Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

I guess the new level cap in TTK is 50. Just to reenforce how big it is I guess.

How will we get all those levels? I cant even think of how, cause didn't we use blue drops to get from 20>30? Of course vendor gear for upper 20's...but we cant obviously use rare drops to get from 34>40's.
from the leaks the base level is 30 in TKK. Maybe they need to plug an Artefact to the Exotic to increase base level or something?

or they will simply enable the level progression again
Had a great run since the reset. First I beat Skolas and got the elder cipher yesterday. Today I got my first Suros Regime. I also finally got the Vex Mythoclast and the Word of Crota. All 3 in an hour and a half. I'm super hyped for the taken king. The new enemies look crazy as well as the new additions to the existing enemy types. Some of the exotics look sweet. There is a Suros rocket launcher as well as what looks like a pulse rifle. There is also a new sniper that looks like a rail gun.
TTK looks pretty cool. I might jump back in then. But for now, I'm burned out on Destiny. Too much repetition, even for a Bungie fan boy like me.
As I've said all along, Suros needs to be a faction. I'd be all in on that :)

Elite style for the discriminating gunslinger, baby.
I am still lamenting the fact that this isn't on PC. I only get to play on the dreadful PS4 when I visit my friend.
OH MY GOSH Datto has a hunter subclass Taken King vid up and it looks SO COOL. This game, man.

I was kinda depressed all this "tether" and "support" stuff for hunter sounded kinda lame, but seeing it in action looks amazing. And if I understand we get the same void grenades from the Warlock? That's exactly what I've been after! Some nice DPS grenades for a change!

Like I needed another way to get addicted to this game, I've started dabbling in PVP...

To stress just how bad I am, I looked up my K/D, granted in very limited action, it's 0.22...

But my last match (rumble) out of a couple last night I started to see real progress. I notched half a dozen kills or so and finished middle of the pack. Gives me hope I could oneday be "just a little below average" at PVP like I am the rest of the game (actual skill not equipment and stuff).

I started for a couple reasons, one, I want to feel "not horrible" at PVP. Two, I want to explore another major area of this game I've played so much. Three, well I wanted to earn 150 crucible marks to buy the Dead Orbit Launcher. Oh and another, grimoire score, since I dont play PVP I feel it's hurt my grimoire.

Anybody know the fastest way to farm crucible marks? Googling just produces a bunch of hits advising you to trade materials for them which hasn't been possible for ages.

I know that you get 4 marks for losing (which I'll be doing) or 6 for winning, but I'm wondering if there's any particular somewhat faster way like a gametype where the match completes faster.

Also any general crucible tips? I already know from reading the deal, you want Last Word/Red Death/Thorn/ etc primary, a shotgun preferably Felwinters Lie, you wanna max range and impact on your shotty, and I guess a RL for heavy? What's the best RL's? I think Truth is good for PVP, but I currently use Vex as my primary ruling it out. I wont be getting Felwinters anytime soon but apparently Party Crasher and Matador are nearly as good shouldn't be too hard to score one of those. For now I'm using my Found Verdict but would my Her Courtesy with shot package be better?

Yeah, I currently use Vex, I knew I would. I do have Last Word but I feel like Vex is kinda for dummies which is me. It actually seems to work great, and I think that gun in general is underrated. I feel like with a Hand Cannon I'd be missing a lot of shots. Vex is kind of point and press since it shoots like continuous laser beams.
Most commonly used primary weapons in crucible are exotic handcannons, red death, the messenger (osiris pulse rifle) and the mythoclast. Jewel of Osiris is also becoming pretty popular (osiris hand cannon). If you're the type that likes to rush and be offensive, use The Last Word or Mythoclast (Thorn isn't too bad either). If you like to sit back more, then Thorn, Hawkmoon (for PS players), Red Death or The Messenger are better choices.
Shotguns: felwinter, matador, party crasher, judgement vi. Try to roll for max range and either shot package or range finder. Don't go running after people with a shotgun as they still have limited range. Only use them if you can sneak up close to someone, or if you see people rushing you.
Rocket launchers are generally preferred because it's a quick kill. If you want to use an MG, you can possibly get more kills, but you have to be smart and play more safe. Basically you want to wait until everyone fires their rockets, then you should be able to string together some kills.
For rocket launchers, you want high blast radius and good velocity. Horseshoes with tripod is the ideal roll (IMO). Tracking is less effective in crucible because players move more unpredictably than AI enemies and can therefore easily dodge a tracking rocket (unless it's truth or gjallarhorn).

General tips:
-Try to learn the maps and where the ammo crates spawn. And pay attention to the heavy ammo announcement.
-When heavy ammo arrives, watch for enemies baiting it with their super. Stay close, but not too close to the ammo crate. Also try to wait for nearby teammates before you grab it.
-When shooting at people, try not to stand still... strafe back and forth.
-Use your radar often.

For Control, every map has a preferable 'side' in which you want to control. Once you capture that side, you want to hold that zone, as well as the next closest zone. Don't even bother controlling all zones unless the other team sucks. In most cases, just get two zones and defend them.

For any other team-based match types, you generally want to stay together.
In skirmish, don't respawn unless you don't think your teammates can get you, because revives give you points.
In rumble, find a nice little spot that enemies kind of frequently visit and try to hold it (close to ammo crates would be a good spot). Don't go running around the map. I play clash matches very similarly actually.

Clash, rumble or skirmish are probably the quickest match types and are therefore the quickest way to get marks. I personally recommend clash because there's a higher chance that you'll get wins, unless you're good at rumble or you're in a good fireteam of 3 for skirmish. A lot of the times I've played skirmish, there's a fireteam of at least 2 on the other team, making it harder if you're by yourself, because often times I get paired with noobs (which is why I usually only play skirmish with friends).

I'm no crucible expert, but that's how I generally play. When I first started playing crucible, my K/D was ~0.9-1, but once I learned the maps and got more experience, I raised that up to 1.4 averaged across my 3 characters. Which isn't great by any means, but enough to get flawless every week. :) Plus my K/D would be considerably higher if I didn't play so much trials. In regular crucible, my K/D is usually around 1.6-1.7 or higher. In trials, it's 1.25-1.3.
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unfortunately the map is hard to learn and remember and its even harder because the map did not have minimap.

Some map also have upper, middle, and lower level thats sooooo confusing.

my trick is to simply follow your friend :p
Hehe so far I'm not to the "learning map stage". My stage often consists of "hug nearby corners, hope somebody comes around the corner to shotgun" :LOL:

Dang, isn't that AWESOME looking Suros gun in Dattos vid a PS exclusive? If so now thats the first exclusive I really miss. Cry.

Also one thing I noticed playing MP, you seem to get a lot of XP towards upgrading armor and weapons per match. Like it almost seems more than just playing PVE. I know they buffed PVP rewards.

Edit: googling, the only PS exclusive Taken King gun (Jade Rabbit) doesn't seem to be that one. Awesome!

The gun seems to be called the Suros PDX 45. At least shown it was Kinetic which will limit it's usefulness. It's a pulse rifle which while, I kind of wish it was an AR, we know AR's are nerfed now so probably best that it's a pulse, the weapon model and Suros tradition dont really go with scouts.

Datto needs to hurry up and do a video looking at the overall big picture changes in Taken King cause I'm kinda confused. Like weapons have light levels now wah?
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@NRP according to the contract, the exclusivity only last for 1 year. But every release can have new 1 year time.

so hawkmoon can be unleashed with TKK release. But The Undying Mind that comes with TDB or HoW (i forgot) probably will be unleashed 3 months after TKK.

or i read it wrong and everything will be unleashed with TKK or it will be never be unleashed.
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how long Varils Cipher will be finished? Ive been waiting for a week and he has not called me

this is really weird gameplay mechanic that really unlike bungie. Did they outsource the quest creation... hmm...
Can any one summarize the expansions? Any single player or casual content? My son keeps asking for them but I suspect it is for high level raiders which he isn't. Thanks.