Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

hopefully how brings weapons with new unique abilities like Stock with Gjalarhorn wolfpack, thorn DoT. I dont think Eris DLC gives anything new (dragon's breath is a bit new but just a reused warlock nades).
I was lucky to get a Crypt Dweller SR1 Scout 2 months ago with Who's Next, Explosive Rounds*/High Caliber/Flared Magwell and Firefly. Same ROF and Impact as MIDA but with 12 mag, a bit more range, slightly less stability and 80% of reload speed which Who's Next lifts to 120%.

Hmm not to trash your selection of weapon but I very recently got that gun, I had it at 272 on my 3rd character and was going to try it as his main primary since I love scouts. Once I got pressed into using it on VoG with him, I think because I didn't have any other legendary primary on him. The point is it seemed just terrible, and I sharded it after (which is pretty rare for me). The 12 mag combined with seeming little impact seemed like a terrible combination, but perhaps I misread the weapon and just didn't give it enough chance.

I was just looking at Planet Destiny scout rifle tables and they list values for a stat called aim assist, along with all the stats that are in the game as bar graphs like ROF, reload etc. I am wondering where they got this aim assist value from since it's not a official stat anywhere that I can tell.

Anyways Mida had the highest aim assist of any scout at like 90. Maybe that's why I like it so much?

One of my other most used scouts, Badger CCL, had like a 37 aim assist I think. I dont really notice trouble getting head shots with that gun, so I wonder if the aim assist stat, whatever it is, just isn't all that important.

Oh and I got a 3rd NITC drop, it has firefly AND explosive rounds so I was going to keep it. Does anybody here know, do explosive rounds mess up things like firefly? Even after all the Destiny research I've done I cant remember.
I'm sure that if the legendary weapon damage goes up like last time they will mail us all a new legendary weapon again.
I really think they should offer the ability to upgrade at least legendary primaries damage at the gunsmith since he is all but useless except for synths past level 19. You know especially for weapons you got from drops that have really great rolls on them. I have a Nitc with Hammer forged, Rodeo and firefly that I absolutely love. The other side of the coin is that the weapons I have with a max 300 damage are still really useful guns on everything except for Nightfalls. I have a Epitaph sniper at 300 with firefly that destroys and an Invisible hand shotgun that does well at 300. Now I know these 300s will be all but useless after the House of Wolves drops.
Yeah it stands to reason, the difference in damage for the same gun at 300 vs 331 is only some ~15%. Perks or innate gun quality can easily make more difference than that.

Fatebringer, Vision, etc are still pretty solid guns. A good 300 gun is better than a crappy 331 one. Heck I think my 300 Corrective Measure is better than all my 331 Void machine guns. A big part of it is just field scout. Corrective is rocking 100 rounds while my void Harms Way is only 54 and my void Against all Odds is only 26 because neither have field scout. Even despite impact and attack differences, the larger mag is better here. Also Corrective is just good, because my 150 round The Culling isn't that great either so ammo isn't everything.

But yeah, the 300 guns will fall further and further behind. They're still viable now, they'll be much less viable in HOW. Probably not useless though, because even today I sometimes rock 248 attack guns (for example I still would use my 248 Preadyth's Timepiece in some arc burns and it was still good). I disagree 300 guns aren't good on nightfalls, that's where because of the burn IMO they are fine. If burn is really 3X damage for example, a 300 weapon is equivalent to a 900 attack weapon normally....not as good as a 331 weapon would be, but the numbers are so large it doesn't matter.

I really hope Bungie addresses exotics in some way. I run out of legendaries to upgrade but because exotics take so long and you can only do one at a time they still sit there. i have two unleveled Ice Breakers, an unleveled 2ndThunderlord, an unleveled 2nd Vex, an unleveled Plan C and Pocket Infinity, and unleveled Last Word, and I play and grind bounties a TON. I think if they make Exotics basically permanently maxed starting with HoW, that will be one way to attack the problem. Sure they'd still take too long, but once they'd be done, they'd be permanently done, so eventually I'd catch up.

I have a new bounty system last couple weeks though, since I cant play much on the weekend I just make it a point to log in, collect the "good" bounties on all 3 characters each day. By the Tuesday reset I'll have ten good bounties in each character inventory. So at the beginning of the week besides nightfall and weekly, I'll knock out those bounties on each character. After that I do the same thing during the week collecting good bounties, so that by about Friday I'll have a second round of 9-10 easy bounties queued up. And do those Friday. Rinse and repeat. So each character does 2 rounds of bounties per week. I figure with telemetries and nightfall bonus it's in the range of clearing 300,000 XP per week (about 50,000 per "round" per character).

It's honestly getting pretty boring and pointless when you're leveling say your 3rd and 4th string generic legendary solar machine guns...besides that I think soon the unthinkable may happen, I may run low on weapon parts, I think I have about 300 left. It's kinda a sign I've been upgrading too many weapons imo. I'm pretty sure not long and I'm going to go with the system of just having one deep good weapons instead of worrying about trying to go 3 deep everywhere. Just because I know all this work will be pointless the day HoW comes out.
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Hmm not to trash your selection of weapon but I very recently got that gun, I had it at 272 on my 3rd character and was going to try it as his main primary since I love scouts. Once I got pressed into using it on VoG with him, I think because I didn't have any other legendary primary on him. The point is it seemed just terrible, and I sharded it after (which is pretty rare for me). The 12 mag combined with seeming little impact seemed like a terrible combination, but perhaps I misread the weapon and just didn't give it enough chance.

I was just looking at Planet Destiny scout rifle tables and they list values for a stat called aim assist, along with all the stats that are in the game as bar graphs like ROF, reload etc. I am wondering where they got this aim assist value from since it's not a official stat anywhere that I can tell.

Anyways Mida had the highest aim assist of any scout at like 90. Maybe that's why I like it so much?

One of my other most used scouts, Badger CCL, had like a 37 aim assist I think. I dont really notice trouble getting head shots with that gun, so I wonder if the aim assist stat, whatever it is, just isn't all that important.

Oh and I got a 3rd NITC drop, it has firefly AND explosive rounds so I was going to keep it. Does anybody here know, do explosive rounds mess up things like firefly? Even after all the Destiny research I've done I cant remember.

The point was that the weapon is more than its stats indicate. 12 ammo is low especially for a low impact Scout but in real game situations it's a non factor because reload was lightning quick(120% + loader speedup). It shot so fast you could spam any mobs with Explosive Rounds and Firefly in low/mid and longer distance. The only other Scout I know which feels good even in close distance is the MIDA. With my Badgers/NITC and Satienne Rapiers I'm only really comfortable when I keep targets on a safer distance.

EP somewhat influences Firefly in a weird way where Firefly doesn't always occur after hitting the head. The smaller the head the more chances it activates. It also seems to strangely depend on the target distance.

But it's not really important as it isn't really about precision damage but all about havoc and disorientation. If you miss a Firefly hit who still got them with EP which disorients them for a small period.
I wonder what Bungie is going to do about 300 damage legendaries still being obtained from engrams? After HoW drops if they don't change the loot system getting a 300 damage sniper rifle from the cryptarch could be really upsetting to some players. It doesn't happen often but I have had 3 guns drop at 300 DMG since the release of the dark below. Sure that's 3 out of probably 20 purples I have had decrypted, but they need to fix this for HoW. Either they can make all weapons old or new drop at the new damage lvl or retire all non raid weapons that are pre dark below. This could become an even bigger problem come Comet time if damage levels keep increasing.
Getting legendary engram is like the prize of a lottery is another lottery. With prizes that's varied super wide from super such to awesome.
I am having the absolute worst luck in hard VOG. Run it like 6+ times now, not gotten a single weapon I'm wanting (vision, timepiece, fatebringer, epilogue).

It's so maddening. Worse I usually see like 2/6 guys get one of those at any checkpoint. I mean my odds should be like 1 in 3 at every CP, yet time after time NOTHING (well, I get Corrective Measure, Found Verdict, tons of useless armor, ships, bikes, other stuff I dont want). At first I can blow it off, but after a while...

Oh well one guy left to run it this week, hopefully I get SOMETHING. At least energy has been coming in ok, not great but ok which is an improvement. I also noticed getting FIVE energy each from sharding a few weapons, did they ever give that much before?? I think they were fully upgraded, which I never believed upgraded guns gave more energy when dismantled, and they didn't used to, but maybe Bungie patched that in somewhere.

I've changed my gun strategy again, I think I will only try to get one of each element per character of primary, machine gun, and sniper (well I already have all these minus a few primaries). Fusion, Shotgun, and Rocket are less important imo. In fact I will probably only keep one of each element fusion/shotgun. rocket launchers are fun so having one of each element per char may be kind of a stretch goal (for example I currently only have one arc and one void RL). There are exceptions to this, for example I have two solar fusions, but one is Praetorian Foil that I only keep because it's supposedly so rare. The other I keep because it's 331. Similarly I have two arc fusions, but one is Light of the Abyss because it basically sucks but is fined tuned for the abyss (shortest charge time, but little range). I dont really need these extras, but if storage space isn't an issue (and vault expansion is coming) I dont mind. Also exotics are of course exempt because they are exotics. So for example I actually had 7 solar snipers, but three are just Ice Breaker.

I mean if you kept one of each element of each type of special (fusion/sniper/shotty) on each char, that'd be 9 and take up all their slots and that'd be stupid anyway, you couldn't even pick up engrams. So you'd have to leave some in the vault, which would defeat the purpose of simplicity, etc.

This way I was able to shard a few things and it seems more organized, and also there should be less to upgrade as well. I even sharded my 2nd Thunderlord, which helps reduce my unupgraded exotic backlog.

Man I love my Solar Broken Truth LR1 or whatever it's called. It has field scout so 6 in the mag 24 total, it has something called performance bonus which gives a 25% chance to return a shot to reserve upon a kill. So it's almost like a 6 mag/30 reserve, considering with a sniper most shots should be kills. It has firefly which is like a cherry on top. It reloads very quickly with chain of woe/special loader gloves. It shoots incredibly smooth. It's basically like a Praedyth's Revenge doppelganger, but 331 and with more relative impact imo. it doesn't hit as hard as Ice Breaker or Black Hammer, but it's impact seems decent. I'll have to test that.
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Ok I have a void sniper, a arc sniper, and a solar sniper (in addition to 3X Ice Breaker, I tend not to really count exotics in this) on all 3 characters. I have a void, solar, and arc Machine gun on all 3 characters. almost all of these are 331. I only lack some primaries, I have 3 solar primaries, but only one void and two arc. That's one reason I keep running VOG, besides energy. Of course it so far has given me Vision of Confluence, Corrective measure (several), another Vex Myth, Found Verdict, lots of armor, ships, sparrows, basically every single thing but the weapons I'm after.

I thought I was running low on weapon parts which is the last thing I needed, but I still have like 250+. That's enough for about 8 weapons, and by the time I was able to acquire and level 8 new weapons, I'd surely have enough for at least two more. So basically I'm good.
Ok, I have redownloaded it and am coming back :) for a random daily or weekly quickie when I don't have enough time during weekdays for a Bloodborne session. They have matchmaking now, right?
I got another The Culling LMG with Field those, 150 rounds! Instant keeper. Plus it's void, imo the best/rarest elemental to have.

I made a list in a notebook of all the elemental weapons I have. solar and arc both took a whole page while void was about half a page. They definitely seem rarer. And there's zero void exotics that I know of. Except I think Truth? Kinda wish I had Truth now, it's one of those Xur had at one point but I passed on even though I'm always overflowing with coins. Mida is another one I passed on before but now that i got it I think it's my absolute favorite gun in the game (to play with, not saying it's the most powerful). And what really helped is I saw a primary DPS chart on reddit, Mida actually does fairly well. It's the highest scout for example, and 9th overall. Well, the chart only included exotics, raid, and Iron Banner primaries (because these have fixed perks or in the case of IB guns, generally accepted best perks, and perks affect/change the DPS). Mida is a light hitter but what people dont get is it has a high ROF evening it out. BTW Vex is arguably the most powerful primary in the game by the same chart. Why? Well only two guns beat it, one is Last Word but only with hip fire. And I think it doesn't really count because hip fire is kind of an oddball thing, and Last Word is not good in PVE anyway, and you're going to have to be close. The other was Timurs Lash, but this was against regulars. Against Majors DPS Timurs lash loses to Vex, and really I figure a guns performance against majors is more important.

But anyways the other day I was with a PUG on hard VOG and once again they were struggling on confluxes. I started using Vex, for a while was using Red Death (figured the health regen might preclude dying, which is what always gets groups on confluxes), finally I switched to Mida cause I had a round where I only had 4 kills! And I was like...I need to switch it up. The funny thing is the raid leader, who was kind of one of these know it all sergeant types (but a nice guy really), heard my Mida and he was all "who's using Mida? I hear that little pip pip...come on guys we need to be using something better than Mida here". Except we beat the confluxes that time, the first time I used Mida :)

Dont get me wrong Vex is better anytime you are gonna be close range against Prats, like Gatekeeper phase, it's almost like another heavy.

But yeah on the left side of confluxes (which is where I always go) I like it, there's a lot of long range shots up those long left stairs, and I feel like I'm kinda a scout beast. I can rack up some kills with it.

Another thing is Badger CCL is also kinda a beast. I got a The Fall will Probably Kill You 1969 handcannon other day, I dont have a lot of experience with 331 hand cannons so I was playing with it at 272, it was criting for like 969. Add another ~30% that it would do at 331, it would probably crit somewhere around 1300 or in the 1200's. Well, Badger CCL does 1222...yeah it has 14 rounds almost similar to a hand cannon too, but in my opinion it handles, shoots, so much better and quicker, has much better range, is a headshot beast, etc. I really like it on many sections of VOG too, like say oracles where you may need a long range primary to back up Ice Breaker, etc. It has a lot of power and a lot of range like a backup sniper.

VOG really forces you think about your loadout, I know it's been covered but it's a lot better and more strategic raid than Crota.
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My VoG loadout is:
-VoC for templar/oracles/atheon (if not the whole raid). Sometimes I will use Fatebringer or Word of Crota for guarding the confluxes/plates if I feel like using a HC.
-Ice breaker for oracles/templar and atheon. Whatever shotgun I have equipped for that character for everything else (they're praetorian killers)
-Corrective Measure and/or Against all odds

For Crota I use:
-Fatebringer for the first part, Oversoul Edict for the rest (or Red Death if I'm running the sword)
-Light of the Abyss for the first part, Icebreaker for the rest (unless I'm running the sword or I'm using gjallarhorn, in which case I'll use my Longbow sniper)
-Gjallarhorn and/or Hunger of Crota

Longbow (the one purchased from the crucible vendor) is by far my favorite legendary sniper. If it weren't for icebreaker's ammo regen, it'd be my favorite sniper period.

Scout rifles are still my favorite primary, but I'm giving my trigger finger/trigger button a break (VoC is obviously an exception).
I really hope the next raid scout rifle is automatic.

Primary = none
Secondary = praedith sniper / icebreaker
Tertiary = gjalalalahorn / legendary machine gun with more ammo perk and oracle distrubtor (forgot the name)

Primary = none
Secondary = praedith sniper / icebreaker
Tertiary = gjalalalahorn / legendary machine gun with more ammo perk and oracle distrubtor (forgot the name)


Primary = VoC
Secondary = whatever
Tertiary = gjalalalahorn / legendary machine gun with more ammo perk and oracle distrubtor (forgot the name)

Primary = Thorn
Secondary = whatever
Tertiary = gjalalalahorn / Hunger of crota
My VoG loadout is:
-VoC for templar/oracles/atheon (if not the whole raid). Sometimes I will use Fatebringer or Word of Crota for guarding the confluxes/plates if I feel like using a HC.
-Ice breaker for oracles/templar and atheon. Whatever shotgun I have equipped for that character for everything else (they're praetorian killers)
-Corrective Measure and/or Against all odds

For Crota I use:
-Fatebringer for the first part, Oversoul Edict for the rest (or Red Death if I'm running the sword)
-Light of the Abyss for the first part, Icebreaker for the rest (unless I'm running the sword or I'm using gjallarhorn, in which case I'll use my Longbow sniper)
-Gjallarhorn and/or Hunger of Crota

Longbow (the one purchased from the crucible vendor) is by far my favorite legendary sniper. If it weren't for icebreaker's ammo regen, it'd be my favorite sniper period.

Scout rifles are still my favorite primary, but I'm giving my trigger finger/trigger button a break (VoC is obviously an exception).
I really hope the next raid scout rifle is automatic.

I use Vex and my void Two to The Morgue (shotgun), and then whichever void machine gun that character has (either Against All Odds, The Culling, or my trusty still in rotation Corrective Measure). Until very recently I used my Plug One void fusion in place of the shotty, but I'm kind of going back and forth on that. The fusion has the advantages that ranges are longer on the sync plates, but the shotgun is obviously more effective up close, it basically one shots Prats.

For the confluxes I guess now after that last experience I'll probably go with Mida or another scout. I keep the void machine gun and shotty or fusion. I've experimented with rocket launchers, even Gjally, and I have a void legendary RL, but in general I just find them too dangerous here, too easy to blow yourself up.

Oracles of course everybody goes uptop and snipes, so it's ice breaker, and then as mentioned Badger is ideal, but if not another scout,. The heavy is irrelevant since it's never used, but I guess it'll be a machine gun.

Templar, again with Badger/Ice Breaker. Sometimes I I have experimented with Gjally or a legendary RL in the heavy spot, and actually using it to DPS Templar. Of course you have to be careful with containment field, but that's no biggie. I'm kind of unsure about whether the rocket launcher is a net DPS gain over not. You can get off a lot of IB/primary shots in the time it takes you to down shields, switch to RL, shoot 2X, etc.

Gatekeeper=Vex+void MG+void shotty. Basically the praetorian killer loadout. Vex is ideal for massive damage whenever ranges are short enough. Void Shotty as noted one shots red bar prats up close like the stairs.

Aetheon, Ice breaker, a scout, and probably a machine gun. I've considered trying lets say Super Good Advice (supposedly the oracle killer, BTW I sharded my SGA long time ago, but I could do the bounty again), Prat foil (heard it one shots oracles). But the problem to me is always then you're gonna have to DPS Atheon, and you're screwed, because either of those precludes IB. If you use a legendary sniper you're going to run out of ammo or have to use a synth, and/or both, since a synth is only going to give you like 18 shots. And for that matter I only recently started buying a few special synth again at all. A rocket launcher, screw jumping out of the bubble to launch rockets plus it makes Atheon wiggle too much. I guess I could try Black Hammer, doubt it'll be proccing white nail that much even on Atheon, but it's probably worth a try now that I think of it.
House of Wolves release date official, May 19. What a huge surprise :rolleyes:. This has been known for months. Anyways good to have it at least locked down.

Trailer...seems neat...except kinda lame part of "my wrath gonna be upon them duh duh duh...(via hiring some 3rd party mercenaries? wtf?)"

Boss will be a super Captain then as you'd expect, hope he's not 3 stories tall like Atheon and Crota, just normal size for a fun change of pace?

Playing with my Culling void with field scout earlier, what a beast. Mowed down a Praetorian on one of those "kill the target" public events practically in one mag. 150 rounds in the mag and 451 total. I am hoping the little level 20 something guy doing the event next to me was thinking "how does this guy's machine gun just keep firing what wizardy is this?" lol.
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House of Wolves release date official, May 19. What a huge surprise :rolleyes:. This has been known for months. Anyways good to have it at least locked down.

Trailer...seems neat...except kinda lame part of "my wrath gonna be upon them duh duh duh...(via hiring some 3rd party mercenaries? wtf?)"

Boss will be a super Captain then as you'd expect, hope he's not 3 stories tall like Atheon and Crota, just normal size for a fun change of pace?

Playing with my Culling void with field scout earlier, what a beast. Mowed down a Praetorian on one of those "kill the target" public events practically in one mag. 150 rounds in the mag and 451 total. I am hoping the little level 20 something guy doing the event next to me was thinking "how does this guy's machine gun just keep firing what wizardy is this?" lol.
Maybe cos his brother with minions is anyways useless [emoji14] or she wants to get rid of the Guardians too once we are done with the Fallen for her bounties :runaway: ! Final upgrade on the special armour she provides will be a suicide vest, as soon as u upgrade you go ......BOOM !!!! End game ! Lol.

I am happy its finally coming. I played a weekly strike again and boy the game is still fun :p !

In other major news, HOW will not , repeat NOT HAVE A RAID ! Yes, its true :yep2: ! Instead it will have a co-op mode called Prison of Elders, which sounds like a horde-like arena. Reveal will come on May 6th.


Both good and bad ! I want another VoG, not Crota, but its been 6 freaking months and years of planning before that !

If there is going to be a new mode, hope it doesn't require a hand picked team of 6 but is more accessible so that playing it doesn't require the wrath of the society.
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So disappointed that there's no raid because that's pretty much all I do in Destiny now. I'll hold judgement on this arena mode, but so far I'm not liking the news. I mean only 3 people in the arena? Come on Bungie.

The only thing I'm happy about is that it seems like they're adding an upgrade path for legendaries, which means upgraded fatebringer and VoC... my favorite primaries in the game.
Arena was shown as "raid" labelled in leaks. Maybe they repurpose it and then makes new raid.

ah! so thats why it take them sooooooo long to release HoW although all maps for the mission already on the disc since beta. They working to make HoW have new experience in the Arena and to make most awesome Raid ever