Sabastian said:Natoma said:Explain how the environment for promiscuity is unnatural and man made?
Well in two words: the pill.
But before you go and gore me on this also consider the wide range of other things we do to facilitate promiscuity. Sex education and denial of abstinence as a perfectly good alternative to condoms, pornography, damage control in the medical field wrt a wider and growing epidemic of STDs that are a direct result of promiscuity, a welfare system that facilitates single parenthood (not making a judgment wrt this here though I am merely stating a fact.) break down wrt social morals opposing divorce there are all sorts of man made environmental factors that create an environment in favor of promiscuity.
The greatest influential factor in all of the above though is the pill. Which is a man made contraceptive. This is the single largest reason we have such a break down in the traditional family and marriage. I don't know what to do about it all I can say is that the consequences of the introduction of it for mankind have yet to be fully realized.
You can see that indeed the environment is entirely contrived particularly after the advent of the pill. Before that point the natural family reigned supreme with low divorce rates and low levels of promiscuity as a result of the fact that women have a high likelihood of pregnancy when they engage in sex. In other words sex used to be taken much more seriously then it is today and the reason for that change in attitude is a direct result of mans intervention in normal reproductive activity.
Bah, I don't have any more time for this I have to find a job soon. [action]runs to hide from the mob of left wingers for bringing up the pill[/action]![]()
Just saying.
So you're saying that promiscuity exploded only because of the pill and sex education? Uhm, you most not have studied up on your history.
American Brothels in the 19th century were rampant, as they were in Europe. The rates of syphillis and gonorrhea and clamydia were surpremely high in 14th - 17th century Europe mostly due to promiscuity. The levels dropped in the 18th and 19th centuries, but they were still far higher than they are today, due to the invention of penicillin in the 20th century.
Dare I bring up the Roman and Grecian empires? And lets not even talk about the Babylonians. Man did they know how to throw orgies.