Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Hads two good Crota hard runs to completion. People are getting good I guess. Probably both in under an hour.

Got a raid helm with Infusion (orb health) perk that I wanted. But there's a fly in the doesn't have Inverse Shadow. My DTM gauntlets do. So I googled if inverse shadow stacks, and apparently it does.

So ideally you'd want infusion and inverse shadow on your helm. Looking at Destiny db, it doesn't seem possible, you can get one or the other.

So it's kinda annoying, infusion will really only be useful on crota. Everywhere else you'll want 2X inverse shadow. The problem is to have full flexibility you'd want to have both helmets fully upgraded. Kinda redundant. I mean I literally have like 5 helmets (including exotics) on one guy now. So it's basically 21 more shards to spend.

Kinda nitpicky I guess.

TBH dunno if I'll bother. It probably doesn't matter no matter what. Infusion wont be very necessary once I get Red Death upgraded anyway (sure I'll have to switch off Gallahorn to use RD to regain health, but it wont happen often). And DTM aren't very necessary on Crota either (they can be helpful against thrall on Ogre room run if you run gunslinger to creat orbs), so might as well run MOTM. I guess it just makes the absolute perfect loadout impossible,.
You don't need to have them fully upgraded, infusion is the second circle in the upgrade flow, just get to there and that's enough.
Use your helm with Inverse shadow for everything including CE, but when you need health just switch to the one with infusion to pick up health then switch back. The only times you need health is when you are back in the Crystal room or when inside the Ogre room and you have plenty of time then to switch.
I dunno, reading a reddit post recently, I think it was said Inverse shadow only adds 5% more super per kill. Not 5% of the bar, but 5% more than you would otherwise get. So in other words not much at all. So, now I would say there's not that much point in worrying about the perk.

I will say that's one part of this game that's a bit frustrating, it's very hard sometimes to know exactly what's going on under the hood, kind of by design, Bungie obfuscates things a lot, and intentionally leaves out any numbers. For example a perk will always be worded to say generically gives you more of this or that, never quantify it. And most everything in the game is with circles or bars filling up, no numbers ever. Bungie clearly designed it that way on purpose, but I am not sure why. It all gets rather confusing to me.

You are right about the switch thing but ideally you'll want the cleanest loadout possible without switching. Anyways I already had Mask of The Third Man.
maybe because its easier to the eye and less confusing for people that does not care with details? But yeah, it can be confusing when the player want detail.

generally i dont care what i wear on destiny as long as it feels "right" but then when i change something like weapon scope, i got confused what the heck changed? all feels the same lol.
Here's my latest project, I want to make my two mains weapon independent. Minimize switching. Some rough thoughts:

Mainly I'll want two arc, void, and solar of each weapon class for nightfall. I have 2 of all elemental primaries, except I only have one void primary currently. I'll have to switch that off for now.

Then I'll need two sniper of each element. Again, shouldn't be too hard, I'm already there except a 2nd arc sniper I guess (which I can buy from the vendor if needed). I dont really use fusion rifles that much in PVE, so they will be a secondary need at best. They would be nice, but I'm not going to go to the trouble of having one maxed on each. Anyways counting things like my old Prat Foil, I should be pretty close to having maxed fusions of each element anyway.

Next I'll need two heavy of each element. Again already there basically. I wont be able to have two rocket launchers of every element currently, but either a RL or a machine gun is no problem. Counting Corrective Measure I have at least 3 maxed void MG's for example.

Now the raid Crota, for a primary I'll just give one guy Fatebringer and the other guy vex for the first two sections. I prefer Vex but only have one. FB will be fine. After that I just run Gjallahorn and "whatever" primary. I'll run Light of The Abyss/ Purifier VII to one and Ir Yut or The Culling for heavy for the first two sections. After that any sniper any primary and Gjally.

Luckily I have two Gjallahorn (although one is 302) and two Ice Breaker. That will help a lot. Oh and I have two Black Hammer also nice.

I now have two helmets with infusion as well, one on each character, no problem. I can give one Red Death and one Suros too for example, even though with infusion I haven't found a health regen weapon needed really.

Then I need to think about which items I need to carry on both and what I can just leave in the vault. Synth obviously on each. I think most other stuff like Strange Coins I could leave in the vault and just pull when needed then put it back.

Kind of excited should be fun and lessen my hassle. It will also be nice to get some use out of old oddball 300 weapons I have saved like my old solar swarm machine gun, and the old Raid stuff, which was like my staple as a young upcoming guardian. It means I wont always be rocking the 100% most effective loadout on each character, but who cares I guess.

As for the overall game, I'm like twenty shards from another milestone, my 3rd guy straight 32 independently. And picked up the boots I needed. So I really just need to finish up one more raid helm and the boots to be good on gear everywhere, so about 42 shards which I currently have 19. So yeah about two more hard Crota runs. Once I get there I will truly be chillin'. I'm going to start running VoG again too for fun and because of my energy deficiency.

After that who knows, I'll kind of be interested to see how much I keep playing. I suspect a good amount, more than I think, because the game is just fun. Might play Master Chief Collection, etc. Might do an Iron Banner in the future as I keep considering.
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All my threes are already weapon independent and they have options, but I like some weapons a lot more than others so I still switch them. I've now got three handcanons on all my three characters Hawkmoon, Fatebringer and Timur's Lash. For heavies I have a Radegast's Fury with Tracking and Field Scout and a Truth but I mostly just use a Machine gun and I have a Song of Ir Yut, Against all odds and that Iron Banner machine gun so all good. I've also got Blackhammer on all three and Swordbreaker as well. Two icebreakers and one Invective for that ammo regeneration requirement heh. So I am set.

But there are some situational weapons that I really need sometimes such as Mida Multitool for the Abyss, Thorn for PvP sometimes, Fang of Ir Yut whenever there's an arc burn and I need a ranged primary (I have only one of this because I dismantled every other copy I had). Basically I only like to keep one copy of each weapon unless it's something really important and necessary like the Blackhammer, 90% of the time this weapon takes my secondary slot.

What I want and currently lack:

1) +36 boots for Warlock and Titan. (I'll get atleast one from Lord Iron Banner this week)
2) +36 gauntlets of Titan
3) The stupid Gjallarhorn
4) The Last Word

Once I get these 4 I want absolutely nothing in Destiny and I will only lack like maybe 3 exotic weapons and 5-6 exotic armour pieces across all characters...none of which I want (except maybe Helm of innmost light). But the damn thing can't stop giving me dupe exotics (Gave me claws of ahamkara this week which I bought from Xur last friday, gave me Praxis fire last week which I bought from Xur the week before, Had 2 Mida multi tool drops and two No Land Beyond drops today itself lol).

When all that is done I might think of wasting time upgrading that husk into the Nechrochasm.
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Gjallarhorn is finally mine! Got it on crota normal. Made up for another crappy week of nightfalls (shards and a rocket launcher).

congrats! and prepared to cry after getting gjalalalahorn again and again for the next few weeks. thats what happen to me... Hard to get the 1st one, then the other gjala kept coming like flood.
I have noticed a new problem, I only kept my straight intellect or at least int/disc raid gear so much that now many armor combos give me 300-350 intellect or even discipline. Thus I am wasting points.

Oh well it isn't too bad in most cases and my 3rd char had some crappier rolls armor to help mitigate it. Just kind of funny.

It's definitely much easier to get intellect pieces in Crota,in fact I think Bungie said so.

8 shards away from being almost done with everything in this game. And I've only run Crota once so far this week. Well, I do need to run VoG a few times to replenish my ascendant energy.

Really nothing I need weapon wise either. Although there's always a few minor things to want. Very minor. I guess now that I run two independent characters I could use a 2nd arc and 2nd void rocket launchers. And I'm working on upgrading my 2nd Gjallhorn top priority now. Oh yeah and I forgot, I want a 2nd Atheons Epilogue too.
For the last month or so I have been grinding out Ishtar commons once a week for an hour. I get a ton of blues and even purples every once in a while when the enemy moves against each other. OK after staying for 2 enemy movings the game glitches. All enemies lose their guns and grenades. I lose my throwing knife and grenades. I do the action but no knife or grenade appears. Also a lot of particle effects disappear like firefly. Sometimes when this happens I completely lose the use of a weapon type. Most of the time its the heavy sometimes its the primary.
Has anyone else ever had this happen?
I noticed Destiny on twitch the last few days


At first I thought it was pretty poor, but the more I thought about it I think it's actually really good. some reasons:

-Almost all of the games ahead of it are either PC or have a very strong PC component. In fact it's the highest console only game usually (Bloodborne being an outlier that obviously just came out, and besides that has a very strong PC heritage with the Souls titles). GTA V I guess is the notable exception. It did come out later than Destiny, but only by two months.

-Already ahead of Hardlines (although this is probably subject to change)

-Close to the old stalwart WoW.

-It stays 7-8k that I see without the benefit of any huge streamer to give it a large bump (an example being Bloodborne was over 100k earlier, then likely lost some 50k in one swoop when a mega popular streamer stopped)

So yeah not bad really I think.

On another note, a guy on Reddit was posting some DPS stats...The Last Word was #1 basically, even ahead of things like Thorn and WAY ahead of other popular choices like the Crota raid primaries. So I'm excited to try that, I've had the 302 version in my vault for a while. I dont know of a lot of people who use that in PVE. I know there are other factors, magazine size, range, etc, but still.
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The Last Word is a Killer at close+Medium range. The quick firing makes sure whatever is in frontof u is dead. and the gun actually feels like an "exotic", thanx to its unique animations :). The only reason I used Hawkmoon over TLW was the insane range of the Hawkmoon.
Yeah I wanna get Hawkmoon for sure when it comes to Xbox. Easily lauded as one of the top tier exotics. Seems like clearly the best PVE Hand Cannon (and HC's are probably the best primary class), only drawback being of course it takes the exotic slot.
The only issue I have with Hawkmoon is the lack of reserve ammo, which is the main reason why I don't use it in PVE and only PVP.

Many people say TLW is the best PVP weapon (Hawkmoon up there as well), but Hawkmoon suites my play-style much better. I like to keep my distance and pick people off. Hawkmoon isn't good close range, but that's when a shotgun will beat out any primary weapon.

My PVP loadout is almost always:
Felwinter's lie and/or Secret Handshake (both have hammer forged and shot package)
Radigast Fury (w/proximity detonation, which is the best perk for PVP IMO)

The odd time I'll switch to a sniper if it's a range map and there's a bunch of annoying snipers on the other team.
i just realized that on the road to templar, theres a series of mini earthquake.
it gets more and more frequent nearing the jumping platform to templar. then it become less and less frequent until stopped.

dunno whether its just an artist effect or something...
Skribbles (or anybody else) you still using that Destiny Inventory Manager app? I haven't been since toying with initially, but I'm wondering if I'm missing out.

The thing is I currently have the game set up with two main characters, and a 3rd character that is theoretically only for running nightfall each week. I dont want to invest a lot of time in the 3rd.

However now that I have changed to having the top 2 characters having their own independent weaponry/armor, no switching weapons between them typically, I'm not sure where DIM could benefit me much?

For the 3rd nightfall guy, I will typically just give him one each elemental primary/special/heavy of the nightfall that week. In order to keep things straight, I manually take these off one character (doesn't really matter which), and return them to that character when I am finished. That way I dont have to remember things, because each of my two mains has specific weaponry that I dont want to mix up (since they need to be independently geared for any burn).

So yeah, the loadouts feature of DIM seems like it could be helpful, but unless I'm missing something, really only for the old way I used to play, switching off all the best gear constantly, which I dont do anymore.

But maybe DIM would make it easy/best to go back to that?

But then again in the old switching method, I would also always be upgrading certain weapons that I would switch as well (EG, lets say I'm working on upgrading Red Death as top priority currently, so I would switch it to keep getting more XP/bounties). So that might throw a wrinkle, though I suppose it would be easy to constantly tweak loadouts.
If you're moving full sets of gear/weapons between characters, it's probably just as fast (or close to) to do it manually by going to the tower etc. But if you just want to grab 1-2 weapons from another character, then the app is the way to go IMO.

I almost have 3 of all weapons, but for the odd weapon or item/material that I need to transfer, the app is really handy for me. Everyone that I regularly play with uses it often, too.
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You talking about the Destiny Inventory Manager App, or just the regular Bungie Destiny app?

But yeah moving stuff in either app really shines when "oh, I'm in the middle of a strike and I forgot my X/synth"

But for wholesale switching it's not that much better (at least the Bungie app)

I'm honestly playing Destiny the least ever lately. Skipping whole days sometimes...just not much left to do now that I'm all 32.

Ok I have another bizarre question, I want to keep 3 hunters, but I also want to try out the other classes, can you do multiple accounts on the same system and how? Especially when I own the game digitally...

Can I buy a 2nd copy of the game and then have 6 accounts? And is that even possible to own two distinct digital copies on the same console or does it have to be disc? Do you have to use different gamertags (and the buy Gold twice?)?

I know it's possible on other consoles, EG, there's guys like datto who have an account on PS4 with 3 chars and another on X1 with 3 different chars.

I'll probably just try to google the answer before I find out here, but anyway.
I'm on android and I only see one Destiny app in the google play store (simply named 'Destiny'), so I dunno.

In regards to playing Destiny, I agree.. I'm playing less than ever. Since I bought Destiny, I literally haven't touched another game, but I'm actually considering playing something else. :oops: I've had two games sitting on the shelf for weeks/months. Once I'm done the nightfalls for the week and a few raids, I don't really feel like doing anything else. The next DLC needs to come ASAP, and it needs to be bigger than TDB.
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