Ladies and Gentlemen, after 1.5 days and 2 nights of Destiny grind, I present to you: The ICE BREAKER :
All thanks to HarshadB, my friend who took me through with my new character.
I got three coins from my original Warlock:
1 from Public event,
1 from Mars chest
1 from ROC strike.
Then made a new character,levelled him up fast via help and got:
1 coin from Draksis.
1 from Chest on Mars.
Mission effin' accomplished

! After joking about buying something else now that I have the coins

or ending up buying something else cos we were so sleepy, we bought the Icebreaker and then tried our best to beat the crap out of Xur(by sliding into him repeatedly) for making us go through all the pain

Then took the rifle for a spin, and boy it makes you feel stupid for pressing square after every few shots

! And the damn thing can clear out enemies accross the map ! I was so happily urprisedto find that the auto regen ammo isn't a perk for which I will have to grind for but its there as is !
Good grind, good buy, also made me famous in the whole Destiny group of friends for the golden boy who dreamt of IB and given the RNG's cruelty, finally did it

! Thanx all for the encouragement, given that a lot was dependent on luck, I frankly woudln't have done it if so many people weren't rooting for me
