Most of the textures are higher res from the beta. A lot of new lights and geometry have also been added. I will characters look fabulous, environment look last gen, mostly because of th elast gen shaders on them.
On the gameplay front, a lot seems tweaked since the alpha. Wizards are much easier to kill than in the ALpha.
and surprise of the day: I am addicted to the MP
! This comes as a total surprise as i could not "get" the MP during the Alpha but now its pure awesomeness with that nagging feeling of "lets play one more match and then I will work" !!! The whole concept of having ur Supers into MP as well as your Rocket Launchers and everyone has their own variety of grenades and yet everything flows smoothly ! I was of the view that it would not work, but it works and it works so well !
Only Gripe: Why does it matchmake after every round ?!?!?
On the story front: I could not finish the last story mission on my own ! In co-op, me and Scuzzlebut(forgot ur B3D name?) breezed through it but later I tried it solo but could not clear the last part at all !
one BIG QUESTION: How does the Moon mission unlock ? Please, does anyone know ?