Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Cinematic looks great. The gameplay footage not so much.

After how Diablo 3 turned out, I can't say I'm all that excited for Diablo 4. But maybe they'll surprise me and go more D2 than D3. Probably not though.

I heard D3 sucked at launch, I didn't get it until the auction house stuff was gone and I've loved it. The way character leveling, skills and gear is handled is the best of any ARPG in my opinion.
cross play will be a factor for my purchasing this title I think.
I have lately left my xbox for PC. Can't stop playing Apex Legends lol
Looks to me just like D3 to be honest. Could easily be an expansion.
Not sure how you get that impression. To me it looked quite a different graphical style, especially the palette. The character and creature designs are far less exaggerated than D3.
I heard D3 sucked at launch, I didn't get it until the auction house stuff was gone and I've loved it. The way character leveling, skills and gear is handled is the best of any ARPG in my opinion.
It did suck at launch. And it did improve a lot with the removal of the auction house and the Reaper of Souls expansion.
Thing is, the game was fixed after launch after a huge public backlash. If that was the case back then, what monetization tricks will the new masters implement, how deeply will they be embedded in the game and will they ever be removed?

No hype until the product is out. We’ve got good reason to be hesitant.
Looks to me just like D3 to be honest. Could easily be an expansion.
How do you tell from a trailer, are there any gameplay videos? I Mean Diablo is Diablo but Warcraft was a RTS until World of Warcraft. Maybe they are doing something more meaningful or maybe they just want some more money? :yep2:
I really enjoyed D3. I thought the auction house stuff was a fantastic idea. It just wasn't fantastic in practice.

Had some really good couch coop seasons on D3. More of the same in D4 on next gen would be nice.

The game's crying out for some ray tracing too.
Yes, there is a gameplay video.
Thanks, completely missed it. I need a plug-in to prevent me posting pre-coffee! It does look very similar to DIII, but maybe a bit slower and less hectic? DIII is just a blur of action, you can barely see what individual characters are doing.