Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

You melee the bomb to turn invisible and happily dismantle it with no risk

If you have the longer invisibility perk.

You can count
one thousand
two thousand

when you counted
nine thousand

crouch and your invisibility will be continued with bother invisibility .

Don't count 123456789. Your timing will be bad. Use one thousand and so on
Can you explain that. We are going for Skolas next weekend and I do have a hunter which I like much more than that Warlock.
In fact, is there a good strategy guide for Skolas you can link to, pls?

Probably just google "reddit Skolas guide" or so. Or search youtube for similar. I dont know of any particular guides offhand though I'm sure I've read a few.

Just be aware Skolas is very frustrating and will likely take at LEAST 3 hours for first timers, if you can beat him at all.

Even now after I have 16 skolas clears, it basically just comes down to the group. A good group and you'll beat him, a mediocre group and well, you may be a while. On LFG many of the post of POE 35 are "at skolas" which means lots of people get there then give up on him, leaving the fireteam leader to look for new players. Even with a good group I think there's some chance involved because of the mines. Thinking back, I dont think i beat him "legit" until week 3 or 4 maybe, only beat him by rush burn prior. He's a bit easier (regular way) now that they removed burns.

I will say if you have enough etheric light and you're not interested in the elemental primaries like I am, the loot is not worth it. You'll get a few motes and coins and a useless queens weapon=3 weapon parts. And a Judgements Chance basically (weapon core+armor core) which probably will be lame as well, although does have a chance to turn into POE armor Variks hasn't sold yet. The first time though you'll get a ship, shader I think though this may be bugged, Class Item, stuff like that which are always nice the first time as symbols of saying "hey I beat X", but of course later you'll care less about it. Actually the ship while at first I thought was cool, now strikes me as hideous.

But I'd do it just to say I did if nothing else, since it's the hardest PVE challenge in the game, but that's me.
Its the most tedious and boring PVE challenge.

Best played with titans that keeps producing orbs. Or with player that keep doing heavy ammo glitch, especially those that have no primary.

When I was doing heavy ammo glitch prior to the skolas battle to have all arena littered with heavy ammo it is much faster to complete. Basically everytime I run to dismantle mines, my heavy got refilled. Then I can quickly kill the adds. Then we safely shot skolas until the next adds wave.
goddamn nightfall! so many adds especially on taniks arena. one more shot hes dead. but noooo those homing arc gun from twenty adds killed me while invisible.

fuck u destiny.
One more skolas clear...finding the right team to beat skolas, off LFG is always like pulling teeth! No primary dropped. I think that's 3 in a row no primary, I knew I was due for a dry spell so gotta get these out of the way.

Overall now 4 element primaries in 17 clears. RNG Skolas primary drop rate is thus probably 25% or even less I bet.

Hopefully I can get two more Skolas wins this week.

If I get a void scout I might semi-retire until Taken King. Feeling like a break lately.
I already feel like retiring until TTK, save for reset day for nightfalls and a few raids, and for Trials. IB is this week and I don't even feel like playing that (haven't even played yet).

PoE is getting extremely old for me... I'm doing it less and less. I've gotten all of the ToO primaries in each element, plus I've saved a couple of elemental primaries from Skolas (dismantled a few that I'd never use).

The only things I still enjoy in Destiny are ToO, VoG and sometimes regular crucible. And the only things left that I want/need are the Sun of Osiris emblem and the Bones of Eao.

Maybe I'll start grinding Vanguard Dragon to get some of those weapons. Don't think I've even played Vanguard Dragon yet.
There was discussion on reddit Bones of Eao like new Gjallahorn, extremely hard to get/low drop rate.

Wonder if there's anything to that. Well, I still dont have them. I'm figuring my best chance is just next time Xur sells leg engrams, I'll probably brute force it. Hope the supposed low drop rate (if real) doesn't apply to engrams too.

Did get an Etheric light from nightfall a couple hours ago. Only second time I can recall.

And yeah, break before TTK sounds nice to me, but I probably wont end up doing it like usual. Lets see, we only have 6.5 weeks left anyway...

I probably wont break if I get that void scout, just dial back and dabble in "fun" stuff like nightfall/weekly/daily, crucible, and play less overall, instead of bashing my head against Skolas.

I would probably go ahead and delete a hunter and make a Titan, but it's to close to TTK to embark on a big project like that. Also deleting a character can delete your moments of triumph progress toward that stupid emblem, that I dont even know why I care about. Plus TTK, having 3X same class at the start could well be advantageous to bootstrapping. HoW had almost no light level grind, I'm guessing it will have to return for TTK.
4 out of the core 5 or 6 people that I regularly play with have the Bones. :( Dunno about the other people I play with because it's not a question I ask everyone, heh.

The Sun of Osiris emblem is also very rare. No one in my core group has it. A few people on my friends list have it though. That's the only item I need to obtain from ToO.

I've only gotten etheric light once from nightfall IIRC.
I got bone of so really early and quickly used that for gltiching around.

It makes hunter able to reach high places, or far away ledges, just like titan.
No leg engram from Xur again, so I guess unless my two nightfalls or some remaining drop no Bones for me this week.
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Yay destiny will be unleashed from alpha on September.

Joking aside, it is a major overhaul and now I'm considering to record all ghost dialogue.

Then compare it with new dialogue in TTK overhaul.

Ugh it will take lots of time. Maybe I'll just record iconic pieces 'we've woken the hive!" Etc
Just a little :LOL:

Why are they getting rid of Dinklage? He's cool.

I have to say TTK news has left me a little adrift, not much reason to refine my weaponry now when it'll be some degree of obsolete very soon.

I finally got Wolves Leash II to drop unfortunately in arc, but it seems like a piece of shit! What a pea shooter, seems like using an auto rifle :(

So I've been striving for this gun in void for weeks and turns out it's a piece of crap. And yes I did have Vanilla Wolves Leash, I guess I didn't play with it enough to really realize how much it sucks.
Destiny holding up really well on twitch, maybe even gaining. It's 6th most viewed for example when I just checked. Of course this varies a lot but overall it's holding up really well if not gaining strength. Bodes well for the game overall and of course it will see a big surge for Taken King.

OTOH I noticed the Destiny reddit forum seems to be declining somewhat in viewers. Probably cyclical with expansions of course.

Yes I'm weird and notice things like these.

Wolves Leash II...yeah who the heck thought an extremely low impact scout with a 17 mag, even with decent reload speed, was a good idea? Even a 27 mag wouldn't help this thing that much but it'd be a basic start. It does like 20% less damage than Mida, already a light hitter. No good perks really to at least increase reload speed either (and of course it's missing a perk) Just totally outclassed by prior raid weapons. To get much out of it you have to train yourself to whack that trigger as fast as you can. Full auto would have been nice.

Actually I still find it usable, even seemed somewhat competent on Skolas, except fire shielded shanks like in this weeks nightfall. Good grief they're almost invincible with this thing. I think you could empty your entire clip into one, literally, and not have it's shields down.

Two Skolas runs this week, both surprisingly easy and trouble free. Last week had a no wipe run through all POE35 as well. Hoping as always people are just getting good at Skolas. But still hearing tales of "last group I was with sucked we tried for an hour and failed".

I have all the Fallen armor now, that helps.

Oh yeah and Xur sold Bones...I always kinda feel like it's cheating to buy an exotic from Xur...13 coins LOL, think I have 450? Then I watch Datto saying oh yeah they're fun, but you'll soon shelf them. Little bit of a buzzkill but I dont care.

Probably plan to do my last Skolas run then maybe crucible this week. Ghosts are all done, next side project is Golden chests, only thing I need for my Moments of Triumph.

Watching mtashed (pvp guy on youtube) starting to think I'm doing it all wrong, instead of bladedancer/red death/shotty maybe I should run Gunslinger/last word/sniper, and use throwing knives liberally. Well I dunno about changing my style up that much when I'm such a crucible baby, but I have a feeling sniping would fit my natural FPS playstyle better than shotgun.

Also realized one reason I'm struggling so bad with Last Word is I think I'm using it wrong. Basically you want to rapid body shot with it, I'm going for head shots too much. That and stay in close range.
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huahm just pre ordered tkk expansion because credit card expired in a few days. ugh i dont want to pre order but credit card expiring...

btw destiny nowadays is really empty. like half of 1st page on rooster. usually its 2 or 3 pages.