Destiny is quite the gorgeous game many times. Underrated on the graphics front. So much detail, particularly on Venus. Great art as well. So much of graphics is flair and style, and the designers had it.
It's a game where it's safe to say the graphics dont get in the way. They dont necessarily blow you away always, but they're pretty flawless and never distract. The game designers could realize their 3d world vision on X1/PS4 without graphics being a distraction at all. Such is the positive side of more power.
On to the finally happened I accidentally dismantled some Crota raid boots

. Raid boots with intellect are hard to come by and at this point I only have 3 raid boots left. It seem near impossible to get VOG boots with intellect so time to farm The Bridge I guess. It seems you can only get the POE boots so far from a Judgments Chance (so odds will be very low). IMO that armor should drop from Skolas too. The POE boots are ugly as hell, but I wouldn't mind keeping around one pair with intellect if I can get them.
Oh yeah I started locking my armor after that. Been pretty lackadaisical about locking stuff til now since I'd never accidentally dismantled anything.
This is such a great week to beat Skolas, the combo of void burn and no trickle, conditions wont get much better imo. Got another Elder Cipher off him, this time for real, with the actual bounty. Make hay while the sun shines, I definitely want to clear 6 light this week (none in nightfall). Two to go.
Xur was a dud this week...I guess I could try for Crest of Lupi via engrams but I dont want it that much. Mida+Radiant dance machines is so fun though, talk about a headshot machine. I even played some high level POE with that combo, forgoing even an elemental primary. Bought 100 synth though, nice to not worry about that.
Edit: ahh great to see your vid on the front page at Destiny Reddit Pelupa!