Dreamcasts roll in the origins of the XBox fan base

XBox owners, did you formerly own Dreamcast?

  • I owned a Dreamcast, and I'd probably still be there if it hadn't been killed off. Now on XBox.

    Votes: 23 15.5%
  • I owned a Dreamcast, but I would have gotten the XBox anyway. I now own that XBox.

    Votes: 35 23.6%
  • I never owned a Dreamcast, but you better believe I own an XBox.

    Votes: 34 23.0%
  • Not an XBox owner - just watching the poll

    Votes: 56 37.8%

  • Total voters
erm, where's the

'i owned a dreamcast and i wouldn't get an xbox even if they were giving it for free.'

jvd said:
I went gamcube .

dc to gamecube .

so did i. due to complex reasons, the leading of which being exclusive titles.

but technically speaking the only other console that was in the same cost/performance league as the dreamcast this gen was the cube.
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i never bought a system on launch,always traded them for the next one when i played their AAA exclusive titles.(i'm still keepin' my cube for twilight princess though)
NES ---> Genesis ---> N64 ----> PS2 + Gamecube ---> 360

In retrospect I wish I had gone with a SNES instead of a Genesis and an Xbox instead of a PS2. But hey, what can you do?
@Johnny Awesome: Well, it was really the Dreamcast ---> XBox connection I was interested in, but you're more than welcome to start a poll asking what happened to Dreamcast owners in general. Certainly this thread is providing a window into that regardless it seems though. :)

@Darkblu: You're right, I probably should have put an option for Dreamcast owners who actually loathe MS' console, just for statistical purposes, but again I was really looking at it more from an XBox perspective.
Gamecube is the only current-gen console I've purchased after Dreamcast. I still find myself buying and playing more Dreamcast games though.

It's true there is a lot in common between Dreamcast and Xbox, but in the end, it matters little as the types of games each consoles cater to is very different. Microsoft's involvement in developing an OS for Dreamcast may have encouraged them to enter the console business, taking Dreamcast as a benchmark model, but so was Sony. They were impressed by the potential of Sega CD which catapulted them to create a CD-ROM add-on for SNES, which once again catapulted to creating their own Playstation. I see little similarities between SegaCD and Playstation in terms of gaming experience however. Sega's very own SegaCD was inspired from Turbo Grafx CD, but once again, both NEC and Sega went separate ways on contents on each of their CD-ROM add-ons.

Dreamcast may have been a spiritual successor of Saturn in terms of hardware features, (eg. Netlink to DC online) but each consoles offered distinct gaming experience to set them apart. Dreamcast didn't quite rely on PC developers, Xbox took them to the full steam. Xbox is also absent of large libraries of arcade games that made Sega's consoles unique.

The controllers may feel similar, they may share same dedication to online games, they may both show great support for progressive scan, but they are no longer the same when it comes to games. I once felt a sense of apathy towards Xbox when JSRF, Gun Valkyrie, and Panzer Dragoon were announced, but today, I just accept Xbox as a distinct platform of its own.

With the unfortunate demise of DC, I don't feel any sense of belonging towards any of the venders anymore. I'm now impartial towards all three remaining venders. Nintendo and Sony may have damaged Sega in the past, but it's all in the past.

Very few of my Dreamcast friends see Xbox as a spiritual successor of Dreamcast, like me. Most think Xbox as a heavy derivation of PC, having some features of DC intact, but not enough to feel an attachement towards it.
I was a PC gamer, got tired of always having to worry about updating my PC, whether a game would work with my system, patches, bugs and so on and since I was new to the console scene the only thing I knew was MS had a console with an Nvidia card so from a hardware perspective it was the most familiar console and then there seemed to come quite a lot of PC kind of games for it so I went with and xbox...
Tap In's gaming trail:

Atari 2600
Sega CD :LOL:
PS1 (bought 2 of them actually, over the years)
3DO (woops... almost forgot) ;)
PC gaming

Dreamcast was one hell of a machine (played it with a VGA adapter on my computer monitor for a glorious image quality) and I thought it was doing everything as well or better than the PS2 (ie, online gaming), except for the damned lack of DVD and the marketing, sony has good marketing.

Xbox lured me with a solid plan for their system; HDD -no friggin memory cards and a high speed online multiplayer promise (delivered one year to the day of launch) and some great games.

Since I never really had any hatred for MS as some people do, it was a no brainer.

some people just hate MS. Period.
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One interesting anecdote is, when Microsoft felt out the SEGA support back in the days before the Xbox 1 launch, SEGA actually asked MS to add Dreamcast compatibility to the new console of MS. MS of course rejected it, but it'd have been interesinting if Xbox had had DC compatibility.
You can ask more direct question, like DC owner, what you move on to after its demised ?
Xbox, PS2, GC, or still on DC its the greatest console ever :) This poll don't give the entire picture.
One thing I ve noticed is that many lowyal SEGA fans hate Sony because they blame the Playstation and Sony's tactics for how SEGA ended up.

These are the last people to buy a Sony Playstation console.When MS entered the market they saw MS as the competitor that would crash Sony and make Sony "suffer" just as Sega suffered thanks to Sony's marketing and tactics.

Many bought XBOX's and supported them because they saw it as a chance to avenge.

Sounds stupid but its true
Nesh said:
One thing I ve noticed is that many lowyal SEGA fans hate Sony because they blame the Playstation and Sony's tactics for how SEGA ended up.

These are the last people to buy a Sony Playstation console.When MS entered the market they saw MS as the competitor that would crash Sony and make Sony "suffer" just as Sega suffered thanks to Sony's marketing and tactics.

Many bought XBOX's and supported them because they saw it as a chance to avenge.

Sounds stupid but its true

you might be right, maybe some kids out there really bought xbox or gamecube just to make sony "suffer" and "crash" but i think the real reason was the games. like ppl said before me many dreamcast fans who loved classic sega games (the ppl who had loved jet set future and panzer dragoon and shenmue) ended up buying xbox.

most of the people who bought ps1 (while other two big console manufacturers were shooting themselves in their feet) or kids who sony's grew up with dominance had seen no reason to jump to a non-sony console when ps2,xbox,cube came out since sony was undisputed "winner" of previous console race and most of the franchises they loved(gran tourismo,mgs) were promised to continue on ps2.

nintendo loyalist who had seen the fact that no matter how many copies gtas mortal kombats sell all those years nobody could really come close to miyamoto's genious designs (zelda:eek:carina of times is the best console game of all time imo) realized that no matter how horrible nintendo's management is, they are still the best developers in the world sticked to nintendo.
They might have tried to boicott Sony by buying MS and Nintendo hardware initially, but i'm sure that any real Sega fan bought a PS2 when they realised that it was the only console they could play VF4 on. ;)

Only sad loonies calling themselves "real Sega fans" would miss out on VF4.
Platon said:
I was a PC gamer, got tired of always having to worry about updating my PC, whether a game would work with my system, patches, bugs and so on and since I was new to the console scene the only thing I knew was MS had a console with an Nvidia card so from a hardware perspective it was the most familiar console and then there seemed to come quite a lot of PC kind of games for it so I went with and xbox...

I'm basically in the same boat as you. Before PC gaming my parents bought our family an Atari 2600. Next up was the PC systems starting with the IBM PCjr. Does anybody else think the Xbox 360 eerily looks like the PCjr? Maybe somebody will make a Xbox 360 faceplate that looks like the PCjr? LOL

Anyway, after upgrading PC computers almost every year for about 15 years I decided to quit PC games and buy an Xbox in 2001. It was the first games console I ever bought for myself. Yeah, the parents bought a NES late in its life and I played a few games, but I was not much of a Nintendo fan. I tried the SNES a couple of times, but I really liked the Sega Genesis more. I would never buy one though. Played my cousin's or rented one(even a Sega CD). The first console that really interested me was the 3DO. I liked the PC like graphics and CD capability. Always hated cartridges. Next I played some N64, PS1 and Dreamcast that my roommate bought. I never liked the PS1 since I was spoiled with hardware accelerated 3D games on the PC at the time. The Dreamcast was more up my alley, but I would never spend a lot of money on one since it would have cut into my PC gaming software/hardware fund.

Had I not been PC gaming my console spending probably would have went this way...

3DO > Dreamcast > Xbox

Naturally I'm going for the Xbox 360 once I can afford it.

Anyway, I agree that hardware functionality has somewhat determined the kind of games it has. The Dreamcast and Xbox are lot like PCs and as such they had PC like games. Since PC games were my favorite it's no surprise that I liked the Dreamcast and Xbox.

Tommy McClain
Thing I notice in a lot of web gaming forums is that there are a lot of resentful former DC owners.

They think it was a great system, with unique innovative games which were introduced on the DC but that Sony hype and FUD and EA's sabotage killed the DC.

They also think if only Sega had more money. So MS was suppose to take up the mantle, be the console for true gamers. With MS money, revenge could be wreaked on Sony and EA.

A lot of them bought or still have the PS2. A lot of them still buy EA games. But they take every opportunity to shit on Sony and EA. They accuse the two of being in collusion. They still suspect that EA is going to sabotage the X360 by making the PS3 versions better or the true next-gen effort from their development teams. They think for instance that Madden 2007 will be a lot better because it debuts with the PS3, not because EA will have had more time to refine the game.
wco81 said:
They think it was a great system, with unique innovative games which were introduced on the DC but that Sony hype and FUD and EA's sabotage killed the DC.
Ha, I remember blaming EA, though I didn't think it was a sabotage. I was just so frustrated that they wouldn't support the DC.

Also, anyone remember Seaman? That game was weird.

People believe EA was already in bed with Sony when they declined to support the DC.

EA has said they didn't like Sega making their own sports games, after they had to brawl against Sony for football on the PS1. NFL2K was certainly a high-profile showcase game for the DC.

But the conspiracy theorists believe EA is continuing this pattern by not optimizing their games for the Xbox, instead of the PS2, which is where they originally developed their engine.

They also blame EA for not being on XBL sooner, not beliving that MS may have had a role in the impasse.
Ah, the DreamCast. Soul Calibur, PowerStone, Jet Grind Radio, Virtua Tennis, Daytona, Sky of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Crazy Taxi, DOA2, Chu Chu Rocket, House of the Dead (got 2 light guns), Confidential Mission, SF Rush and more...oh the memories...

NES -> SNES -> PS1 -> DC -> XBOX (going)=> 360

XBOX's Halo sold me on it. Somehow, I didn't like Halo 2 as much, because you would switch between two characters. It distracting, because I felt like I'm having an identities crisis. They should give you an option to play each one, but shouldn't switch you between the two.

At one point I was tempted in getting a PS2 for Dynasty Warriors, it was that and Armor Core on the PS2 that appeal to me. Ha ha ha
Sis said:
I don't get the refusal part. If it's a good system and has games you want to play, why wouldn't you buy the system? Panzer sequel came out on the Xbox, if I remember correctly.

I want a sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga, which is an RPG, and not a on-rails shooter like Panzer Dragoon Orta on the Xbox.

You don't understand the refusal part? It's like me saying why don't Xbox fans buy a PS2, or a GCN, both systems have lots of unique great games. Anyway, in the end, it's each person to his own, and that's fine by me.