Yah, there was that "Four stages of ESRAM adoption" thing that went around a while ago, and I still don't really how it would make sense, in practical terms, to make better use of ESRAM. It seemed to suggest that stuffing a full g-buffer into the ESRAM was not optimal, and that future games will move to steps 3 and 4, where games now are in stages 1 and 2.
1. statically allocate small number of render targets into ESRAM (stuffing gbuffer into ESRAM)
2. alias the same memeory for reuse later (don't know what this means)
3. partial residency - put the top strip of render target(sky) into DRAM, not ESRAM (how practical is this for any kind of game with a user controlled camera?)
4. asychronously DMA resources in/out of ESRAM (tiling, is this the whole thing about moving different buffers into ESRAM at each stage of the rendering pipeline? Depth, stencil, colour, others?)
powerpoint presentation from Martin Fuller (relevant slides 7-13)
1. statically allocate small number of render targets into ESRAM (stuffing gbuffer into ESRAM)
2. alias the same memeory for reuse later (don't know what this means)
3. partial residency - put the top strip of render target(sky) into DRAM, not ESRAM (how practical is this for any kind of game with a user controlled camera?)
4. asychronously DMA resources in/out of ESRAM (tiling, is this the whole thing about moving different buffers into ESRAM at each stage of the rendering pipeline? Depth, stencil, colour, others?)
powerpoint presentation from Martin Fuller (relevant slides 7-13)