Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Yea the only thing I don't like in Destiny is auto-aim. Bungie's auto-aim is really, really strong.

For me it's most annoying because I play better competitively without auto-aim... it makes the MP a bit of frustration for me.

If I get shot and killed, I at least want to know there was no auto-aim having to do with it...

In Killzone SF I am a lot more competitive because there isn't auto-aim, no one is auto-aiming and spray-and-praying on me, or at least doing it much less. It feels better because of it IMO.

And damn... I was busy today and didn't get a chance to try out the demo of Moon... damn.... totally forgot about it...
I hope the final game includes the option to turn off auto aim. Anyway I found the no ammo reset when switching equipped weapons a PITA...hopefully they change that before release. Graphics on the X360 looks very good...better than Halo 4.
Moon mission was only available during the 2 hour stress test starting at 2pm PDT(5pm EDT). I was able to last about 21 mins after they locked it back up. It was awesome. I literally only scratched the surface. A lot of folks were able to go further exploring below the surface. I enjoyed the Moon much more than Old Russia. It started to give me a Battle Zone feeling. I was up in the air deciding if I should buy it but the "designed from the start" co-op experience has me hooked. Only big issue I have with it is a little too much RPG for me. But then I said the same about Dead Island too. Wished it was actually a Halo game, then it would be a no-brainer. I haven't played any of the games it's being compared to(Borderlands, Mass Effect, ect), but it does have some Star Wars & maybe some Fable feeling to it. I think it will be a big hit.

Shifty, you really need to play some more. The last Old Russia mission was great. Rancid & I played together up until then & it was a blast, but the last mission or two really showed that you really need a 3rd team member. My son joined & it was a total blast! Too bad you missed the Moon mission. It was great too, though it could be completed easily solo.

Tommy McClain

I was playing the lair with a friend and a random. The random bailed and we were only 2 guys fighting for our lives constantly low on ammo while we slowly made our way through. On the second encounter we both died when the boss had very little hp... Argh!

I like the way fireteams work, very easy to play Co op
Anyone figure out the Attack vs Impact ratings on weapons? I did some googling and most people seem to think that, assuming the Impact ratings are the same or similar, the weapon with a higher Attack rating will do more damage to higher level enemies, because the weapon with a lower Attack rating loses effectiveness on such enemies. If, however, the differences in Impact ratings are drastically different, then it's probably better to go with the weapon with a higher Impact rating / lower Attack rating. Is this right?
i shat my pants yesterday when i found a place down in a crashed boat on the russian beach. there where some ennemies whith a "??" level who where totaly imune to all my attacks, i had to run for my life, my friend who was playing with me died with a single hit from one of them.
Yup, there's quite a few enemies hidden around the map that are immune to the weapons limited by the beta. There's a huge beast on the outer part of the map (don't know what the area is called). By huge, I mean like 6-7x the size of a Captain huge.
Anyone figure out the Attack vs Impact ratings on weapons? I did some googling and most people seem to think that, assuming the Impact ratings are the same or similar, the weapon with a higher Attack rating will do more damage to higher level enemies, because the weapon with a lower Attack rating loses effectiveness on such enemies. If, however, the differences in Impact ratings are drastically different, then it's probably better to go with the weapon with a higher Impact rating / lower Attack rating. Is this right?

I think there's a point where the Attack and Impact ratings overlap where the total "damage" to enemies will be the same. Obviously weapons with higher Attack ratings can only be wielded by higher level players so those weapons are "designed" to be used against higher level enemies. I don't think a level 10 player will want to use a weapon that's designed for a level 5 player regardless of the Attack/Impact ratings. I never keep around a weapon with a lower Attack number once my level reaches the point where I could use the next "level" weapon unless the lower level weapon has "special abilities" that boosts certain attributes like doing more damage to specific types of enemies. I've learned this a long time ago when playing PSO on Dreamcast.:cool:
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The moon mission was pretty cool. I liked the look of the landscape. I didn't get to try any co-op, so I had to solo everything. I played a human Warlock. I love the Nova bomb special ability. Great for finishing bosses/wiping out mobs.
Anyone figure out the Attack vs Impact ratings on weapons? I did some googling and most people seem to think that, assuming the Impact ratings are the same or similar, the weapon with a higher Attack rating will do more damage to higher level enemies, because the weapon with a lower Attack rating loses effectiveness on such enemies. If, however, the differences in Impact ratings are drastically different, then it's probably better to go with the weapon with a higher Impact rating / lower Attack rating. Is this right?

I posted some numbers earlier in the thread. From my testing:

Attack - determines what level of monster the weapon can hit before diminishing returns start being applied.

Impact - determines the raw damage a weapon hits for before other affects are applied.

There are weapons that have an upgraded feature that raises the attack by 5. From my tests with those weapons, the level 57 version hits a level 2 monster for the same amount as the level 62 version. In other words, just increasing the attack does nothing for weapon damage on low level monsters. However, on a level 8 mob, the level 62 version hits for 5% more than the level 57 version.

I have seen speculation that the max level of monster a weapon can hit for full damage without penalty is the attack divided by 10. I have not tested that, but it seems reasonable. I have a couple of upgrade-able weapons in the hopper that I was going to use to test this with when I get a chance.

Be careful when comparing weapons across attack levels though. I believe each attack level has a base set of statistics, and then the bars are applied to them. So a level 44 weapon with the same impact as a level 57 weapon doesn't seem to do the same damage to a level 2 monster (where they should both hit for full). I haven't been able to find a good set of weapons to test that with myself though. If this does happen, the base stats scale very slowly and is hard to notice at all.
Destiny is the same as BL2 in that regard. There's no damage for where you hit them other than critical in the head. The standard hit takes damage based on weapon rating and enemy level or something (probably more detail in this thread. Lower level weapons can't even hit higher level enemies). Criticals deal much more. But a big gun shooting someone in the foot will do more damage than a weak gun hitting them in the head.

Just a comment on this. While there is only a visible damage bonus for hitting an enemy in the head, there are reasons to shoot at other spots. For instance, shooting an enemy in the legs slows them. This is hugely important in the "kill enemy before it reaches set point" public events. It actually annoys the crap out of me to have 4 people running around trying to shoot the monster in the head when he is running at full speed and to only have me trying to slow him by hitting him in the legs.

Also, walkers need to be shot in the legs until the legs explode to expose their "brain core". You can shoot and destroy the gun that launches tracking missiles during the fight if you know what to aim at. That can make destroying the walker much easier. There is a spot on the back of the Servitor that will make him turn to face you if you hit it. Useful in team play.

There will be others too. I was exploring the deep moon and found something that looked like a floating diamond. I couldn't find a good spot to shoot him. Finally killed him after 2 deaths, but I am sure there is some trick to him because he was too hard for a generic level 8.

So where you shoot something is definitely important, even when it doesn't give increased damage.
A shot to the right place causes them to stop moving, then move slower for a short time. I don't think there is any actual limping graphic.
Anyone figure out the Attack vs Impact ratings on weapons? I did some googling and most people seem to think that, assuming the Impact ratings are the same or similar, the weapon with a higher Attack rating will do more damage to higher level enemies, because the weapon with a lower Attack rating loses effectiveness on such enemies. If, however, the differences in Impact ratings are drastically different, then it's probably better to go with the weapon with a higher Impact rating / lower Attack rating. Is this right?

I assumed that impact rating is analogous to stun or knockdown. I could take out knights fairly easy with a sniper rifle simply because shots to the head caused them to stumble making follow up shots easier since they couldnt return fire.
I assumed that impact rating is analogous to stun or knockdown. I could take out knights fairly easy with a sniper rifle simply because shots to the head caused them to stumble making follow up shots easier since they couldnt return fire.

Yeah, there is definitely a knock back effect from high impact ratings. I don't think impact is the end all, be all though. I found a AR with a low impact and a crazy rate of fire and it chewed through enemies insanely fast.
I prefer weapons that do a large amount of damage per shot because I only play PvE, and PvE is a lot of mid-long range shooting. Therefore, scout rifles are almost always my weapon of choice, along with a high-powered sniper rifle and heavy MG.

I feel that ARs are good for close-mid range, scout rifles are good for mid-long range, and pulse rifles are in-between. That's just me anyway.

I definitely noticed that scout rifles with a higher attack rating did more damage to higher level enemies when they had similar impact ratings. So I think what I've read through research makes sense.
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