Sony, is pretty much promoting Destiny, so one would expect that the PS4 edition would offer some type of exclusive DLC - right?
MS damn near pioneered the way during XB360/PS3 days of offering exclusive DLC. So what's all the hubbub about?
Did you get Titanfall? If so, the XB1 or PC edition?
I've asked before but what game has MS had exclusive content locked away for a year plus exclusive content in the season pass locked away for a year ?
Even COD only has its content locked away for a month .
As for titanfall I own it on both pc and xbox one. I tend to buy mostly on price now a days. Once in awhile if a few of my younger second cousins really want to play as a group I will double dip. They don't have gaming pcs but have xbox ones. That's how I ended up buying titanfall twice.
Their parents like that I drop in on them while they are playing and make sure they are behaving. The nice thing is that I sometimes get gifts from my cousins randomly because they over hear their kid cursing playing a game. So its nice when they show up and are like oh we got an extra copy of this , do you want it. I'm so easily bought as a baby sitter