Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Does anyone know if a character you've started to create and play on a last gen console will carry over when you play the game on current gen?
Does it also mean cross platform?
So my character on X1 can also be used when i playing on ps4?
Given how i will probably have a friendbase on both consoles.

According to the article in the link...

However, he could not offer details on how the transfers would take place. He said that no decision has yet been made for those console owners who switch brands, meaning that a PS3 owner who buys and Xbox One might not be able to transfer their saves.

Doesn't look like they have the details all locked down yet.

Tommy McClain
I thought that was a MMOG and therefore everything was stored in a remote secure DB...
I'm excited for this game. My only criticism, and thing i find a bit of a turn off, is that, like with the Halo series to a lesser extent, I always feel like developers lack creativity and miss an important part of appeal of a sci-fi setting, when resign themselves to designing a game with very conventional weapons and the same old bog standard weapon classes.

It's one of the reasons I always enjoy Insomniac games, like resistance; games like Turok, and the Lost Planet series. Halo 4 was awesome in this regard. I just think that using the same old: rilfe, shotgun, pistol, SMG and heavy weapon classes in a Sci-Fi game, especially a shooter, is basically a waste of everyone's time, as the only thing separating your game from a modern-setting military shooter is the aesthetic. Mass Effect, up to ME3 was guilty of this too.

If its Sci-Fi, I want lasers, plasma weapons, particle accelerators, phase-shift weapons, and gravitic distortion generators. It's one of the main reasons I love Warhammer 40k, and thought the recent Space Marine game was awesome but missed a trick by not going all out with all the crazy-ass wargear in WH40k lore.

Regardless, I'm still pumped for Destiny. As I'm dying for a really polished shooter with a reasonably good narrative on my PS4. Narrative hasn't been Bungie's strong point for a while, granted. But Halo Reach was pretty good, and so I can on that basis give them the benefit of the doubt.
well, Bungie says the MP is totally skill based and it doesn't matter what level u are in a MP. I didn't catch what exactly he said about the exotic guns(am in a noisy place with no headphones), but they seem to very sure that each one has the same bang at their disposal, yet can carry their individual characters and gear into MP:

Due to the bs around the DLC , I wont be buying this game at all.

Even the season pass which costs the same on both systems has exclusive content for the ps4. That's where I draw the line . Its one thing if sony paid for some dlc and made it free , but i'm not going to pay extra to get even less content.

I will instead buy evolve.
I don't see BS. One platform gets some content quicker. MS did it for years with the most popular games they could grab [COD & GTA]. Why should some feel offended by this, that's beyond me.
I don't see BS. One platform gets some content quicker. MS did it for years with the most popular games they could grab [COD & GTA]. Why should some feel offended by this, that's beyond me.

Why ? When I buy the season pass for the dlc , I don't get all the dlc in the season pass if I buy it on the pc or xbox , but I do if I get it on the ps4.

I rather not support it. There is also no information about this second set of exclusive dlc and if its timed or not.

We know the Xbox COD dlc is a 1 month exclusive .

I wont support industry practices that I don't agree with and there are so many more games that deserve my money and aren't going to with hold content from me because I choose to purchase their game on another system
just found out its a year exclusive on content. So I get to pay $35 bucks for a season pass and have to wait a year to play content that another system gets much earlier. Forget that
just found out its a year exclusive on content. So I get to pay $35 bucks for a season pass and have to wait a year to play content that another system gets much earlier. Forget that

I agree with you! It is really a mad system, against the consumers...that is why I have all systems to give me a choice.

Unfortunately, this is now a common practise and happens with both systems all the time. So, imo, no real reason to boycott Destiny, as you consequently have to boycott a lots of other games as well...
Why ? When I buy the season pass for the dlc , I don't get all the dlc in the season pass if I buy it on the pc or xbox , but I do if I get it on the ps4.

I rather not support it. There is also no information about this second set of exclusive dlc and if its timed or not.

We know the Xbox COD dlc is a 1 month exclusive .

I wont support industry practices that I don't agree with and there are so many more games that deserve my money and aren't going to with hold content from me because I choose to purchase their game on another system
Meh, MS does the same thing, and probably more often. I haven't skipped a single game due to exclusive/timed content. I know it's just business. I don't like or agree with it, but it is what it is.

Evolve looks like it will be great as well, but Destiny looks to be the much bigger game. Not only is the marketing budget huge, but it's also great judging by the alpha and user responses. So you'll be missing out on a great game IMO.
Why ? When I buy the season pass for the dlc , I don't get all the dlc in the season pass if I buy it on the pc or xbox , but I do if I get it on the ps4.

I rather not support it. There is also no information about this second set of exclusive dlc and if its timed or not.

We know the Xbox COD dlc is a 1 month exclusive .

I wont support industry practices that I don't agree with and there are so many more games that deserve my money and aren't going to with hold content from me because I choose to purchase their game on another system

Do you feel the same about whole games too, did you boycott Titanfall? Either you have to live with it and realize most exclusive DLC is junk not worth mentioning or boycott most major releases...
Do you feel the same about whole games too, did you boycott Titanfall? Either you have to live with it and realize most exclusive DLC is junk not worth mentioning or boycott most major releases...

Imo, a fully exclusive title is quite different to exclusive DLC...if I already bought a game, I want access to all available content. A full console exclusive at least offers the advantage of being highly optimized for this particular hardware...
Meh, MS does the same thing, and probably more often. I haven't skipped a single game due to exclusive/timed content. I know it's just business. I don't like or agree with it, but it is what it is.

Evolve looks like it will be great as well, but Destiny looks to be the much bigger game. Not only is the marketing budget huge, but it's also great judging by the alpha and user responses. So you'll be missing out on a great game IMO.
When has ms had anything close to a year long exclusive on dlc in which sony / Nintendo players have bought the content ?

Do you feel the same about whole games too, did you boycott Titanfall? Either you have to live with it and realize most exclusive DLC is junk not worth mentioning or boycott most major releases...

This doesn't make any sense. Titan fall is a full game. Its just not avalible on playstation. This is different. ITs akin to getting a game and not getting the last few hours of the game till a year later. Its a bit crazy to me
I might be wrong but some of the DLC is even exclusive after the time-exclusivity? That's just pushing it further than ever before. Bungie am disappoint a bit there.