Dragon Age III: Inquisition. Standard official discussion thread [XO,PS4,PS3,X360]

Yeah I eventual figured that out. The quest menu is frankly terrible for giving directions and priority. The main quest, (which wasn't highlighted in any special way), simply listed “go to war room” as direction. I had no idea that I'd completed it, or frankly what I was doing narrative wise.

It is obvious now where the war room is, but it was completely non-obvious at the time. When that simple instruction actually means “travel to the fast travel marker, open it up, press the non-obvious button to open the world map, select haven, travel to haven, go to the castle then go to the war room” - when the game had only casually introduced the war room several hours before (and I'd completely forgotten about it) and had not directly demonstrated travelling between game areas, then things can get understandably frustrating.

I suspect a big part of the problem is the game has **way** too much filler text, which likely meant I missed some of the more important stuff.

I'm really surprised at how janky some of the animation feels, especially during combat and riding the horse. It's strange comparing to BF4, which has exceptional animation. The game in general feels quite rickety, I've experienced quite a lot of bugs and glitches already.

However despite the jank and intense bouts of frustration I am liking the game. The characters are interesting and I have a vague idea of what is going on in the narrative. It feels like they have really tried to create something epic, but just stretched themselves to thin. I respect that. When I'm not cursing and shouting at the TV that is :p

Even if I'm getting angry with a game at least it is provoking a reaction. Much better than, say, the total indifference I felt playing FC4.
Game gets a HUGE thumbs up from me ! Loving it ! and Storm Coast is beautiful :love: !
Somehow I just want to roam these lands doing side missions and don't feel like advancing the story at all :p ! It happens everytime I like a game :D !

BTW,The Friends of Red Jenny mission in Val Royeax : What do I do? I went to the docks area, found Red fish on ground, the mission checklist did not get ticked...have been to all other areas too but the mission won't progress. Can't understand what I am supposed to find there.
So, Off I went to storm coast again to kill some giants, got my ass whipped, went to Hinterlands and met Blackwall. How should I upgrade that bugger ?
My Vivienne is awesome, she shoots out a biome of icy blizzards and I burn all that stand in there :D !
Ok, I choose Knight Enchanter as a Speciality for my mage. And I completely respected my character to adjust to this new tree.

Hm, not sure what to think about it...melee seems to be quite boring to play...and, it seems that KE is quite powerful...maybe a bit to much:

It has an ability where the damage you deal charges back your barrier field...during fight I am basically constantly protected by the barrier...my fire tree also has a perk where barrier charges the damage you deal...furthermore, there is a fire tree perk where crits instantly charge back your spell...lol...is KE with fire tree god mode?
Red Jenny missions are all war room missions. Send the appropriate agent and you should get a reward.

As for KE yea I hear is OP. I might need it, can't kill the dragon in the hinterlands yet. Really rocking my party.

The game lacks hand holding for sure, much less hand holding than the previous set of bioware titles. I think it's a good thing. Previous titles were too streamlined and the reality is players can and will get dragon age pretty fast, it just takes a bit of advancing the storyline and some experience and experimentation.

Now I just need to figure why out some of my crafted upgrades won't fit into weapons!
However despite the jank and intense bouts of frustration I am liking the game. The characters are interesting and I have a vague idea of what is going on in the narrative. It feels like they have really tried to create something epic, but just stretched themselves to thin. I respect that. When I'm not cursing and shouting at the TV that is :p

If you didn't play through da1 and 2 i could see you getting lost. I'll assure you that no main storyline was missed anything that you need to know lore wise you can extract from repeatable dialogue with all characters. Any extra lore you can read through the books that you find on the floor or about the world. Some are novels some aren't. It could also help fill in the storyline for you if you complete the dungeon keep (external interactive story website). We had a link earlier in this thread somewhere.

Other than that I wish you good luck! You are right information is not readily available, menu system is a bit poor. Information is mostly hidden as well
Red Jenny missions are all war room missions. Send the appropriate agent and you should get a reward.
No, no, Red Jenny shoots an arrow and asks you to find red things at 3 specific locations in Val Royeax. I find nohting there even though I am standing right at the marker on the map.
No, no, Red Jenny shoots an arrow and asks you to find red things at 3 specific locations in Val Royeax. I find nohting there even though I am standing right at the marker on the map.

You need to stand very close to the red things and press the "search" button, then it'll become clickable.
However despite the jank and intense bouts of frustration I am liking the game. The characters are interesting and I have a vague idea of what is going on in the narrative. It feels like they have really tried to create something epic, but just stretched themselves to thin. I respect that. When I'm not cursing and shouting at the TV that is :p

Even if I'm getting angry with a game at least it is provoking a reaction. Much better than, say, the total indifference I felt playing FC4.

I'm having similar reactions. For some rather inexplicable reasons I like the game, even though I think it's kind of shit. Quest design is just awful, combat is spammy and brainless, and the role playing part in this role playing game is a bit of a joke really.
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this game is soooo buggy. there numerous small bugs that i dont mind but now..

im stuck with Way of the Knight-enchanter quest.
3/3 wisp essences
10/10 lazurite (actually i have 14)

the quest did not progress. I tkeeps saying gather materials. and the quest giver is nowhere in skyhold (for all sub-class).
this game is soooo buggy. there numerous small bugs that i dont mind but now..

im stuck with Way of the Knight-enchanter quest.
3/3 wisp essences
10/10 lazurite (actually i have 14)

the quest did not progress. I tkeeps saying gather materials. and the quest giver is nowhere in skyhold (for all sub-class).

Try see in their forums, im sure you are not the first to get this bug http://forum.bioware.com/forum/1186...ort_by=Z-A&sort_key=last_post&topicfilter=all
I've hit a few bugs now, the worst being during Cassandra's personal quest where the sound crapped out completely and I missed all the dialogue. Every now and then the dialogue drops and I end up staring at some resolutely silent character who's obviously waiting for a response. But it hasn't stopped me from progressing (just hit level 20).
Jeez ... actually my game is not buggy. Its just the game have reaaaaaally dumb way of conveying the quest, the objectives.

"acquire blablabla book".
googled around and i need to go to vivienne's bedroom. but where is it? oh i see the map, i put a marker on Vivienne.
i arrived... but why is she outside? there's a cutscene and... BAM! vivienne gone. She teleported to somewhere unknown (i put the marker on her new location but it just marking in the entrance of skyhold throne room).
i spend 2 hours running around looking for vivienne (and googling) then i found that there is hidden area in Skyhold.

instead of having "underground. ground. and upper room." It have hidden 2nd upper room that is even higher and did not shown anywhere on map.

"craft the magic sword hilt"
i go to undercraft and found that it cannot be crafted there. the option to craft magic sword hilt is just not there...
Thousand thundering typhoon.. is all the playtesters was an open world sanbox expert or something? i think im simply an idiot for not understanding this game

**** this. back to destiny mindleslly murdering aliens.

holy mackerel! crafting this magical sword hilt is not in the "Weapon craft table" but on "requisition table" that for some unknown reason, Bioware put it faaaaaaaaar away, on other building.

I am done for this today. blowing some aliens and ill sleep.
Brilliant film. Not seen it for so long and I have it on Blu-ray!!!
27 hours in, just reached lvl 14, as I killed my first dragon...this was quite challenging: needed three tries! Not sure how to win without KE specialization:cool:

I really like the game...it keeps delivering and offers really lots of content. Also, I like a lot of the quests...well done so far!
A few days ago, 80 hours in, the game crashes on me back to the "desktop". The first crash I experienced in the game up to that point, but no big deal. I start the game back up and, after it logs into the EA servers, I see a strange message box indicating that its "enumerating saves". Something I suspect it probably does on a normal basis that happens so quickly I don't normally see it. That concerns me a bit so I go to "Load" instead of "Continue" and I'm greeted with this:


I'm 80 hours in that point and it looks like my entire profile is corrupt so the thought of losing all of that data is concerning. However, I have PS+ and saves are backed up online every-time you log out. Thinking back to when I last logged out I would probably lose several hours of game play, but that's better than 80 hours. So, I go to check to see when the last time saves were uploaded to the online storage:


What's not shown in the picture is that it hasn't successfully uploaded anything since I first got the game due to not having enough space (in online storage). Worse, it failed to notify me of this at any point. The lack of notifications for failed uploads that occur when in standby is a problem I was aware of having run into it previously, but had completely forgotten to check on. At this point my last option is to see what's actually stored locally.

688 MB of data. PS+ only gives you a 1 GB (for each platform) of online save storage. On the PS4 there's also no way to determine at a glance how much space is free in your PS+ could storage, but I don't need to know that to know I don't have enough space. Now I'm wondering how DA:I handles saves. Does it create 1 big file for all saves, or individual files for each individual save?

Individual files, with 1 clearly marked as corrupt! Thank the maker! The corrupt file turned out to be the auto-save file, so, I only lost progress from my last manual save. Something I can deal with since I save every 10 minutes or so.

Dear Sony,

Please copy your main competitor's save synchronization service wholesale, full stop (it's completely transparent with unlimited storage and is available to even "basic" members). That, or at least allow me to buy additional storage in your online save backup service. Thank you.
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Geez, after 80 hours of gameplay? I was about to start crying for you!