Doom III, a step in the right direction...or not?

Nagorak said:
SS3 would probably be based on the DX2 (modified Unreal engine), since Ion Storm owns the rights to that franchise and they've already put in so much effort into it.

I don't think so. System Shock IP is owned by Electronic Arts, Irrational Games, and unknown other parties after Looking Glass folded.

Ion Storm has nothing to do with System Shock other than numerous ex Looking Glass people work there.
BNA! said:
There is no System Shock 3.
Warren Spector was the designer of System Shock 1 and he's at ION Storm now, but I believe the copyrights of System Shock are spread across various existant and non-existant companies.

Not true. Warren Spector was Executive Producer. He says himself he has very little to do with the actual design of the game. It was all mostly Doug Church.
Colourless said:
Not true. Warren Spector was Executive Producer. He says himself he has very little to do with the actual design of the game. It was all mostly Doug Church.

Not true what?