Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Man I played VoG hard today, first time I played VoG since Dark sucked. I was doing it for the energy, I swear in 2.5+ hours I got two energy.

The group was very unfocused and we died a LOT, and only got oracle checkpoint before disbanding. In my defense I kinda forgot the whole raid, dunno what their defense was. I mean, I thought VoG would be easy now for 32's...

I did get a void shotgun in one of the nightfalls which is good I guess. For Praetorians in VoG.

Youre right Skribbles, almost feels the game is dying out. We'll see if I actually stop playing though.

At least I dont need to do Crota anymore, which is kinda freeing.
Vault space details are in

Patch is coming in April.

Increase from 20 each to 24 armor 36 weapons, 24 items

last gen consoles memory constraints apparently holding them back on this front

Not sure to be happy at some much needed relief or mad it's not enough to end the issue forever.

also dont like them kind of blaming players in my view. Calling us pack rats and such. What nonsense.

First they say only 21% of endgame players have full vaults. Well, who cares, because to make switching a dozen weapons between characters like i used to do, you need a certain number of empty slots, say ten, to enable that smoothly. Kind of like a buffer. Otherwise every few guns you put in, you have to take a few back out, and it's makes it 10X worse. So I personally would never even attempt to max my vault, but that doesnt mean I wasnt extremely squeezed for space. I have sharded over the months TONS of guns that I would have kept if space wasnt an issue. Second, they talk about enough space for every exotic, who cares? Legendary's are at least as important if not far more so, and theres like10X more of them.

But almost twice as many gun slots will indeed be nice. Not a complete long term solution imo but a nice patch.

Edit: Xur is a beast this week. Already had Obsidian Mind in case I roll a warlock, but I grabbed ruin wings in case I ever roll a Titan. Also grabbed Mida, and I love it, the way it shoots and feels, and this is before the upgrades. It also performs quite well in the DPS tables which I wasn't aware it.
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I figured out a big problem with this game, it takes way too much XP/time to level exotics (especially guns).

They should take the same as legendary's, which are much quicker and more reasonable.
I figured out a big problem with this game, it takes way too much XP/time to level exotics (especially guns).

They should take the same as legendary's, which are much quicker and more reasonable.

The game never made sense from a time/effort perspective.
yeah, people with luck* can just put 5 minutes and get exotics. unlucky people can spend a lifetime and not getting gjalalalalalahorn.

*yes there are people with crazy amount of luck. If he/she was an MMO character, his LUK is 999.
You cant put in 5 minutes and get an exotic considering exotics dont even drop until what, level 20? If that soon. Which is 8-12 hours of play...

And at this point there's pretty few exotics Xur hasnt sold. Gjallahorn is pretty much the last one (think he may have sold it in week 2? But I'll give that a pass since nobody had coins/knew the game back then). So not excuse not to have anything else.

Which is another change I'd like to see, Xur's prices are too low. In essence he gives away free exotics. The strange coins have become just a nominal fee. That's why everybody and their brother was running around with Red Death two weeks ago and Mida this week. There's no barrier, Xur is effectively a free exotics dispenser, with everybody eagerly awaiting their free exotics from his inventory each week . I got to thinking about this when I saw a video with a guy calling for changes to Xur, because he was mentioning how Xur takes away the rareness of certain exotics, or how he doesn't pursue certain exotics because he figures Xur will just sell them anyway, and it hurts the game. But I think he proposed like a list of certain exotics Xur couldn't sell or something. I'd come at it from another angle: raise the prices.

I'm not sure where exactly the balance would be, but I feel like double current pricing would be a bare minimum (so 46 coins for a primary, 26 for armor, etc).

This would just put that much more of a barrier and a earning of Xur's exotics. It would help mitigate that feeling we all get when we "earned" a exotic in a drop, only to see "everybody have it" when Xur sells it the next week. Because you'd know those people at least had to pay a little more dearly for it, and less of them would have it as well due to more not having enough coins.

The only problem I see is that it could really make playing just one character be at a even bigger disadvantage. Because you can get so much less coins each week. But, that only matters because somebody with 3 characters can buy one exotic and trade it to all 3. Coins per character is of course stable. So I'm not sure it's really a problem. But if it is my solution might be like a sliding scale. With one character you'd get say 15 coins for the weekly. With two you'd get ten per, or 20. With 3 you'd get 9 per, 27. Something like that to even it out somewhat.
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depending on how you see the 5 minutes. My friend just joined me in the nightfall last stage and he got exotic.

and that person is the one that keeps getting exotics and legendaries all the time since the begining of Destiny. He also the one that quickly get complete gears.
yeah, people with luck* can just put 5 minutes and get exotics. unlucky people can spend a lifetime and not getting gjalalalalalahorn.

*yes there are people with crazy amount of luck. If he/she was an MMO character, his LUK is 999.

My comment wasn't really about "luck" which can speed up things but actual time/effort. If you start fresh after lv20 it takes about 3-4 weeks to buy all the lv31 vendor armor due to marks+commendation requirements. Then getting the 54 shards for that takes weeks even if you have the stomach to grind through all the Dailys. You can then buy one weapon every "1.5" weeks and weeks again for the ascendent materials. But to play a NF successfully you need a range of weapons to even bother unless you have some people carrying you.

Obviously these "plebeian" issues aren't much of a concern if you played the game for months and have 3 characters to collect stuff each week and could dismantle a lot old stuff for material when the DLC hit. Though even with 6 months I still have a lot weapons not maxed out because I expect to need my current 12x ascendent energies more in the future. The rare drop rates of essentials forces the player to hoard than actually really use/enjoy most of their weapons. That's contra productive and makes no sense to me from a gameplay perspective.

But ordinary players either don't have the time or don't lack the sanity to do that. But how far can ordinary players get in this game if they can play a hour per day or a few hours the weekend ? If you can only play on weekends leveling up fractions for commendations must be a real pain as the bounties are capped per day. I can't see them getting any satisfaction from the game which always made me question what Bungie's "planned" target audience was and how they thought the game needed/would be played for their "RNG"/economy/time management to "work".
How exactly does one "earn" an exotic that comes from a RNG drop? LOL.

I really don't understand why some of you care what weapons other people have or how they got them. It has absolutely no affect on you or your game play experience. It seems childish.
Destiny gameplay "feels" so good, I think even it's detractors agree on that. Those guys who designed those loops need a raise.

Speaking of good feel, love the Mida multi-Tool. And should be fun to do my radiant dance machines/max agility/fleet footed/mida hunter build. Luckily I already have maxed Radiant Dance Machines :)

I think this week I will run VoG 3X. Got a Preadyth's Revenge last time, which since I had sharded my others I kinda wanted again. Now wouldn't mind getting another Fatebringer, Preadyth's Timepiece, or Atheons Epilogue. From Crota, wouldn't mind a Swordbreaker since I sharded that too pre shotgun buff. Dont know if I want to run normal Crota just on slim hopes of getting one though...
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I love the Mida Multi tool as well. Yes I bought it from Xur! I disagree that his exotic prices are too cheap. You can only get 9 strange coins a week guaranteed unless you have 3 characters at level 31+. And if you have 3 almost fully upgraded characters you deserve the ability to get 27 strange coins from the weekly heroic.

Its really opinion anyway what constitutes actually earning legendary or exotic gear.
You will see level 28 players running around with the fang of it yut which can only be acquired from crota hard mode. So either he was carried thru the raid by higher level players or he is raiding with a higher character and giving the rewards to one of his lower characters. Is that a bad thing? No.

I have a level 31 hunter with all armor acquired from legendary engram drops in patrol or from earning vanguard marks and buying them from a vendor. I have 3 exotic guns the Mida, Universal remote and super good advice. The first 2 bought from Xur and the last from an exotic bounty. My raspberry chest price came from a xur engram. I have over 15 legendary weapons also from engram's or vendors. Does that make me less of a destiny player than people that earn all gear from Raids? I don't know enough people to even attempt a proper Raid.

Anyway aside from the weekly heroic strike getting strange coins is all RNG that mostly come from blues. I think Xurs prices are fine at 23 for primaries and 17 for special and heavys. I do think Icebreaker and Gjallahorn could be upped to 23 as well though.
"I dont know enough people to attempt a proper raid" (or r/fireteams,, ec etc).

I mean really pretty much everybody that plays Destiny uses those even if they do have a great clan or whatever. I listen to a couple Destiny podcasts and all these editors who probably have more people to play with than anybody still use the LFG sites. I mean for one thing it means you never have to schedule with other people, it's basically matchmaking with a few more hoops to jump through, so you can play content when you want. So, raid whenever you feel like it.

Raiding is a great part of the Destiny experience, unlike any other. You owe it to yourself to do it. Even better, level 31 is perfect for the Vault of Glass, which is the better raid anyway. It's truly pretty amazing to experience for the first time coming from the base game. Crota normal also wouldn't be a problem for you but I'd def start with VoG, although it's utility would be somewhat limited, just the experience is better imo.

How many strange coins do you have now Shreden? I am around 150, have been for seemingly forever. That's of course with buying whatever exotics I want+telemetries+tons of heavy synth along the way. And I'm only that "low" because for also many weeks now I've artificially restricted myself to two weeklies per week. If I had dutifully done all 3 every week I'd have who knows how many by now. And a weekly takes ten minutes to run through especially now with matchmaking.

In that light, 13 coins for some exotic piece of armor I treasure and could take me who knows how long to RNG, like Mask of The Third Man a while back, is essentially zero cost to me. It's free, basically.

I guess I already empathized a bit with the plight of the single character player like you in my other post. That's why I was thinking of a sliding scale for coins give in the weekly, fewer characters would get more coins per weekly.
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Heh, I haven't played Destiny in over a month. I might fire it up on Friday to see if Xur has anything that's worth a shit. Although I'm not sure why I'd buy another weapon because I'm basically done with this game. I haven't missed it at all, which kind of surprised me actually. Perhaps Bungie should other characters instead of weapons?
I've gone back and forth thinking I may "quit" soon, but so far I just find the game fun and now am not sure I see myself stopping for the forseeable future. In fact just piddling around and doing bounties and such now that everybody's 32 and I have for the most part all the equipment I desire is kind of a different way of more relaxing fun in it's own right. If I dont run VoG three times this week it's like who cares, there's no pressure and plenty of time.

This is kind of why I eventually thought the House of Wolves delay was in it's own way a good idea. Give the content time to simmer and settle. And also reduce the gap between content delay (assuming Comet expansion comes in September). For me I want say, lots of 331 elemental guns on every character, and for that you need time.

I still maintain Exotics take too long to upgrade. The problem, or one problem, is since you can only upgrade/equip exotic one at a time. Whereas with legendaries lets say I will equip of course a primary, heavy, and special when turning in bounties to upgrade all three at once. But of course lets say I want to upgrade Mida and Patience and Time with the same bounties, not possible. So I have a lot of exotic backlog that will probably never go away (Pocket Infinity, Plan C, Patience and Time, Second Thunderlord, The Last Word, 2nd and 3rd Ice Breaker, and many more all stuck at 302, because it takes forever to upgrade whatever current exotic I'm working on).

And then of course the bigger problem just that exotics take too much XP to upgrade compared to legendaries.
What kept me playing Destiny was the groups of people that I regularly play with. Destiny is a lot more fun to play with friends, but a lot of the people on my friends list have become a lot less active in Destiny lately and have started playing other games (mainly Bloodborne, Borderlands, GTA, BF:H, CoD). 2-3 days after reset, hardly anyone on my friends list is playing Destiny anymore. Makes me not want to play Destiny much either.

Bungie desperately needs to get the next DLC out soon.
Looks like I will be the last B3Der standing on Destiny, predictable enough :D

I see some signs of declining interest, almost all my friends list which is like 90 now is randoms I added from Destiny, and I do seem to notice a lot of them dont seem to play (much?) anymore.

OTOH the Destiny Reddit still seems pretty popular, twitch viewership seems to be holding up ok, Planet Destiny YouTube vids get a lot of views, etc.
Nah, I still enjoy playing Destiny (although I'm actually starting to consider playing other games now), but I will continue to play it as long as they release new content. They need to add more things to the game to keep people interested. A good start would be to add a higher level VoG with upgraded weapons. And when the new DLC comes out, keep the older raids relevant with ways to upgrade your weapons so they're more worthwhile. I and many of the people I play with enjoy VoG more than Crota (I still do VoG at least 2x a week), and I would absolutely love to have upgraded VoG weapons.