Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

If you have high-level only areas, the noob can't join.

destiny already do this and it is very annoying. Why the heck i cant join.. ugh i bought this game, its my decission to venture forth to anywhere i want how low level i am. aaagh

and the worse thing is.. those area usually still can be accessed if i come from PATROL mode. Yeah the enemy will be full of ?? Level but i do can come. Why the game disallow me when my friend doing it under activity and not patrol? :(
What you describe sounds to me like a basically broken game mechanic. You should be playing because you enjoy it. You should be playing as a team because it's more fun than playing solo. If the purpose of playing is to get loot and solo loot is less investment than team loot, so everyone solos...the game is basically 'Loot Collector'. "Collect as much loot as you can. Find the most economical way to get lots of loot in a little amount of time."

I agree entirely that you should be playing a game because it is fun. I would also claim that there is a broken game mechanic in Destiny. I think that is why you get the reaction to people asking for shortcuts that we've seen here.

Fun is subjective, but there are a several methods that have been shown to produce good results over time. Some of them include new content, better rewards, harder content, character progression, and team play. Most of these focus on some sort of "reward". I think it is just basic human nature to like feeling like what we did was valuable (an oxymoron when you are playing a video game I know - but I think true none-the-less). Getting loot is one of those rewards. Having that loot actually mean something in game (i.e. character progression) is another reward. Destiny is content starved, and none of the content is really difficult. There are no social tools inside of Destiny the game itself - you have to use 3rd party tools to really make any progress in team play. So Destiny's reward system basically comes down to loot.

Destiny doesn't really reward you in terms of loot for doing difficult encounters though. Loot is almost entirely random. Someone killing a level 3 mob in the cosmodrome can and frequently does get many of the same drops that someone killing a boss in a raid does. The arguably best guns (i.e. Icebreaker or Gjallahorn) in the game right now can be obtained without ever stepping foot inside one of the high level activities. The one exception to this rule is the raid weapons and armor. Those come only from the raid. So it would make sense that they are special.

Except they really aren't. Sure, for the next 8 weeks the only way to get to level 32 is with raid drops. However, the second the next content patch is released, those raid drops will be worse than items you can buy from the vendor without having ever done a raid at all. If bungie follows the pattern, when house of wolves is released the vendor gear will be level 33, and the vendor weapons will be better than the raid weapons.

Forgive the long post on this, but it is one of my largest complaints with the game. I keep playing because of the people I met. If it weren't for them, I would have left a long time ago. The problem is that Destiny has some of the most solid game mechanics that I've ever seen. I really am hoping that they fix things in terms of content and/or reward system because I really enjoy the mechanics.
Man, I :love: the Hawkmoon ! The trouble is I cannot use my Patience n Time now and that thing just works on bosses so well.
But Hawkmoon is just so smooth and slick and the range is fantastic. In fact I rarely switch to any other weapon now unless its absolutely necessary. My special and heavy ammo stays full now.

I think I have found my love in Hawkmoon and The Last Word has that awesome style. I was always an Auto Rifle guy, never in my dreams had I thought I would one day be totally into Hand Cannons but here I am. Now my heart urges to acquire Fate Bringer too. I would have the Thorn too but the bounty asks me to go PvP and I am in no mood for that right now.
The Weekly30 this time made me wish I bought Patience and Time back then as I assume it would have made the end a lot faster. Longbow Synthesis isn't bad but 12 shots and less stability wastes a lot time.
I got to level 4 on Crotas Bane reputation yesterday and since I don't have many friends and there is no matchmaking for Raid, its the end of the line until next DLC.

Question is if I feel inclined to pick it up again at that time :)

Well back to Walking Dead from Telltale Games for me.
I bought my first legendary today, need about 3-4 crucible games to get enough marks to get another piece. I have enough coins to get an exotic from Xur but I'll have to pick between a helmet or a chest piece. Since these require level 3 reputation and I don't have that yet. Still, this should be enough to get me to level 28 and upgrading it should take me to 30.

About Nightshade teaming up with his high level friends, well I just dont think he can reasonably expect the game to just let him jump right to the highest levels. That's ridiculous, and really would make a mockery of others efforts. He's getting shortcuts (31 vendor armor) already (which he probably doesn't realize he is receiving shortcuts at all, having no prior frame of reference). I guess it's a matter of degree.

I don't think it's a shortcut because building up marks/reputation is the only sure-fire way to get high level gear without doing raid (which you can't do if you aren't high level enough). Which is why I think this is the proper method to do it.

If this is a shortcut then I ask you what's the alternative to this ? Playing and hoping to get lucky ? Is that how it's meant to be played ? Because that in my opinion can either be the real shortcut (if you get lucky with high level gear early on) or can be the worst choice you can make as you can sink in countless hours and get bugger all.

played iron banner.

i wonder, how the heck to win in this game mode playing solo (with random teammate and enemies from matchmaking)?

the game end leaderboard:

never wins.

I find Iron Banner to be quite easy to play, I've won a lot of games and I place in top two consistently despite being much lower level. The thing is, Iron banner does provides you with gear advantage but it's actually not that big of an advantage otherwise no one would be having fun except the level 32 players. About the only two things that annoys me in Iron Banner are how ineffective grenades are against higher level players and the high level players who still feel the need to use one shot weapons/abilities like fusion rifle or Kamikaze Ground Pound.

The only thing you can do is equip tough armour (no need for agility and recovery, they are absolutely useless here) and always move with at least one other player, which is the playing philosophy of Halo games.
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Exotics can easily be bought from Xur. one doesn't have to wait for drops for exotics. Every two weeks, you can buy stuff fro him. The only exotic that I 'got" is Hawkmoon. Bought 4 more and got one from bounty. Got another bounty going.

EDIT; just checked the website NRP listed, I have only 126 or so hours into Destiny and have enough legendaries, exotics and stuff. And I have been very casual about it, just playing fo fun and not aiming for specific stuff. On the contrary, my friends who play according to specific targets in mind are swimming in stuff. Most of them practically have everything except a rare gun here or there.

Way to rub it in. If you get killed while out in Destiny land by one of enemy NPCs and some random Guardian with a Gjallarhorn or Black Hammer comes along and TBs you, you'll probably have a good ideal of who it is.

I bought my first legendary today, need about 3-4 crucible games to get enough marks to get another piece. I have enough coins to get an exotic from Xur but I'll have to pick between a helmet or a chest piece. Since these require level 3 reputation and I don't have that yet. Still, this should be enough to get me to level 28 and upgrading it should take me to 30.

I would always gamble on Armor with 23 Motes before I would spend coin unless you have no other choice or coins are no issue. There are some armor which can give you an edge or you would like to play around with but before you're in that situation spending coins on weapons is imho more important. I even delayed my progress back in sept/oct and got an Icebreaker instead of some armor. In "hindsight" the best decision, ever:)
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I keep getting an error that says cannot join fireteam at this time on the Xbox one today. It won't let me play the game at all. The funny part is I am not playing a Raid. I'm just trying to go to the last city on earth. In fact I have yet to play a coop raid to this day. I am at 23 right now. Anyone else ever have this issue
So I was playing Vanguard ROC and twice did I end up being matched in the Undying mind strike where people would quit immediately. I got matched for the third time and one of the players ended up quitting yet again, because this was the first time I was playing this strike I didn't understand why they were quitting so me and the other guy decided to two man it, and boy did I find out why the other people quit. What a tedious strike !! It wasn't so much as tough as much as it was spamming multiple enemies in a small area. You'd think you can make a lot of money atleast but the yellow enemies don't drop Glimmer and there's a lot of them in this strike and the completion reward was not worth it considering I could have done two strikes in the time it took for me to finish this one and gotten two times the reward.

I would always gamble on Armor with 23 Motes before I would spend coin unless you have no other choice or coins are no issue. There are some armor which can give you an edge or you would like to play around with but before you're in that situation spending coins on weapons is imho more important. I even delayed my progress back in sept/oct and got an Icebreaker instead of some armor. In "hindsight" the best decision, ever:)

I've got enough motes to buy an engram, and enough coins to buy one gear. I won't buy a weapon seeing how I already have an exotic weapon (Truth). And today I got a Legendary engram as a drop which ended up being a Legendary scout rifle (The Saterienne Rapier), I've had a Legendary Special weapon (Secret Handshake) for ages now which I got from Bungie's as a gift. So no use spending the coins on a weapon. The only thing left now is a chest piece and a helmet, one of which I can get off Xur.
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I got to level 4 on Crotas Bane reputation yesterday and since I don't have many friends and there is no matchmaking for Raid, its the end of the line until next DLC.


Yes there is.

It's literally almost as easy as matchmaking, no excuse not to use it!
I dont really agree so much with people saying Destiny is "content starved".

There is what now, 26 missions, 6 strikes (8 on PS4?), 2 raids (the raids themselves are a huge amount of content).

To me, that seems completely anemic amount of content for $80, and in two months they'll have a few more but then the price will be $100.
I bought my first legendary today, need about 3-4 crucible games to get enough marks to get another piece. I have enough coins to get an exotic from Xur but I'll have to pick between a helmet or a chest piece. Since these require level 3 reputation and I don't have that yet. Still, this should be enough to get me to level 28 and upgrading it should take me to 30.

I don't think it's a shortcut because building up marks/reputation is the only sure-fire way to get high level gear without doing raid (which you can't do if you aren't high level enough). Which is why I think this is the proper method to do it.

If this is a shortcut then I ask you what's the alternative to this ? Playing and hoping to get lucky ? Is that how it's meant to be played ? Because that in my opinion can either be the real shortcut (if you get lucky with high level gear early on) or can be the worst choice you can make as you can sink in countless hours and get bugger all.

It is a didn't exist before the Dark Below. What you had to do was buy vendor gear, but it topped out at 29. This basically allowed you to start running Vault of Glass. 30 gear only dropped in VoG. People spent a lot of time trying for that 30 gear (of course back then it was the pinnacle). Ask Skribbles, apparently he could not get any to drop for ages.

With Dark Below the vendor gear went up to 31. Which kind of allows people like you to skip a lot of the previous grind, you do not have to grind VoG for 30 gear.

As I said, it's fully what Bungie intended. A shortcut so new/lapsed players dont feel intimidated by the grind.

You can read Xalion complaining about it up there. He's saying the next expansion, the vendor gear will be 33 if the past is any indication. So lets say you, nightshade, do a fair amount of grinding eventually and reach 32. With House of Wolves, a new player will have 33 gear available to buy as soon as he can. That might bug you a bit. Especially if that player was to come in here complaining about the grind...
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Iron Banner worthiness: My first thoughts was hell no. One lowly piece of 32 gear?

But then I thought more, it was pointed out this gear only requires ascendant shards. So keeping in mind the real bottleneck right now is radiant shards, and you can bypass 21 of them with this gear, it becomes more tempting.

Next, we have the weapons. The Rocket Launcher looks generic. But, Timurs Lash is intriguing, obviously Hand Cannons are one of the two premier primaries. And it has very high impact. But alas, only a 7 mag. The key stat for HC's.

But can reforge in could reforge it until you get Field now it's enticing again...But it still requires level FIVE to get :(

In the end though, the kicker to me is "Temper". It allows you to skip some grind...sounds great the problem is it grows the most on the weekend...and I am not able to play Destiny much on the weekend :(
destiny already do this and it is very annoying. Why the heck i cant join.. ugh i bought this game, its my decission to venture forth to anywhere i want how low level i am. aaagh

and the worse thing is.. those area usually still can be accessed if i come from PATROL mode. Yeah the enemy will be full of ?? Level but i do can come. Why the game disallow me when my friend doing it under activity and not patrol? :(

I think it's fine if they restrict you from entering missions at certain levels if you can't even HURT the enemy.

What do you want? LV1s coming into Raids to leech the hell out of everyone?
It is a didn't exist before the Dark Below. What you had to do was buy vendor gear, but it topped out at 29. This basically allowed you to start running Vault of Glass. 30 gear only dropped in VoG. People spent a lot of time trying for that 30 gear (of course back then it was the pinnacle). Ask Skribbles, apparently he could not get any to drop for ages.

With Dark Below the vendor gear went up to 31. Which kind of allows people like you to skip a lot of the previous grind, you do not have to grind VoG for 30 gear.

As I said, it's fully what Bungie intended. A shortcut so new/lapsed players dont feel intimidated by the grind.

You can read Xalion complaining about it up there. He's saying the next expansion, the vendor gear will be 33 if the past is any indication. So lets say you, nightshade, do a fair amount of grinding eventually and reach 32. With House of Wolves, a new player will have 33 gear available to buy as soon as he can. That might bug you a bit. Especially if that player was to come in here complaining about the grind...
Here's the thing earlier you could buy only level 29 stuff from vendors but you topped out at level 30. You can buy level 31 stuff from vendors now but the new ceiling is level 32, which you can only get by running Crota's End. It's the same thing proportionally speaking as before. Keeping stuff exactly the same would actually make it unfair than it was before, especially when you consider that it now requires more work to even be able to purchase gear from vendors now than what it did before (commendation). Which was done so as to compensate for the higher level gear available for purchase at vendors, you said so yourself.

And it won't bug me one bit when a new player comes in and complains about grinding here even though that player would have gotten the gear I have right now earlier than me. This is because A) The ceiling would be higher for that player than what it is right now for me and the grind to get here would be higher (new currency like commendation with Dark below). B) It does not affects me and their gear would still be worse than mine. C) Because the game is indeed flawed and content starved (this was one of my prime reasons for complaining here) and I won't overlook that because the person complaining has spent less time than me.
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I find Iron Banner to be quite easy to play, I've won a lot of games and I place in top two consistently despite being much lower level. The thing is, Iron banner does provides you with gear advantage but it's actually not that big of an advantage otherwise no one would be having fun except the level 32 players. About the only two things that annoys me in Iron Banner are how ineffective grenades are against higher level players and the high level players who still feel the need to use one shot weapons/abilities like fusion rifle or Kamikaze Ground Pound.

The only thing you can do is equip tough armour (no need for agility and recovery, they are absolutely useless here) and always move with at least one other player, which is the playing philosophy of Halo games.

im already max level (32) and positive KDR but its still impossible to win. Some people on reddit recommended me to stop worrying about Capture points and start focusing on murdering enemy because it give lots of points.

So I was playing Vanguard ROC and twice did I end up being matched in the Undying mind strike where people would quit immediately. I got matched for the third time and one of the players ended up quitting yet again, because this was the first time I was playing this strike I didn't understand why they were quitting so me and the other guy decided to two man it, and boy did I find out why the other people quit. What a tedious strike !! It wasn't so much as tough as much as it was spamming multiple enemies in a small area. You'd think you can make a lot of money atleast but the yellow enemies don't drop Glimmer and there's a lot of them in this strike and the completion reward was not worth it considering I could have done two strikes in the time it took for me to finish this one and gotten two times the reward.

for me its annoying because The enemy did not drop money.
for other player, i suspect its annoying because the strike is very long.

for me, i simply skip most of the enemies lol <-- you can skip the enemies in stairs area by rushing quick before the Virtual-Wall spawned. If it spawned, cut through using bladedancer (a bit hard but doable). Now you will be BEHIND the big-eye Vex and happily kill it very quick to trigger the checkpoint :)

I think it's fine if they restrict you from entering missions at certain levels if you can't even HURT the enemy.

What do you want? LV1s coming into Raids to leech the hell out of everyone?

Whats wrong with Lv1 doing raid and getting the 1st chest? or lvl1 joining raid with friends?

We often played raid with level 28 friend and its still easy. CE only need 4 to finish hard, 5 players for easy, 6 players to be safe. VoG is harder so usually we always run with 6 players (5 doing the raid, 1 just suicide or hiding somewhere).
I've got enough motes to buy an engram, and enough coins to buy one gear. I won't buy a weapon seeing how I already have an exotic weapon (Truth). And today I got a Legendary engram as a drop which ended up being a Legendary scout rifle (The Saterienne Rapier), I've had a Legendary Special weapon (Secret Handshake) for ages now which I got from Bungie's as a gift. So no use spending the coins on a weapon. The only thing left now is a chest piece and a helmet, one of which I can get off Xur.

Well, there are a few exotic weapons you better buy when they are available as they help a lot with high level PvE content or are a game changer in PvP.

Gjallarhorn, Icebreaker and Thunderlord are more or less must buys when they are available. They make high level PvE far less frustrating.
SUROS is afaik still the go-to weapon for PvP and also great in PvE.
MIDA is too but that's more subjective as it gives the most fun PvE experience.

Survey results
It is a didn't exist before the Dark Below. What you had to do was buy vendor gear, but it topped out at 29. This basically allowed you to start running Vault of Glass. 30 gear only dropped in VoG. People spent a lot of time trying for that 30 gear (of course back then it was the pinnacle). Ask Skribbles, apparently he could not get any to drop for ages.

With Dark Below the vendor gear went up to 31. Which kind of allows people like you to skip a lot of the previous grind, you do not have to grind VoG for 30 gear.

As I said, it's fully what Bungie intended. A shortcut so new/lapsed players dont feel intimidated by the grind.
You can read Xalion complaining about it up there. He's saying the next expansion, the vendor gear will be 33 if the past is any indication. So lets say you, nightshade, do a fair amount of grinding eventually and reach 32. With House of Wolves, a new player will have 33 gear available to buy as soon as he can. That might bug you a bit. Especially if that player was to come in here complaining about the grind...

The lvl cap is 32, so the entire game changed to lvl 32. 32 is the old 30. In a year when the lvl cap is closer to 40, without the current way of handling new lvl caps, a new player would have to go to great pains to get where the game is actually happening, I fought hard to get to lvl 29, never got to raid. But imho a new player should not be forced to go through the same that i did, it would be stupid grind instead of grind that gives back. I on the other hand, gets the pleasure of playing to two vendor caps, and since i think the game is fun, it's not a problem for me.

As for complaining about the grind, there is no real grind, it's good fun to do bounties etc and i would consider dropping the game if that "grind" is to much :)