bothers me a lot of the time (and yet I can't keep away!).

A couple of quick facts:
I am able to have enjoyed the Dreamcast without being a Sega Fan.
I am able to own an Xbox without being a Microsoft fan.
I am able to dislike Sony for many reasons without having Sega-fueled anti-Sony hatred.

Try that on for size ;) My preferences are based on my experiences, not on brand loyalty. I imagine there's a lot of people here who are in the same boat (be it on the other side of the fence).
I think the corelation has less to do with dreamcast and the xbox then it has to do with sega and the xbox. A lot of sega fans passed on the dreamcast due to sega's troubled history. A big part of the dreamcast fanbase was into sports and Visual Concepts which I've never really seen as being a part of sega. A number of friends bought dc systems just for 2k football and basketball and couldn't have cared less about titles like VF3TB or Sonic Adventure.

I've owned each and every sega home console system released with the exception of sega's add-ons like 32x and the cd add-on. Certainly one of the factors influencing my xbox purchase was sega's output on the xbox. Games like JSRF, Gun Valykrie, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue 2 among others tipped me in favor of an xbox and those titles with the exception of shenmue 2 were xbox exclusives. A lot of sega fans even break down their allegiances down to the various divisions. Some are AM2 fans, others Smilebit, and so on. Also, there were numerous rumors surrounding a potential buyout of sega by MS.
wco81 said:
People believe EA was already in bed with Sony when they declined to support the DC.

EA has said they didn't like Sega making their own sports games, after they had to brawl against Sony for football on the PS1. NFL2K was certainly a high-profile showcase game for the DC.

But the conspiracy theorists believe EA is continuing this pattern by not optimizing their games for the Xbox, instead of the PS2, which is where they originally developed their engine.

They also blame EA for not being on XBL sooner, not beliving that MS may have had a role in the impasse.

there is some truth to some of this, though. visual concepts was formerly commisioned by EA sports to make madden nfl '96 (i think, i'm not a football fan in the least. it's the only year with a missing madden on current hardware) for playstation and saturn, but never finished it in time, or at least not as fast as ea wanted. VC later developed the 2k series for the dreamcast of course, but in the mean time, IIRC, finished up whatw ould have been madden 96, sans any ea/madden, and got published by VR sports in for '96, and developed nfl 97 using the same technology. i don't think ea was very happy about the situation at all. it's pretty rare for EA to not support a platform at all, even when it's not imediatly profitable for them. look at all of the sports love they gave the gamecube, including platform specific features like GBA connectivity. and they were right there for the launch of the ngage and gizmondo. there had to be something going on behind the scenes for EA to not shovel something onto the DC.

as for the xbox live vs. ea sports debate... i'm still not sure what the issue was, but MS stopped developing it's nfl fever series around the time ea began supporting live.
london-boy said:
They might have tried to boicott Sony by buying MS and Nintendo hardware initially, but i'm sure that any real Sega fan bought a PS2 when they realised that it was the only console they could play VF4 on. ;)

Only sad loonies calling themselves "real Sega fans" would miss out on VF4.

For that reason pretty much I bought a PS2... that and Pro Evo soccer.

I had a DC never owned an Xbox, where is that option on the poll?
I chose the 3rd option as I didn't own a DC when I bought my Xbox.

I bought a DC secondhand after I'd already purchased a PS2, GC + Xbox, due to recommendations for Soul Calibur and Shenmue (which IMO are very overrated). Xbox I didn't purchase for any particular reason, just because I could I guess - I didn't want to play any specific games on it. I'm happy with all the consoles except DC (my favourite game on it is Ikaruga and its on GC).

I can definitely see a Sega fan migrating to Xbox instead of PS2/GC for a number of reasons though, not least of all the Sega support.
I went from DC to PS2 at launch, to xbox and GC at there respected launches, as for next gen I am skipping there launch, PS3, 360, and, Rev don't interest me.
wco81 said:
And yet, you're reading and posting in a console forum...

Just because they don't interest me doesn't mean I am not gonna buy them, or that I hate consoles, until I see actual gameplay that makes me jump up and say wow that looks like fun these system don't interest me, none of 360 launch titles, or games that are in production for PS3 and 360 have me saying damn I must get this system.
I think Microsoft got the Sega Sports fans, but the fans of Sonic moved to the GameCube. Virtua Fighter fans had no choice but to go to the PlayStation 2, but it seems that the 5th in the series will be on multiple platforms. I don't really think any of the other series had a fanbase large enough to matter.
I bought a Dreamcast in 2000, sold it in 2001 to pay for GameCube. Bought Xbox in 2002, bought Dreamcast back in late 2003 for $20.

Dreamcast rocks. It's not the greatest system ever (SNES, anyone?) but near the top.
Blade said:
I bought a Dreamcast in 2000, sold it in 2001 to pay for GameCube. Bought Xbox in 2002, bought Dreamcast back in late 2003 for $20.

Dreamcast rocks. It's not the greatest system ever (SNES, anyone?) but near the top.
Yeah, there was just something special about the DC. I love my Xbox for its controller and for Xbox Live, my PS2 for games like Ico and KD, my GC because of...hmm, guess I just have a softspot for Nintendo. But the DC was just a good system and I really don't know why.

I have to say that Sega game sales on XBox seem to completely contradict the idea that XBox is the Sega fans new console.
The highest baseline of sales for Sega games is on the Xbox which indicates that the system has the most buyers dedicated to the company, yet the highest average sales for Sega games is on the GameCube which demonstrates that the system has the largest crossover of fanbases and presents the best opportunity.
Certainly. I own 4 Sega games on Xbox (JSRF, Shenmue II, GUNVALKYRIE, PDO) and 4 on GameCube (SMB1&2, Sonic Heroes, Sega Soccer Slam) so I enjoyed both lineups..
Mefisutoferesu said:
Told ya :)

Thanks for the link one.

(Sorry, Xbd, couldn't resist)

It's ok. ;)

Comments based on any one of One's humor-targeted posts get a pass.