Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

"Technically" the entire game is a grind because it revolves around 6 strikes and 2 raids that needs to be done over and over :p
Was it common knowledge that if you wait for the Crota's End mission end screen, there's a chance to get an exotic?!

First I heard of it was some guy last week in the raid saying if you wait around 5 minutes after CE you can get an exotic. But he didn't mention mission end screen, and he just seemed a little goofy so it seemed like one of those urban legends people just spread. But indeed I saw it just now, we waited and and one of us got Mida Multi-Tool at the mission end screen, which takes a good 3-5 minutes to kick in.

Fair bit of frustration in CE this morning and tales of same. Teething pains after the anti-cheeses...

Got like 12 shards this time and only 2 energy...missed the bridge chest. Black Hammer for the 84th time...I kept it...since I have two chars I guess. I must have dismantled the others.
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doesnt all loot should be appearing as "notification text" on lower left? So your experience is that on "notification text" there were no exotics, but after waiting for mission screen the exotic appeared?
Hmm not even sure actually...maybe that's it.

It wasn't me who got it...

They were saying it's a chance to get an exotic like a new one...but maybe they are wrong.

Shouldn't mission end screen show all loot like raid gear? It ONLY showed one single guy get Mida Multi Tool, rest got nothing onscreen.

But I think you are right though. It's only tallying whatever exotic(s) somebody got anywhere along the way. Not giving a new one. But there might be a chance from the people said.
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"Technically" the entire game is a grind because it revolves around 6 strikes and 2 raids that needs to be done over and over :p

Well yeah, i define grind as something that is tiresome and not fun. I grinded Honor Points in Alterac Valley for days just to get a fast Mount in WOW, not fun- Playing the (8) strikes in Destiny = fun :)
Whats wrong with Lv1 doing raid and getting the 1st chest? or lvl1 joining raid with friends?

We often played raid with level 28 friend and its still easy. CE only need 4 to finish hard, 5 players for easy, 6 players to be safe. VoG is harder so usually we always run with 6 players (5 doing the raid, 1 just suicide or hiding somewhere).

So you're fine with people deleting their characters at LV1 to farm radiant shards/energy? That sounds like a great game model- especially so for people who have 3 fully leveled characters.
I got the Devil you don't out of a Legendary Engram today but unfortunately it hasn't got any weapon modifier that can help increase the clip size. Without that it's pretty shit with only 5 ammo per clip.
And for the first time ever a Blue Engram got me a Legendary today, but it ended up being the same gun as my main (The Saterienne Rapier) but with worse modifiers, so I dismantled it immediately.

I have a question, every Legendary and exotic I've seen so far in this game has a max base damage of 331 and the stats are roughly the same for weapons in the same class. Considering that, what exactly is it that makes one weapon better than another outside of the clip size and the weapon modifiers (which are randomly allocated) ? What makes Gjallarhorn a better weapon for PvE than Truth, and what makes Truth the better choice out the of the two ?
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So you're fine with people deleting their characters at LV1 to farm radiant shards/energy? That sounds like a great game model- especially so for people who have 3 fully leveled characters.

its fine. it wont disturb my gaming experience.
Gjallarhorn does more damage, due to the wolf pack rounds (which also track). It's often the case that the main round will crack the shield, and the wolf pack rounds will do considerable damage to the unshielded target.

I believe Truth has the same base damage, but no secondary munitions. That's the primary difference between these two "best in class" weapons. Take Truth when the mission has void burn; otherwise, take Gjallarhorn. If you only have Truth, take it. Always.
Yeah Truth basically become "screw elements, eat my rocket!" type of a weapon.

aaah i mean Gjalarhorn. not truth
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Finally got the mythoclast. Not sure how much I'll use it, but I want to collect all of the VoG weapons. Still need Foil and Timepiece.
Unfortunately, the Mythoclast is not included in the 331 exotic increase for VoG... mine is still 323.
I got the Devil you don't out of a Legendary Engram today but unfortunately it hasn't got any weapon modifier that can help increase the clip size. Without that it's pretty shit with only 5 ammo per clip.
And for the first time ever a Blue Engram got me a Legendary today, but it ended up being the same gun as my main (The Saterienne Rapier) but with worse modifiers, so I dismantled it immediately.

I have a question, every Legendary and exotic I've seen so far in this game has a max base damage of 331 and the stats are roughly the same for weapons in the same class. Considering that, what exactly is it that makes one weapon better than another outside of the clip size and the weapon modifiers (which are randomly allocated) ? What makes Gjallarhorn a better weapon for PvE than Truth, and what makes Truth the better choice out the of the two ?

Base stats can vary between weapons of same class...DestinyDB is a good place to compare them. But you can only compare between the same class. Comparing a pulse rifle's impact to a scout rifles is useless if not inaccurate AFAIK. But comparing two scout's impact stats is accurate.

To give you an example of varying impact (all 331 attack maxed), my "another NITC" scout crit hits high level enemies for 1019, it's impact (by destinydb) is 48. My Badger CCL scout impact is 61, it crit hits for 1222. That's why I go with Badger, even though it's deficient on other stats (reload speed, fire rate, stability, magazine size, etc), actual use tells me those other stats are less relevant in this particular case. Vision of Confluence has the same 48 impact as NITC, but since it only maxes at 300 attack it only crits for 890. But it nearly makes up for it with solar damage and 27 rounds with field scout.

For me if I could get a badger drop with field scout and some other good perks like firefly, it would be the best primary weapon I know of for this expansion, except still it lacks elemental to be perfect.

Planet Destiny lists it's exotic PVE (and PVP) "tiers" and they had Gjallahorn, Ice Breaker, Vex Mythoclast, and Hawkmoon in Tier 1. I'm not on PS4 so I dont know about Hawkwoon but the others seem fairly agreed on. Vex is pretty beastly, despite "only" a 323 attack. But as usual it depends on the situation, Vex is best at short to medium range, not best at longer ranges.

Rocket Launchers dont have an impact stat to compare, unless it's just "blast radius"=impact. I am not sure. But they dont seem like they would be the same thing.

Oh, and in the case of rocket launchers, tracking is a huge positive. Gjallahorn, Truth, and Hunger of Crota (raid legendary) are the only 3 RL's with tracking AFAIK. Whereas Dragon's Breath is mediocre mostly because it doesn't have tracking.

Not all weapon perks vary, they will be the same from a vendor, and for raid weapons. So every vision of confluence for example has the same perks. Also, exotics always have static perks.

What makes weapons good besides the base stats, are often the perks, which can vary or be fixed as above. That and elemental damage is always a good plus over Kinetic. The same weapon with elemental would be more valuable than with kinetic.

Some perks that seem highly prized on reddit are "firefly" (precisions kills cause target to explode) and "outlaw" (precision kills cause fast reloads I think). Field Scout (bigger magazine) also pretty much goes without saying. Field Scout will make or break many hand cannons. For that Devil you Dont it would take it to 13 rounds (FS always takes class weapons to the same number, it's 13 for hand cannons).

Sometimes I wonder how all the fast reload perks go together, pretty sure they stack...but not sure if "flared magwell" (another fast reload perk) has less fast reloads than "outlaw" for example. Then you have a lot of armor that will give weapons or whole classes of weapons fast reloads, then you have hunters that (can) have gunslinger perk chain of woe going a lot regardless (precision kills=speedy reloads). Whatever the case my Preadyth's Revenge used to reload in approximately .0000656 seconds...
Finally got the mythoclast. Not sure how much I'll use it, but I want to collect all of the VoG weapons. Still need Foil and Timepiece.
Unfortunately, the Mythoclast is not included in the 331 exotic increase for VoG... mine is still 323.

It's a great noted in my post above Planet Destiny has it as one of only 4 PVE tier 1 exotics. I've grown to appreciate it a lot more recently.

It's very good throughout Crota's End, definitely best for the first area, dunno what people call that, but with the darkness and thralls. I always equip it there. It will mow packs of enemies down at close to medium range like no other primary. Plus I think one of it's perks is +2 agility which is evidently good to have in that area, although I dont think I normally even bother to select that perk it's nice that it's there. I tend to switch away from it the rest of the raid for Ice Breaker, but still.

The 323 vs 331 thing is irrelevant. First off considering 331 vs 300 is a 14% difference in practice, how little difference is that 8 attack? 3-4% in theory? Second Vex is pretty much unlike any other gun in the game in the way it operates and performs, so you really cant compare it. It's a beast at 323 so dont worry about a meaningless number.

Not to brag (ok too brag) but I have Foil and timepiece :0

Pretty useless now as they're stuck back at 300 and I have 331 choices now. And heck Timepiece was always useless since it would only be useful for an arc primary on burns, but Fatebringer is better for that. Mine is still left at 248 attack.

I think really about the only exotic I've never had or had a chance to have is Thunderlord at this point. Some of the ones like Thorn that have difficult PVP requirements to complete the bounty, I have no chance at. But I'm sure I've rejected that bounty a few times so I've had a chance for it technically.

Oh and AFAIK also Red Death, I dont believe I've ever gotten. That was being discussed in raid the other day as one of the rarest. I've also been told Foil is the rarest, and shortly after I got it some girl (gasp, a girl in Destiny?) in the next raid I went in was really impressed that I had it, which was cool. I dont think it's special as a weapon, just a typical fusion rifle.
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yeah in PVE vex is still nice. But if you have max thorn, its even more awesome. It can shoot pass thralls too! Killing multiple of them in 1 shot.
VoG is just slow in rewarding me things. Seems like Foil and Timepiece are the most rare. I've got everything in the crota raid multiple times (gear and weapons), with exception of the ship, fusion rifle and machine gun (no ship, and only one of each of those weapons). I've done hard VoG at least as many times as I've done Crota and I'm still missing 2 weapons.

I'll give the vex a shot. It will be hard to replace fatebringer/devil you don't/another nitc/VoC for the crota raid because I like them so much. Not to mention it would mean putting my icebreaker away.
VoG is just slow in rewarding me things. Seems like Foil and Timepiece are the most rare. I've got everything in the crota raid multiple times (gear and weapons), with exception of the ship, fusion rifle and machine gun (no ship, and only one of each of those weapons). I've done hard VoG at least as many times as I've done Crota and I'm still missing 2 weapons.

I'll give the vex a shot. It will be hard to replace fatebringer/devil you don't/another nitc/VoC for the crota raid because I like them so much. Not to mention it would mean putting my icebreaker away.

It's def part of my loadout on the first part of CE, works well there. For the other sections I have to give it up for IB since they tend to involve sniping. Although I guess, the bridge part legit is not much sniping needed if I'm thinking right, so I'd probably keep vex there too now. Yesterday we did that weird hybrid cheese once (send one guy over the bridge, he tries to stay alive) that still involves sniping. I think that cheese probably sucks, but people will still probably try to force it because it's a cheese or bust mentality :(. Anyway if you are not doing any cheese or tactic that involves sniping over the bridge Vex will be best. Sunsingers and Crota definitely IB will be better.

Put it this way, I recently went out of my way to level Vex all the way up after leaving it for dead for weeks (not because it's bad, just because post-nerf, pre sorta buff, I assumed it was).

Hand Cannons or scout cant compete with Vex on a pack of thralls, I dont care how much people overrate firefly cus ooh, pretty explosions. Those are slow one shot weapon classes.

If Xur doesn't sell IB tomorrow he's getting a Fist of Havoc.

There's a going theory Bungie will never sell IB or Gjallahorn again because it would "break the game". Dunno but it's a concise theory to repeat.
It's a great noted in my post above Planet Destiny has it as one of only 4 PVE tier 1 exotics. I've grown to appreciate it a lot more recently.

It's very good throughout Crota's End, definitely best for the first area, dunno what people call that, but with the darkness and thralls. I always equip it there. It will mow packs of enemies down at close to medium range like no other primary. Plus I think one of it's perks is +2 agility which is evidently good to have in that area, although I dont think I normally even bother to select that perk it's nice that it's there. I tend to switch away from it the rest of the raid for Ice Breaker, but still.

I find Fatebringer much more useful in the first part (firefly +Exploding rounds make killing thralls much easier), Bridge is still Ice breaker + Fatebringer. Deathsinger is Ice breaker/Gjallarhorn depending on how I feel (so, again, Fatebringer).
For Crota I usually take care of boomer knights or handle the sword. If I am to kill knights I use ice breaker (Gjallarhorn if DPSing). If not, Vex is much better at mowing down normal enemies and the swordbearer as a sword handler.

Hand Cannons or scout cant compete with Vex on a pack of thralls, I dont care how much people overrate firefly cus ooh, pretty explosions. Those are slow one shot weapon classes.

Uh... My fatebringer kills ~10 thralls within 3 shots. You're saying Vex does a better job than that?

Oh you do know that currently exploding rounds deal 50% more damage on body shots, making Fatebringer one of the strongest primaries available right?
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