
! I know...its more practical to try and reach rak 2 for the queen and get the Legendary auto rifle she is selling. I don't have time, though ! Lets see what happens !
EDIT: WOW: Got an option to select one bounty out of 3 for an exotic weapon, two had clear descriptions of what needed to be done, which was cearing a strike, the other was some mission, the third one asked me to talk to my Vanguard ("Dubious Task"). I selected that out of curiosity and now She wants me to clear 5 strikes without dying ! Damn, the other two were so so so easy ! I hope the rewards comes out super awesome, otherwise

5 strikes individually without dying? Or 5 strikes consecutively without dying in any of them? The latter will be more difficult obviously, but even it shouldn't be too bad. Just go to Devil's Lair strike. At least if you're level 27 like me, it's almost easy to clear without dying. And it's not super long. There's a regular bounty about "clear any strike without dying" so I do it all the time.
Anyways the exotic weapon bounty tasks vary, but they're all at least somewhat difficult. You can see the tasks here:
But weekly strike is 3 strange coins.
It can be 6 or 9 at each higher level. Aka change the difficulty to level 26 you get 6 strange coins. Change it to 28 I think you get 9!
This week it's a BEAR even at level 26 for me though. I've already sunk probably at least 3+ hours in two failed attempts. Today is my last day of the week with heavy playing time, so I'll maybe give it one more shot before giving up and just doing it on 22.
I feel like that was wasted time. I could have been grinding Tiger Strike playlist quite a bit and got a lot of loot instead in 3+ hours! Oh well/
Overall details on my progress: I kind of decided I dont love my exotic helmet I bought from Xur. I dont love how it looks, although it's not horrible. Also it just has +strength, which imo is the most useless buff, although I dont consider it a huge deal, I'd rather have Intellect I think, or discipline, whichever one reduces Golden Gun cooldown because that's REALLY useful on bosses.. I may try to mitigate this by switching out one of my legendaries with a strength buff for one with more Intellect. I'll probably be buying Legendaries to dismantle for shards anyway, so the only thing I'll lose would be the first few upgrades, since I haven't sunk any shards into my legendaries (and dont plan to except the one needed to get to 28). But anyway, looking at the other legendary helmets, there's only like 4, and they all have some drawback (ugly, or tailored for inferior bladedancer subclass, or whatever), so that made me feel better about probably sticking with mine. Especially because I already sunk 8 shards into it. I guess I could switch with a legendary helmet that looks better, and get a different exotic armor piece, but either way I'll give up the 8 shards and all the upgrades sunk into it, so it sounds too troublesome

I'm thinking maybe if I ever feel like I've pretty much conquered the game and have nothing else to do I may do that.
I feel like I'm probably 2-3 weeks away from being ready for raiding, really. That's pretty much the goal. I want to get to 28, and upgrade my weapons which need help, I'd like an exotic primary. At least I got a legendary fusion rifle to give me 3 legendary weapons total now. Fusion rifles are pretty crap anyway imo. I dont even have a legendary primary...
Does anybody know, does Xur ever have exotic weapon engrams for sale for motes of light? I see this week he has an exotic helmet engram. Either way I know odds are 66% it wont be for my class, but it's that or useless cosmetic crap for my motes.
Motes of light obviously seem by far the least useful of the endgame currencies.