Hrm, to sum up:
1. Natoma wants to be accepted by everybody in general. He is proud of his relationship and wants it recognised. He wants the added acceptance that being called married would give him, he doesn't want to be segregated from normal society by having a "gay marriage" aka civil union aka legal term of the week, he wants to be just called married. That's me reading between the lines, he might put up with having the same rights with a different name, but he would rather be called married.
2. Natoma doesn't want to deal with legal BS when it comes to things like hospital visits, etc. While important, it seems to be number 8 on a top 10 list where acceptance is every item on the top 7.
3. Russ et al wants the term Marriage left alone. Reserve it for the religious aspects of the term. You want the same rights, go ahead, but don't step on my religious beliefs. And as an aside, ick on the whole gayness thing.
1. You can't legistlate acceptance. I am not considered normal by everybody and I don't have any excuse like being gay.

So just deal with it, everybody has issues with fitting in and feeling part of the community at some level or another. Frankly, I can't stand holding hands with somebody while walking, it's annoying as hell, I can't see why you would want to do that.
2. You are better off arguing for what you want than butting into something other people have a stake in. Don't crash somebody else's party and expect to be welcomed with open arms. Go for the mastercard version of civil union, maybe that could just be step 1, trying to jump to step 30 in one leap is not likely to succeed. Don't be defeatist about it either. Laws can be changed, if this paticular proposed law makes people more secure about marriage, then they won't be so hostile to universal civil unions. Maybe down the road when both have been equal in every way for years, maybe they will be collapsed into one for the sake of efficiency.
3. There should be total separation of church and state. Frankly, I would rather a total separation of church altogether and toss the works on the moon or something, but that's just me.

To me, marriage is just a legal term for a rather harsh contract, so I don't care much. I agree with Natoma that marriage is not necessarily always a religious term, but afaik it's always been a hetero term and it has been predominantly a religious associated term in North America and that's the society and times we are living in. So don't even bother bringing up some tribal crap in the deep forest of Africa 200 BC or something, it doesn't apply.

There is enough of a religious association that it shouldn't be stepped on. Suggesting to everybody that the contract with their god that they signed up for to last all their lives should be rewritten and potentially devalued to be politically correct is not a great tactic.
As for the beastiality thing:
Ok, I respect the relationship part, it's not the same as beastiality, I have long standing male friends, I don't talk to sheep, I get that much of it.

The sex part I find rather offputting, and it might as well be beastiality from my perspective, it's just as disgusting to contemplate, but that's none of my business. Frankly, I don't know what sexual practices all my friends engage in either, but if it's anything odd, they don't mention it. And that's the way I like it. With gays, there is a pretty good chance they engage in gay sex, so advertising how gay you are is like flashing a picture of somebody shagging a sheep every time you do it, pretty much the same feeling of disgust involved. If you want acceptance on that level then you are going to have to have broad acceptance of all sexual acts period. If you did shag sheep but never mentioned it, I wouldn't feel anything about it, but if you talked about the latest ewe you found or wore a t shirt saying sheep rocked or something I would have a hard time forgetting about it.

There is such a thing as tact. Frankly, sex shouldn't define who you are, it's a part of your life, not the entire thing, I get the feeling that gays are all about being gay sometimes. I mean, get a life. I am not saying gays should remain in the closet, but going the other extreme isn't the answer to achieving acceptance. If I have to act normal, gays should too.