Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

You might want to check it. The initially download is only like 200mb. Then you load the game and it starts downloading the rest (10.97gb).
Yup, I just did... it already downloaded 900MB (my connection isn't that fast, so it was definitely downloading while it was in standby). Download seems to be going at full speed considering how much it downloaded in just ~25 minutes, so the servers seem to be good on my end.

Under notifications, it says 'Ready to Install', but when I select 'Information' on the Destiny beta, it displays the full download progress.
Mine should finish downloading later tonight, but I probably won't have time to play until tomorrow. I might try a few games and see how it compares to the alpha.
This game seems to me equal parts derived from Star Wars (reminds me of that Star Wars MMO), Halo, and Borderlands :p

For one I know we're not supposed to care about graphics (except when we do) but the graphics are a lot better than Borderlands. Chanced across a pre-sequel video, it looks a whole generation worse.

Isn't that because the new Borderlands game is ps360 only?
here is one for PS4 Americas:


really think this could be a good game from what I've seen so far, guns feel a little under powered but over all the levels are well done and story is decent.
I also have extra code if someone wants.

BTW, I am unable to log in to the game. Looks like PSn has been overwhelmed :( !

As for fun, this is miles ahead of Borderlands in terms of fun !Play it, don't watch it !
Man the game looks might impressive I tell ya, the lighting and environment design really ooze out the atmosphere and the shadow dances elegantly everywhere. The visual in general really draws me in especially in that 1080p clarity:). Might just be the first persistent online game I'll get.
Played a bit last night. From what I can tell the game size is exactly the same as the alpha but I only saw streams of the alpha and never played it. The story missions are interesting but they revolve around the MMO style hub world that totally ruin any sense of pacing inside the narrative since you have to go back to the hub world after each mission and “turn in” a quest to a static NPC. Maybe if it didn’t take over a minute to switch to the hub world and back to the mission area it wouldn’t be so bad. Level load times in this game are awful. Inside each mission the gameplay is really fun, especially in the group dungeon where things can get really hectic and intense. The gameplay isn’t exactly Halo but it isn’t unlike Halo either, nothing totally new but new enough that I want to play more. The visuals are really really nice, I think the color palette they used is superb. Outdoors everything looks so bright and crisp. I only saw a couple instances of texture shimmer and whatever AA solution they are using keeps things looking nice and sharp. There was some framerate stutter in the outdoor areas but it only happened a handful of times in the 4 hours I played and it wasn’t anything that extreme. I am hoping that since Bungie has said they are upgrading the Xbone version to 1080p that means they will be able to iron out these small framerate issues on the PS4 version.

I haven’t read any story background for Destiny but the one thing that stood out to me as odd is the fact that the area is supposed to be this huge spaceport from humanity’s golden age but there are modern-day styled cars, airliners, helicopters and tanks all around. They are all rusted but I don’t know why they would have been left there to rust with this massive thriving society going on around them. I imagine the story will explain it once the final game is out but those modern day items seem out of place in a space-age society that has colonies across the solar system. They also don’t explain anything about the Awoken or the Exo as races, which I guess will be more explained in the final game (I hope).
The Alpha was enough to convince me to pre-order the game just to be able to play the beta.

I agree that the loads between areas are really annoying. I'm glad there are the explore areas where you can just hang around in a single area and obtain and complete missions there for as long as you like. In fact, I think the "buffet" of gameplay structures they provide (Single/Co-op Story, Single/Co-op MMO-style generic mission areas, Co-op with matchmaking strike missions and PvP) is one of the cool innovations this game brings to the shooter genre. Play the game types you like, ignore the ones you don't (save the story sections, which seem to be mandatory to progress to new areas).

The addition of loot and skill/equipment leveling helps give a purpose to the otherwise meaningless generic MMO-style missions and I think they successfully implemented that aspect of MMOs into the game. And again, because of the structure of the game, this part of the game is completely optional if it's not your thing.

Really having fun with the game and looking forward to having more time with the Beta to explore more of the game than I was able to in the Alpha.
It's really strange tha tI see groups of other players while I'm playing alone. They trigger the same events and the same fights which break the immersivness. I'm guessing it's not until you get to the non-respawn area that you are really alone in your own instance?

I have not played with anyone yet, I bet it is a blast in a group. The whole game feels like Mass Effect, Halo and Everquest had a baby.
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Played a bit. Looks better than the alpha, you can see little changes everywhere. Looks more polished and meaty than before.

I liked the direct approach of the alpha better where I had my super and my sparrow right from the beginning. Now that they have it like a story where u gain abilities one by one, it feels boring and padded out :p ! Hate the COD-like fun they give in the beginning, where the eff is my Fusion rifle ^_^ !!!! I can understand it will feel even sweeter when u get it like this, but me already had it from the get go in the Alpha !

I like Warframe for exactly that: throwing away the story cos it anyways doesn't matter in such a game. Alpha felt like that and felt great. All this story reminds me why Borderlands felt boring to me. The story all feels like fluff in such a game. Same goes for Diablo3. Just remove the story, keep the setting and let me chart out my own adventure ! The magic happens when groups form unintentionally and stories form automatically !

Anyways, it will feel like that during Raids, strikes and free roam, so its okay if they have a story mode too. Won't say no if they are serving so much :p !
I got a code from my colleague, who pre-ordered this I think as his first full PS4 title since he got the machine ... I think it should be downloaded right about now (pity it needed its own download system), but with this weather it may take a little while before I play. ;)