my anger is not on the general nerf itself but on the specific nerf for destroying emergent gameplay, emergent strategy, and exotic value of exotic weapon.
Blackhammer have awesome unlimited ammo that need skill to work. So people with good shooting skill take advantage of it and apply to their gameplay strategy.
What is their reason for nerfing White Nail? O_O
If you think Blackhammer is too EXOTIC for a LEGENDARY. Then simply RENAME IT to EXOTIC. Goddammit!!!.
now onto
Ice Breaker. This is a goddamn EXOTIC!!! why the heck did they make the ammo regen slower? It is already high recoil, low shooting speed sniper. Why you make it even slower? Heck, ice breaker already lost all ammo when you spawn or change weapon back to ice breaker.
If you behind the scene dont want people to use Ice Breaker to "refill" ammo for other weapon, then DONT REFILL!!! Make it like the half-ass job you done on crucible (changing weapon = lost all ammo).
now about
Gjallahorn. For Travellr's sake! that thing is and EXOTIC adorned with WOLVES sculpture, have its iconic WOLFPACK rounds. Why the heck you nerf its exotic feature?
Its very useful for killing your STUPID, BORING, and BULLET SPONGE boss.
TL;DR: Bungie nerf the EXOTIC feature of EXOTIC weapon.
or what i want is... OVERHAUL your goddamn game design philosophy for FUTURE content instead of destroying your players emergent strategy and gameplay.
I think DICE with battlefield is the best in this aspect.
BFBC2 have full building destruction. DICE dislike this. DICE then reduce the full building destruction in BF3, the DISABLE it on BF4. They did not nerf the C4 to become crackers.....
BFBC2 have full airspace freedom, dice dislike this. They then reduce the airspace in BF3, give manned AA on base to discourage stealing aircraft. They still dislke this, then reduce it even further in BF4 and put
CPU AA that only works if you spot enemy. But the aircraft itself still WORKS PROPERLY, you STILL CAN STEAL AIRCRAFT. They did not suddenly change Jet to only able to fly at 100 speed instead of 300+.
They did not suddently give "you no longer can steal aircraft" bullshit like Bungie deleted lootcave and sparrow racing.