Doom 3 trailer shown at MS E3 conference ran on an Xbox?


The trailer for the PC and the trailer shown at the MS conference are slightly different. Maybe the MS conference version ran on an Xbox.
I'm quite sure it was running on PC. Tim Willits has said in the past that the Xbox version wouldn't be started on until the PC version is done. Moreover, id and M$ were negotiating a deal in the weeks up to E3. No way, id could've got it running on Xbox in such a short time. And what would the point be anyway? It wasn't playable.

Plus, it looked like it was being controlled with a mouse and keyboard.
PC, many parts of it were lifted straight from the E3 trailer being shown in the Activision booth (for the PC version).
Yeah, texture will be the thing to go personally, hard drive caching in it would be nice though, help keep the laod screens away just that bit longer.
PCs have a hard disk to cache textures too: well they will use main RAM ( faster than any HDD ) to cache them too as they have much more RAM than the Xbox does...

Segmentation of the levels is the key: think Quake II PSX...