Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

No the plan as I understood was basically an expansion every 3-4 months, then a major ".5" expansion every other year (Taken King), then a new numbered Destiny every 2 years.


September 2014-Destiny
December 14-Dark Below
May 15-House of Wolves
September 15 TTK (Destiny 1.5)
?? (expansion?)
?? (expansion?)
September 2016- Destiny 2

I'm just wondering if they're going to drop an expansion in December again. Kinda doubting it, maybe January.

Pelupa is probably right, two more expansion before Destiny 2. I remember the Cabal one.
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Watching the stream, nothing much youtubers hadn't already gleaned from preview videos YET.

-One nice newish thing is how the boost works, I was wondering. It's a consumable you get called spark of light, so I will indeed be able to boost a Titan to level 25 in TTK, save it or whatever.

- new Ghost perk is for example "helps you find spirit bloom". Great, too bad planetary mats are pointless now that you can buy it.

-The collection vendor he said is for emblems, shaders, and ships, and "so on", to which deej smirked, so maybe they aren't revealing collections for weapons yet but hinting they are coming. Also, seem some youtubers speculate you would have to buy stuff in your collection for marks or glimmer (so even if you found shader x before you would have to buy it for ten marks or something from your collection once you dismantled), but it seems no you can just have them back for free out of your collection, no purchase required.

-Guy said something about for shaders, if you get a shader it will be "taken out of your loot stream", so you wont get it again, so eventually you WILL get the shader you're chasing (this seemed in the context of faction reward packages). I wonder if this "no duplicates in your loot stream" thing could apply to other areas?

-Lord Shaxxx now has has 5 weekly crucible bounties, complete all 5 in a week and you get a "nightfall level" reward, wanted PVP players to have more reward avenues.

-The Ghosts also have glimmer buffs. Including PVP. So like, a Ghost with perk "get more glimmer when killing Titans in Crucible". (I'm sure this type of thing also in PVE).

-Whoa, no weekly limit on the new legendary marks (replaces crucible and vanguard marks). You can only hold 200, but you could then spend them and earn more. That's huge news. I think maybe making the game too easy again...

-Legendary gear will produce marks when you shard them...I forsee legendary marks quickly becoming useless then, vanguard marks already will have tons o marks and nothing compelling to buy with them.

-Faction levels carry over, so if you're level 3 New Monarchy you will be level 3 in TTK. NIce, I guess expected but yeah.

-They keep dancing around vault space questions, making it clear they will address it later in the stream, seems big changes to vault coming though.

-Exotic blueprints, keep track of your exotics, guess in case you dismantle any, you go to blueprints and get it back. Also you can I guess get one for each char? So get that exotic once, is effectively getting it for all characters? Another big change.

-If I understand it right, SOME year 1 exotics will carry over to year 2, but not all? So maybe Suros Regime is in year 2 but not Hard Light, or whatever? Not sure.

-You can buy year 2 versions of exotics for looks like 125 marks from blueprints. "Only some exotics coming forward". So basically you could go buy -upgraded-year 2 Suros from blueprints. But not all exotics will have an updated year 2 version. Also tweaked, Suros Regime is bit different now to follow the other new Suros weapons. And now it's black :)

-Attack values are actually decreased, and normalized across armor and weapons. So like helmet will max at 300 (not sure the exact number, but it's lower), chest piece same, gun same. But they will hit harder obviously it's just a numerical change.

-Can buy legendary engrams from the cryptarch for 125 marks. May even decrypt to an exotic.

-forgot from earlier but Armor has new elemental based defense perks. Such as, take less damage from solar weapons.

-As known, Gunsmith can now be used to "order" legendary guns if you have high enough gunsmith rank (earned by killing stuff with gunsmith weapons), which will be delivered every wednesday on "armsday".

-You can dismantle a more powerful weapon to upgrade another weapon by "imbuing it". Described as "fueling" with the old guns. Sort of "sacrifice" a gun to make another gun more powerful in attack value. But this ONLY works for year 2 guns. So it's not ascension. Not sure I fully understand this one yet.

-Vault space...doubled for weapons, more than doubled for armor (72 slots each I think). Yay! Wasn't expecting anything beyond the presumed collection vendors...

Anyways most of that stuff had already been figured out, but more fleshed out now and more vault space was a unknown biggie.
I think my new love in crucible is Last Word+a sniper! Watching some of the top PVP guys I saw a lot of this. Of course quickly you realize it makes great sense theoretically because the Last Word is a close range beast, and of course sniper is a long range beast, so you've kind of got all your bases covered. Of course you will lose up close to a shotgun, but hey cant have everything, and Last Word can make it a fight maybe. Oh and I think bladdancer quickdraw perk is key to this, because it allows you to switch between TLW and your sniper constantly and easily. You scope down looking for someone to snipe, but you can switch to TLW fast at will and vice versa.

I have a Shadow of Veils and that seems like regarded as a top PVP snipe, high aim assist, so I use it. Also the "refill mag on super cast" perk Veils has is actually kind of useful in PVP where special ammo is in short supply.

Anyways I feel like I could do a 1:1 k/d with this. Just had a 15-12 game which is unheard of good for me!

Also I use gauntlets with hand cannon reload speed and long grenade throw. You give up special reload speed but I think reloading TLW is a lot more important in this scenario. Now I'm saving crucible marks to get Imminent War helm, it has faster melee and grenade kills give super. It's at least better than my POE helm that doesn't contribute anything in PVP. I have so much armor floating around it's pretty easy to switch around to keep 100% intellect and 100% discipline no matter my gear, which is nice.
I used a sniper instead of my usual shotgun for all 3 of my ToO runs last week (also used a sniper for most of my previous ToO runs). I used Her Benevolence and Shadow of Veils and the extra aim assist is noticeable (or maybe placebo). I seemed to be getting headshots slightly easier. I even have hidden hand on both my of HB snipers (along with short gaze). Also have hand-laid stock for increased stability, so it performs very similarly to SoV with perfect balance equipped.

But yeah, Shadow of Veils is a very solid PVP sniper and has removed the need for me to reforge my third HB so that I could have a good sniper on all 3 characters. Both snipers are solid, but HB has the potential to be a bit better for some people who may be looking for better perks.
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And then I bet you use Thorn you dirty Warlock...j/k

Ok new crucible revelation of the moment, Mida! I tried it once before for a minute and felt pretty outgunned, but today on a whim I tried it (with obligatory radiant dance machines) and it feels fricken great! Had games of 10-5 followed up by 14-5, the latter probably my best spread ever!

It finally feels like I'm not fighting the gun...I was doing ok with Last Word but I just hate hand cannons...they're just not me. OTOH in PVE I love scouts.

With this I prefer going back to shotgun, as Mida kinda has long range covered anyway.

I am hoping too the TTK minor scout buff will make Mida a beast (I have seen some redditors predict this)...not sure since it does 55 crit it would have to be huge boost to get it to a 3 shot kill, and if you did it'd probably be OP, but every little bit helps. Maybe get it to a 5 shot body kill could help, or whatever, since it does 37 body.

I have a feeling Last Word is objectively better, and one day I might have to go back to it, heck I feel like I see more Last Word in crucible these days than even Thorn. Anyway, the meta is going to change in a little over 3 weeks anyway so we'll see what rises to the top, probably wont be Last Word due to it's heavy nerfs.
And then I bet you use Thorn you dirty Warlock...j/k
I only have one Warlock. :p I do ToO on all 3 of my characters (one of each class). And honestly, I play best with my hunter in PVP (Warlock being my second favorite, but my favorite for PVE). My K/D in ToO is as follows:
Warlock 1.27 (overall 1.35) (self-res sometimes negatively impacts K/D since it potentially leads to more deaths)
Hunter 1.38 (overall 1.4)
Titan 1.33 (overall 1.5)

I usually use my Warlock when trying to help friends through ToO too, which has caused my K/D to go down on that character.

And no I don't use Thorn, I use Hawkmoon, which requires more skill. :p

Ok new crucible revelation of the moment, Mida! I tried it once before for a minute and felt pretty outgunned, but today on a whim I tried it (with obligatory radiant dance machines) and it feels fricken great! Had games of 10-5 followed up by 14-5, the latter probably my best spread ever!
I would take individual match results with a pinch of salt. Results depends greatly on the level of competition, which can vary match to match. You gotta play quite a few matches to get a good idea of how well you do with a particular load out IMO. I could go 3+ K/D one match and <1 another with the same load out. Also it depends on the map. I don't use Multi Tool, but I would imagine it would be far less effective in a map like The Anomaly vs something like Shores of Time for example.

I have a feeling Last Word is objectively better, and one day I might have to go back to it, heck I feel like I see more Last Word in crucible these days than even Thorn. Anyway, the meta is going to change in a little over 3 weeks anyway so we'll see what rises to the top, probably wont be Last Word due to it's heavy nerfs.
I see far more Thorn in ToO. I find that even Hawkmoon is used more than TLW in ToO. It's more even in 6v6 match types.
3v3 matches are quite different than 6v6, especially ToO.
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Yes, I am now knowledgeable enough to say Hunter Bladedancer is the best PVP class...based on most of the really good players I see on twitch and youtube usually use it. Although I think the margin isn't huge. The agility, and the arc blade is one of if not the best supers. Quickdraw is good too.

Most polls I've seen show there are slightly more hunters than other classes, but it's pretty evenly divided. I think thats because all the PVP goobs choose hunter. It's not the best PVE class, probably third. You never see people asking for hunters in LFG, with the one exception of Crotas sword. Whereas in PVE nothing trumps Warlock self res.

I'm pretty worried what Bungie is going to do with the new supers for TTK though, Stormcaller and Fire Hammer are probably going to be killing beasts, ending Hunter's edge there.
I have a bad feeling one or both will be OP. Hunters new super will be useless in crucible.

Yeah, when I peaked into TOO I saw a TON of Thorns. Seemed like 80%. But I was just wondering if the meta was evolving just a bit because I seem to see more TLW and less Thorn lately in regular crucible. But could just be my imagination. Regular crucible was always far more varied anyway.

I think the 10-5 crucible game was on the anomaly...I feel pretty confident I love Mida in crucible. I think it fits what I do well. We will see...I can tell it lacks DPS being the main "problem", but another thing I love about it is the perk that keeps radar up when you ADS. I am surprised how much I love this (I know Knucklehead radar has it but I never used it in PVP). That way you can always be scoping and not worry about somebody sneaking up on you. Oh yeah the competition definitely was subpar on the 14-5 game.
Hmph I keep loosing crucible to 5 times in a row beforevi can win once or twice then the cycle repeats.

The only way to consistently win more than two times in a row is by keep suiciding for whole 2 matches.

BTW people that hate destiny netcode that want it have dedicated server like battlefield should try playing battlefield in Asia.... A total mess of rubber banding.

Destiny with peer to peer is muuuuuch better. It even WORKS FINE (except the sudden random lag) when playing with people from other side of the world.
Have I mentioned how much I love Mida in crucible? I think this super serious review explains it...

I bet my K/D with Mida is DOUBLE what it was prior. Had a 12 kill streak the other day.

I do not see many using it...weirdly cause I think it's pretty underrated.

I am a little too obsessed with K/D for sure...doesn't surprise me though I'm a bit obsessive about such things involving numbers. It's at .55 and steadily going up. With Mida Id guess it's at least 1.0 maybe higher.

One discouraging thing though is I played some rumble and got my butt kicked a few times, like 3-12. It seemed like just a bunch of sharks running around with blink and shotguns, ready to one shot in the blink of an eye. Maybe I just got unlucky and matched up with skilled players. I'm doing well in Clash and Control. Mostly I have played Clash since I started crucible.

I kinda feel there are too many game types, and they are always adding even more. Going to fracture the userbase too much IMO. But I guess they are aiming at that guy that just plays crucible and wants all the variety he can get.

Anyways in the 2.0 patch they mention high/medium ROF Scout Rifles are getting a buff, so I think Mida could be a real beast in TTK, not too mention the other weapons getting nerfed (Thorn no longer being a two-shot=Mida relatively better vs Thorn, etc) will bring Mida up by default even if it just stayed the same. Just remember I used it first....
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use MIDA on maps where there's a lot open space. Mostly Burning Shrine and then depending on my mood on a few others. It's a great weapon if you can flank people.

I really enjoy Crucible now especially IB/Control while I hated every damn minute of it during the Thorn bounty with a Fusion as my primary. Clash isn't as much fun because it has no real flow with the random spawning. Skirmish is interesting but there are too many experienced ToO players there now. But getting my grimoire there isn't unrealistic. Rumble can be really frustrating and running this if you're no a TLW/Shotgun prodigy feels futile. Even if you manage to kill somebody another will shoot you in the back closely afterwards. I don't wanna know how many matches even the hardcore players need to get 100 wins there for the grimoire.

The weapons I use are Red Death/Thorn/Mida/TLW/3LW and lately a NL Shadow 701X(Auto/Braced Frame/Firefly, a headshot machine in PvE and not bad in PvP either)

Using the right character is also important. I played Crucible the longest time with a Voidwalker but my K/D is better with a Striker/Hunter because of the grenades/speed. If you run a Warlock in IB either Manacles if you play more passive or the Ram(the extra armor boost makes a real difference there)
I need the int/disc scout rifle reload gauntlets from FWC now to finish off my mida loadout. Since I run radiant dance machines with Mida, unfortunately they are strength. However I try to max int and the rest in disc. So I'll run int/disc helm, gaunts, and an int (POE) chest I have, which will max my int and give me all I can get in disc. Easy.

I noticed in videos people run Mida with 21 in the mag in crucible, all this time I've been using Field Scout, not even realizing I'm thus giving up another agility boost by not using lightweight. MIda takes a lot of shots to kill so 21 could be a little limiting, but it should be best overall.

I dont too much get the point of using one/onesynthete, NL Shadow, etc etc over Mida. They look to all have similar stats but wont have all the other exotic positives of Mida like hidden snapshot perk, move speed, etc. Plus I adore Mida's scope, it's a big part of why I am about twice as good with the gun as any other. Now it would free up your exotic slot, but I see little reason to use any special or heavy exotic in crucible.
Gauntlets with Scout Reload for the MIDA isn't something I would prioritize. If you find one, nice, if not take the one with the best int/disc you need+melee speedup. I never use MIDA with FC. 21 bullets is a lot and 2+ is worth far more in PvE/PvP.

Well, NL Shadow with Auto is extremely fast and with Braced Frame has about 90% stability. Think of it as a legendary SUROS with Focus Fire. I don't say it's better than MIDA but it's a weapon config you should look out for, you might like it.
Sure, the gauntlets are just to squeeze the last drop out of the build so to speak. I like to feel like all my gear is contributing at least SOMETHING rather than just sitting there (for example sometimes I'd run a POE helm many times in crucible with my luck rasberry, that was helping me zero in crucible! The perks were all PVE). I guess now my chestpiece will be the one just sitting there. Also, I like to have something I feel like I'm earning crucible marks towards when I'm doing crucible, like I'm usually saving for something, being I never did PVP before anything buyable with crucible marks used to be off limits to me.

I already have faster melee speed on my helmet.

About NL Shadow, that's one I see mentioned along with a few others like One/One Syntheste, but like I say I dont see where they could beat Mida. When I look up their stats they're almost dopplegangers to mida (if we believe the stats, Bungie is screwy with these and if anything Mida might outperform it's stats since it's an exotic), EXCEPT they'll have like 13-14 in the mag instead of 21-27 right off the bat, Mida is loaded with hidden perks Bungie gave it (Snapshot/high caliber rounds to name two I believe). I happen to think mag capacity is a decent factor here because a light hitting scout may take 4-6 shots to kill, and it's obviously not like you're only ever engaging one target. I feel like even 21 might be a little crimping as I mentioned.

I guess you could maybe roll the others for more stability, and some people love full auto.
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I think I'm doing Iron Banner...Screw it Crucible has me crazy addicted right now anyway. No real reason to play PVE right now (would like a void scout or HC from Skolas but the odds are too long and the time sink too great, especially when TTK will upend everything soon).

Of course my main problem with IB is I cant play much Sat/Sun/Mon, but oh well. I've been playing so much crucible I bet I can at least get to level 3 regardless.

I didn't do bad at all in IB...very competitive at times. It's very gratifying to see so much improvement in this area of the game I never thought I could compete in.

There's nothing in IB I actually want (much)...maybe the etheric light but not really, I have 18 doing nothing I think. The Felwinters if I hit lv 4 I'll probably buy.

I'm leaning more sniper than shotgun, I'd say on the majority of maps. I'm hardly a beast with it, but it's surprising how many people will just stand in hallways and wait to get popped, or try to duel you down a long hall when they've got a primary and you've got a sniper. Just like Mida it seems to be my style. I think Shotgun is better for some maps but really AFAIK the majority I prefer sniper on.

I just feel like I'm really setting up everything ideally for myself, loadout wise, and actually understanding how Crucible works. The first time in any game ever I've really delved into PVP.
I really enjoy Crucible now especially IB/Control while I hated every damn minute of it during the Thorn bounty with a Fusion as my primary. Clash isn't as much fun because it has no real flow with the random spawning. Skirmish is interesting but there are too many experienced ToO players there now. But getting my grimoire there isn't unrealistic. Rumble can be really frustrating and running this if you're no a TLW/Shotgun prodigy feels futile. Even if you manage to kill somebody another will shoot you in the back closely afterwards. I don't wanna know how many matches even the hardcore players need to get 100 wins there for the grimoire.
Yeah Rumble is definitely the hardest to get wins. It's the match type I play the least, but excluding all of my matches that I played several months ago when I didn't take PVP seriously, I have 9 wins in 24 matches, so it would take me ~270 matches to get 100 wins in Rumble at this pace. I consider myself not great but pretty good or above average at PVP. Some of my buddies are quite good and have a ~60%+ winning percentage so it wouldn't take them as long.

In rumble, you're pretty much forced to play aggressively, and thus you have to use weapons good for close range most of the time (unless you're skilled at sniping). Or if you're good and confident enough, you can hold the high traffic areas.

Also, there can be a big swing in competition level depending on when you play or just match to match. One match I went 22-1 and got a Sum of All Tears medal (finish with a score greater than the sum of all of your competitors combined) and just prior to that I went 13-12 and got third.

It's definitely a different mode that requires a different play-style, but it's good practice for 1v2+ situations in ToO so I'm looking to play more of it.
Man I'm killing Iron Banner. Just had a match with 19 kills (I think the most kills I've ever had, as far as I remember previous record was 15 a few times) and a 3.27 k/d. I finished a close second in scoring even, I led most of the way but at the end another guy nipped me, I finished with like 4400 points and he had like 4500. I'm sure I've never led a match at the end either...

Overall k/d just hit .6. It moves pretty slow. Honestly I wouldn't bet on myself ending up much over something like .75. Probably since Mida and if I stay out of rumble I could average a 1.0.

It's done a lot for my gaming self esteem learning I dont suck at PVP nearly as much as I thought...

I guess I'm learning that it takes a lot of play to really start learning the systems, just learning, and stuff. I guess I thought it was mostly just twitch based and that you should start playing pretty well almost immediately if you were going to. But like 1000 kills in I'm starting to understand things much better, I can see situations developing, what that guy is trying to do and how to get a step ahead of him, tricks, learning the maps a bit, things like that. So now I've gone from "absolutely horrible" to "just very mediocre".

In Iron Banner the fact I've got so much time in, and thus have all the equipment under the sun, maxed, helps me too. I noticed one kill I had where Mida was a 3 head shot kill I think, because the guy was a lower level, it was doing 68 crit instead of it's normal 55. Which taught me If Mida actually was a 3 shot, that gun would just own crucible, cause it's so fast as a 3 shot, I mean imo it's great as is. I predict it very possible in TTK the Skribbles types will all be bandwaggoning Mida (j/k, I always bust Skribbles chops for some reason)

I still run into very few others using Mida that I've noticed.

And I've always sucked at PVP, but the only PVP I played even a little was Halo and Gears. It also makes me appreciate Destiny even more, the game is so good, that it's got a great huge PVP side too.

I'm just grinding Iron Banner and crucible rank now. I'm only just level 2 in crucible rank. I recently got all my factions to level 3 on at least one char, so the only thing left is crucible, but it's the most difficult since you cant just wear a cape during nightfall. It would be nice to have every faction at least level 3 by TTK. I just learned regular crucible bounties still are in effect in IB, which I didn't know, so that's good, I can grind both at the same time. Cant grind cruc marks on this char cus he's over the weekly cap already but oh well, cruc rank and IB are bigger deals.

If I get to level 4 I wouldn't mind Felwinters, it's already got a good roll as I understand so I could just run it as is as my new Crucible shotter. I'm still using Found Verdict, because I never bothered to reroll my Party Crasher/Matador yet. If I get that Felwinters I wont need to spend the weapon parts. No sense committing to much until we see how the new TTK PVP meta is.
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Yeah the last game I've played PVP was Counter-Strike Source on PC back in the day. My buddies got me into crucible and it's one of my favorite things in Destiny now. Obviously the more you play the better you'll get. And getting better in crucible greatly helps in PVE as well.
I managed my best game in total today with MIDA on Pantheon and got my first Reign of Terror. 13K/D with 26 kills, 5 assists and 5960 score. Don't get me wrong here this is not my typical level of play but compared to where I was in the beginning this is lightyears beyond all my expectations.

BTW, I switched over to a Pacifier VII with Perfect Balance from my Plug.1/Pacifier with Accelerated Coils versions. Even if it's slower this feels a lot more reliable and deadly. Probably surprised a lot Shotgun only people.

P.S. No sniping...
If I get to level 4 I wouldn't mind Felwinters, it's already got a good roll as I understand so I could just run it as is as my new Crucible shotter. I'm still using Found Verdict, because I never bothered to reroll my Party Crasher/Matador yet. If I get that Felwinters I wont need to spend the weapon parts. No sense committing to much until we see how the new TTK PVP meta is.

About Felwinters, I have the "new" version with Shotpackage+Kneepads but people running around with the old one have Hammer Forged too so you have a range disadvantage. I really don't like the weapon because it feels so slow. IMHO only really ok if you're a Blink+Shotgun guy.
The new felwinter is also capable of maxing out the range, but the old felwinter has a slight accuracy advantage from hammer forged, as well as slightly better stability. Neither are really noticeable though... they're basically the same with a very slight edge going to the old version. Matador is better IMO and Party Crasher is perhaps better than both for 6v6 match types.