I understand what You mean with that skill streamlining, but its not like Diablo 2 was so better in that regard.
There are like only 5-7 playable builds per class in D2, stats points were useless for the most part, it was mostly to cover item requirements with strenght/dex, cover block change with dex [if You use one] and then put all points into vitality/strenght/dex depending what class are You playing [high energy was used only for build based on energy shield] and many builds were also heavy item depended.
Sure if you were going for the optimal build. But sometimes it's just "fun" to play a non min/max build that was less than optimal. I must have well over 40 or so characters that I've made in D2. Many of which never made it past level 30. But all of which were extremely fun to play for me. Going full plate necromancer for example in the early game wasn't exact fast or necessarily even very good, but it was still fun.
There's none of that possible in D3. There is no real min/maxing. There is no really goofball builds. You can't really deliberately gimp youself, well other than using the non-skill weapon attack only.

And even that still scales up just like skills with attack, precision and gear.
Anyway, I think I'm going to be starting my play through with the Monk just as I was planning. It does as much damage as the Barbarian with far more mobility (dash isn't on CD like leap attack). Each attack hits for slightly less, but you also attack faster when using skills. As well, all of your first 3 attacks feature AE of some sort. And there's a lot of utility. It's the most well rounded class with the ability to be support, DPS, or tank.
The overdone physics reactions to Barbarian strikes is what makes him "seem" more powerful. But the fact that you can get the modifer of +X health for each point of spirit used, means that you can heal quite a bit everytime you use a spirity spender. On my level 13 monk, he gets 6 HP/spirit point spent. So a Dash = 90 point heal. Lashing tail kick = 180 point heal. And Lethal Decoy = a massive 450 point heal combined with 330% AE damage.

Although 2x Decoys and I'm all out of spirit.
I just really really REALLY wish there was appropriate martial arts animations for weapons.

At least for the Staff and Swords if nothing else.
For second playthrough I think I'm going Wizard. Was going to do Witch Doctor, but he just looks too goofy.