Detailed impressions from an X360 owner

Alstrong said:
2405 doesn't support anything beyond 480p over component apparently:

Damn so that's an even worse upscale. I thought he was going 720p --> 1920x1200, but he's really going from 480p ---> 1920x1200. Ouch! :???:

One thing is for certain, we are going to get exceedingly varying accounts on graphical quality with the 360 depending on the TV. So take what most people say with a grain of salt unless their system is setup properly and with a proper display.
I set the Xbox 360 to 720P and 1080i and the 2405FPW reported it properly. If I set the 2405FPW to 1:1 pixel, it has the right size.
Sounds like an excuse, even with todays consoles on todays televisions you can get a much better image by calibrating your telly properly and using proper cabling.
For example too much sharpness and contrast (often the factory default setting) increases the jaggie visibility and shimmering on current games making them, and also TV programs and DVD's, look grainy.

By using composite cables, upping the contrast and sharpness (like many who don't know better do) you can make even the best looking current gen game look like sh*t.
In fact, I believe most current consoles are connected with the standard, included composite cable... imagine how many people are viewing their PS2's, Gamecubes and xboxes through this kind of setup. But do they post in these forums complaining the bad visual quality of their games, I don't think many do.

Crappy tv's and wrong settings that degrade quality are nothing new this coming gen. Ok, maybe there is more room for error in calibrating the new HD sets for various inputs, but if proper cabling is used the internal scalers should do an adequate job.
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I saw the Kameo demo running on an Xb360 booth, and was slightly annoyed to see AF isn't a feature. If it takes as small a hit as current hardware, it seems it would be a no-brainer to enable. Still, it looked pretty nice, otherwise, on the Samsung HD LCD.

I struggled to find a surface that wasn't bump-/normal-mapped out the wazzoo, but failed. :)
Hardknock said:
One thing is for certain, we are going to get exceedingly varying accounts on graphical quality with the 360 depending on the TV. So take what most people say with a grain of salt unless their system is setup properly and with a proper display.

This is even true this generation.
Guden Oden said:
Did you even read the thread you linked to beforehand? :) AHEM! :D

Yes I did, but no one answered his rebuttal picture. I also decided that the Dell support e-mail was worth something.
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"A picture speaks more than a thousand words". What more do you need? The OSD menu shows the screen running at 1080i.

Even considering it's a digital camera photo of a screen, does the (football game?) TV image look like 480 rez to you?
If the console or a cable box or whatever is set to output 1080i or 720p and the monitor only accepted 480p max, then it wouldn't display anything at all.
Just got back from EB a bit ago and the final verson of Kameo does ideed have some AA. Athough, the "there wasn't a single jaggy" from the guy's comments is far overblown, it can't be more than x2aa as the jaggies were still blatently obvious. That said, the game looks damn pretty, not nearly as pretty as the shots on but pretty all the same.
kyleb said:
Just got back from EB a bit ago and the final verson of Kameo does ideed have some AA. Athough, the "there wasn't a single jaggy" from the guy's comments is far overblown, it can't be more than x2aa as the jaggies were still blatently obvious. That said, the game looks damn pretty, not nearly as pretty as the shots on but pretty all the same.

Did it look significantly different than the demo? I personally wasn't all that impressed with the demo. It wasn't terrible by any means, but it didn't feel next gen to me at all.

kyleb said:
Just got back from EB a bit ago and the final verson of Kameo does ideed have some AA. Athough, the "there wasn't a single jaggy" from the guy's comments is far overblown, it can't be more than x2aa as the jaggies were still blatently obvious. That said, the game looks damn pretty, not nearly as pretty as the shots on but pretty all the same.

thanks for checking :smile:
Nite_Hawk said:
Did it look significantly different than the demo? I personally wasn't all that impressed with the demo. It wasn't terrible by any means, but it didn't feel next gen to me at all.

Cleaner from the AA is all I noticed different, but it looks fairly next gen to me and if it had some decent AF I'd say it was everything I had hoped for graphicly out of a 360 lanuch game. Unfortunatly the gameplay comes off as rather last gen to me, granted I suppose that is to be expected considering it is based of a n64 game but I can't help but wish they had done more there.
Guden Oden said:
"A picture speaks more than a thousand words". What more do you need? The OSD menu shows the screen running at 1080i.

Even considering it's a digital camera photo of a screen, does the (football game?) TV image look like 480 rez to you?

Alright alright, I'm a stupid idiot. There I said it. :rolleyes:

It would also help if the picture were there when I was reading through the first time. :rolleyes: Is your ego satisfied now? Everyone look here, Guden Oden is correct again! Give him a prize!

The things people can do to help only to have their intelligence ridiculed for not checking the absolute latest data after a seemingly definitive answer.
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