But you always said I didn't earn them...one guy can get full gear in one trip through VoG other guy never gets it after 100 completions you said. Nothing earned. Just dumb RNG luck some get lucky some dont.
It doesn't hold .
Do I have any chance of Dumb RNG luck if I don't play those activities? I have to work for it, RNG or not? I earn what I get by playing specific activities. What are you defensive about? You seem to suggest that the exotics are some kind of gifts from Bungie.....and as mentioned many times, RNG is not the only way to get them. Exotic bounties.....painful WRT The Thorn.....hello...bounties to level up perks.....you are just avoiding topics to make it sound as if the weapons are free to grab and require no work at all.
My Hunter is at level 33 right now, can you make it 34 by dumb luck? no, I will have to work on it and RNG can only make it longer. I want the Lord of Wolves, should I just open Destiny and wait ? C'mon,
@Rangers, what are you saying? If I want that Lord of Wolves, I have to work towards SKolas and all RNG can do is not give me nothing when I beat him. Making it even more hard earned when I do get the bounty done.
If RNG just drops it on me during Nightfall, it still required me to play the same old nightfall every week to get it. There's no way to get it without working on it.
And what does Bungie get by nerfing these weapons? As long as there are no better alternatives, it will only make the fights boring an bland, longer and stretched out. Hezen is good RL too and I use it when I need to equip some other exotic whihc I feel is more required in the current situation than Gjallarhorn. THat is the way to dictate decisions, by making them less or more viable via design, via alternatives. As an example : Give us a RL which does 1.5x dmage but has three rockets in the tube and some will go that way instead of Gjallarhorn. Give us a RL which does 1.25x damage but can be spec-ed for supper human instant reloads and some will have fun with that ! Exotics are supposed to be special by very definition, if they are not, whats the point of running bounties to earn them?( or the special slot!)
And , anyways,
if with Taken King these old exotics are anyways going to become low damage weapons compared to the new weapons, then why is Bungie bothering about it? Are they afraid we might burn through the new content very quickly and want us to take longer with lower spec-ed weapons?
If they are doing this only for PvP,
then they should keep the changes to PVP and not spoil our PvE fun (not elongate the encounters artificially.) Its like what @Orangepelupa used to say, Bungie wants you to play a specific way and no other way will be tolerated. They cannot
define fun for us ! Its a fun game and evreyone has their own kindof fun in it !
And if they want all these exotics to not feel exotic then I wonder why they call them exotics at all. As if their vision for their weapons isn't clear. Why is everyone using the Gjallarhorn/Hawkmoon/IB/BH/Thorn? cos its a good weapon, give us another fun alternative and we will have fun with that ! Its a game and all we want t do is have fun !
No, lets make the fun one's boring so that people migrate to the other weapons
......and then what Bungie?
What does it accomplish in Pve?
making us migrate to "lesser" weapons?
Does it make the game fun?
Its an ill thought decision, as if they already know there's nothing better coming in Taken King either, so how will we make ppl lose their old favourites !
Its not a rant, for a PvE person, the changes are meaningless and uncalled for ! This is something that has made our whole group question where Bungie really wants Destiny to go !
" Do they want us to have fun in it with friends or make sure we think and do exactly as they say ! "
If something is fun to use, then removing it from the game is NOT a good idea ! Providing alternatives even more fun is the only way to go, like people migrated from IB to BH when Bungie brought that in. Or designing encounters where other weapons, by definiton, become more effective.
ANyways, that good game design, one doesn't have to do that. One can do what Bungie is doing, making Hawkmoon "not special", making IB cumbersome, making gjallarhorn less effective and turning BH into a normal Triple tap perk.