Do you use plasma TV for gaming?

Do you use plasma TV for gaming?

  • Yes, generally no problem.

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Other, please specify.

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Sort of, no, and YEEEEESSSSS!!!! :???:

My kids use the 42" plasma for gaming on the GameCube and it scares me to pieces that they'll burn something in. When we first got the plasma I explained burn-in to them and they did seem to "get it", they might only be 6 & 9 but they've both seen PC monitors with burn-in on them so I at least had a good reference point for them.

I've experienced no problems what so ever so far, although your own mileage may vary.

We have strict rules about how you can't keep it paused for long with the TV on and such, but they've screwed up a few times and ignored it. Nothing for longer than 15 minutes to a 1/2 hour as I tend to check in on 'em when they play to make sure, but absolutely no problems with burn in as a result.

I got one of the older plasmas too that are supposed to be susceptible to burn-in, the only special thing we did besides make sure to try not to pause it too long is to break the TV in according to the instructions.

(We didn't play GameCube on it for the first few weeks and watched everything stretched, that's the period it's most susceptible to burn-in)
Have been over a year now. For newer plasma's the first 40hours or so are the "break-in" period. Thus make sure you don't have a constant image on the screen. After that, do as you please!
I allowed my Plasma a breaking in period of about a month, lowered settings on Contrast and Brightness (and actually prefer them that way now) and making sure I was changing channels once every two hours.
Now though the Plasma does not need any special attention and I have played a few games on it with mates.. it is awesome and with PC input (1280*1024) the screen scales beautifully making even browsing possible.
111 views and only 2 votes !

But from Digi, Tahir2 and Gubbi (other thread) depoiments it is not a problem when you take some care.
In general burn in is not a problem, but:

You don't want to play underscan games (black bars).
You don't want to leave the console in the dashboard (or similar for other consoles) and then go off and forgetting about it.

I've experienced burn in from underscan, HUDs and anamorphic (2.25:1) movies on my old philips panel, but nothing permanent, -it usually goes away after an hour (but scares the living shit out of you first time you notice it).

I'm still waiting for my new Pioneer, burn in should be even less of a problem on newer panels.

I've experienced burn in from underscan, HUDs and anamorphic (2.25:1) movies on my old philips panel, but nothing permanent, -it usually goes away after an hour (but scares the living shit out of you first time you notice it).
Was this old Philips panel a 30.000 hours midlife panel? Did it have any anti burn-in feature?
Yes I game. No problems. The first 100+ hours I watched with Brightness/Contrast turned down. I think I vaguely remember ONCE, seeing some sort of after image but it went away.
Was this old Philips panel a 30.000 hours midlife panel? Did it have any anti burn-in feature?

It is a 42PF9946 I got cheap since it was a demo. So I never had to "break it in" with low contrast/brightness settings.

No idea what lifespan it is supposed to have.

The 42PF9946 is not so old. Thanks for the info.

You're right, but I got it used (demo at an AV-shop) and it had been on pretty much 12 hours a day for 4 months when I bought it at less than half price. And it's 480 lines, hence "old" :)
