Digit-life interview with Guennadi Riguer (ATI Technologies)

The interviewee said:
Sterling texture units
I think when the time comes, this could be a new synonym - the STU ! :)

The interview was interesting to read. Something relevant to the question about float textures filtering that sidetracked also onto HDR (where I thought the interviewee did an admirable job on behalf of ATI in answering the question) :

John Carmack said:
I would be shocked if any game in the next several years used FP textures for conventional diffuse / specular type textures.
Not that we should be shocked that John would be shocked!
John Reynolds said:
I can't read the FS article here at work, but I doubt Brandon went into the .ini file to enable the feature for his testing. Unless of course he specifically mentions doing so.
OK, then, I'm assuming it wasn't then.

In your experience, is the vertex textured water a playable option? Presumably with SLI working in AFR mode it should work quite nicely.
