Do You Want to Live Forever?

well that might well be the moment that we reach singulatity :)


if God didn't intend us to eat our neigbours, why did he make them out of meat? ;)
I don't know about living forever, but I wouldn't mind making it to 100 in good shape rather than falling apart. :?

I loved the article, this de Grey fellow sounds fascinating! :D
digitalwanderer said:
I don't know about living forever, but I wouldn't mind making it to 100 in good shape rather than falling apart. :?
How would you feel about dying in "good shape"? It would have to be voluntary... :?

For me, I would rather go back to when I was 14 than to live to 100 yo.

ahhhh.. one can only dream :(
yes. the longer I live the more money I can make, thus the more women I can make love to.
of course that living forever is natural progression and if we don't self-destruct we will find a way to do so sooner or later (given that the world is so materialistic as it currently appears)... even if we don't make it there in the current human form, some form of intelligence will go from us to the next level... whether the container (body) be organic or mechanic or combination or something else...
Forever forever?
My god that's a bit much. I wouldn't want to do anything "forever"...

But it would be nice to live for a loooooooooong time, in case i would be perfectly healthy during that time and not an old grumpy wrinkly bastard.

And i would only do it if my close friends and family were to do the same, what's the point of outliving everyone you love, it's hurtful enough to live through the deaths of friends and family members, imagine doing that forever... I mean, since i was born, at least 1 person i was close has died every year. By the time i'm 400 that would be 400 of my friends or family members that have died.

I guess in case one day we do find ways to live that long, we will start to see death under a different light, although i have no idea what light that would be.
I lost many people as well, but you get used to it eventually. You always find new friends, that makes it easier.

I'd like it, forever forever. The only thing I'd be afraid of is going crazy eventually (some theories say it would happen if you'd live that long). Oh, wait...
_xxx_ said:
I lost many people as well, but you get used to it eventually. You always find new friends, that makes it easier.

I'd like it, forever forever. The only thing I'd be afraid of is going crazy eventually (some theories say it would happen if you'd live that long). Oh, wait...

You mean i could get crazier? Wow...

I don't think you "get used to" people dying around you. You just learn to deal better with it, but it still hurts a lot when i happens. I guess i'm saying the same thing u're saying...

Don't know, forever forever is.... forever... know what i mean? As in, after this Solar System dies, we'd still be alive and we'll have to move somewhere else. Or get fried when our Sun finighes its supply of hydrogen.
Learning to deal with is a better description, yeah.

Since I'd live forever but _not_ be invulnerable (at least that's the way I imagine it), I'd be able to commit suicide before the end of the universe if so needed. But I'd probably stay there and drift into some kind of nirvana-like dream imagining I'm a god or something ;)
_xxx_ said:
Learning to deal with is a better description, yeah.

Since I'd live forever but _not_ be invulnerable (at least that's the way I imagine it), I'd be able to commit suicide before the end of the universe if so needed. But I'd probably stay there and drift into some kind of nirvana-like dream imagining I'm a god or something ;)

What if we're immortals, even after our bodies have gone? We'd be floating around a pile of dust, after the Sun has collapsed, just wondering around aimlessly, we'd be freezing cold, we'd miss the taste of juicy KFC and we'd have no one to talk to...
It would still take us ages to get anywhere there's light cause we'd still only travel as fast or slower than the speed of light, and even then, to go where?!

I need a coffee.
I'd like to live a stupidly long time, because there is a lot I want to see, as no doubt einstien would love to see the world today... to see how his theories have impacted the world. I'm just intrigued by the possibility of the future. I hope they at least figure out cryogenic freeing properlly before I'm dead, that way I can save a couple of like minded people with me to share the experience...
london-boy said:
What if we're immortals, even after our bodies have gone? We'd be floating around a pile of dust, after the Sun has collapsed, just wondering around aimlessly, we'd be freezing cold, we'd miss the taste of juicy KFC and we'd have no one to talk to...
It would still take us ages to get anywhere there's light cause we'd still only travel as fast or slower than the speed of light, and even then, to go where?!
I need a coffee.

I guess your needs become much less when you don't have a body...I wouldn't go anywhere, I'd just _be_.
_xxx_ said:
london-boy said:
What if we're immortals, even after our bodies have gone? We'd be floating around a pile of dust, after the Sun has collapsed, just wondering around aimlessly, we'd be freezing cold, we'd miss the taste of juicy KFC and we'd have no one to talk to...
It would still take us ages to get anywhere there's light cause we'd still only travel as fast or slower than the speed of light, and even then, to go where?!
I need a coffee.

I guess your needs become much less when you don't have a body...I wouldn't go anywhere, I'd just _be_.

Wouldn't you want to _do_?
I like _doing_.... Errr
i would like to live very long, but i wouldnt want to see my own child/ren die before me :?

i would want to see how the world would evolve in 400 years time but offcourse i wouldn't want to be a fewhundred year old plant!

best of all, i would love to keep my lovely muscular body and superintelegent mind for a few hundred years.
oh, and i would like to lay into a flying giant bed so can fly everywhere and and.....