PoE is getting kind of old for me already. Skolas isn't very difficult for me anymore (beat him first try just now) and apparently they're lowering the difficulty because people are spending more time attempting it than Bungie would like. I still would have preferred a raid.
I've already got a bunch of extra etheric light and almost all of the trials/poe/new exotic weapons so I'm almost running out of things to play for already. That said, I'll keep playing Destiny as long as my buddies do. And ToO will definitely keep me coming back and is probably my favorite addition to this expansion.
I really like POE. I prefer it to a raid. I mean, at least this time, because I know more raids will always come.
POE is very enjoyable to me.
I am starting to get that feeling of wanting to delete one of my characters again though. Keeping up with 3 is just too much time.
Unfortunately the main drawback is I wont be able to hit max level as fast for any given expansion (although the way HoW worked, 2 characters was fine for fastest max level). And for whatever reason I really like that.
I also kind of want to roll a Titan.
I'm also actually thinking of delving into PVP. Just to explore an entire other side of the game, and I'd like to at least maybe establish not being horrible at it.
2 characters would be much better for that, as it frees up a lot of time from PVE. To do nightfall, weekly, POE 32, POE 34, POE 35 on all 3 characters, some bounties to level weapons/armor, queens wrath bounties on one character, then trying to keep up to 3X of many various weapons and armor is all quite the time sink.
I wish Bungie had made POE32 matchmade, though. Would have saved a good amount of PITA scrounging up groups for what is pretty easy content. POE32 is a lot like the weekly IMO. I think Bungie needs to move towards making more stuff matchmade, even if I agree they shouldn't go all the way.