Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Also XB1 here.

BTW I thought since the new DLC the RNG would only give new 331 weapons(if we ignore the special VoG situation) but yesterday I got an old 300 weapon again after 5 weeks. Really strange especially when you see 272/294 Rare weapons in the ROC Strikes.
thats what keeps making me want to hack destiny to bits sometimes...

friend - "Why i keep getting [Exotic/Legendary] agaaaaain? uuugh"

That ONE person is basically the anomaly in my team. he keeps getting stuff repeatly and sometimes exotics in a row.

its a mix between old and new stuff. Dunno its intended or bugged. so many things is unsure in Destiny.
can everyone on ps4 post their psn ids here please. Helps a lot to find High level groups to play with. Mine is the same as my name here : RenegadeRocks.
I think I have Orange, Bigmanny, Rockaman, Tranner on my Friend List.
Hi res image of the leak (I think it's fan made using the original info)


According to Datto, Destiny was always said by bungie (not sure whether he's referring to those leaked court docs or what) to have big expansions every other year called "comets". So it will be like Destiny in 2014, comet in 2015, Destiny 2 in 2016, another comet in 2017, etc...this kinda clears some things up for me.

House of wolves looks even weaker than The Dark Below, i guess comet is the really interesting one. I have accepted that destiny will be played by me for a long time, it will never be as good as i wanted it to be, but it is good enough for me to keep playing. And i hope they really do something about the auto match making for raids and nightfall.
^Same here, I have realised that whatever it is, it is not going away for me for quite a long time. I love the basic gameplay loop and can't stop drooling over the next armour/weapon all the time ! Less or more, it is very satisfying to play this game alone and superb with friends ! In fact, I am happy the story doesn't interfere much, same for Daiblo 3. i love that the story is throwaway and lets me just play and have fun.

But I am very apprehensive about the pricing of the Comet. I am guessing $50, min $45, maybe even $60. I guess it will be like buying Destiny 1.5 again this winter.
So to sum it up we have:
PS4: orangpelupa, RengadeRocks, JPT, -tkf-?, Strange?, Graham? myself (psn: tranner)
XB1: Rangers, NRP, shredenvain, iroboto, Nisaaru

I know I'm missing a few, but I have no idea what they play on. Apologies if I've missed you. Would be nice if we had a list in the OP of all the B3D members that play. Only orangpelupa, RR and JPT are on my friends list.

In regards to 300 weapons, only VoG gives 300 weapons AFAIK.

Yes I'm on PS4.
I have the game on PS4 - nOoblet16

I've just started, can I even have fun grinding it alone on my own until I am 20+ to enjoy the game with others? What do I even do in the game? Just play story missions on my own and take bounties?
Until 20 it's basically "the campaign". Will take 12-15 hours and be somewhat like a normal FPS campaign (except for the upgrades etc, which progress fairly linearly) yeah you have to do that first.

Then once you get to 20 you are no longer bound to the campaign, and will start getting into vanguard marks, light levels, etc etc. It's been a while so I dont really recall the progression, certain sets of levels are kind of different in your goals.

Once you get to 28+ (maybe it's higher since Dark Below) you're kind of at what you'd call the endgame...

Shit with Dark Below though,. I'd think it would be easy to just hit 31 with vendor gear :( Honestly seems like they removed a big chunk of the game with that. I guess you will still need to gather mats though, so it wont be just super easy as buying something.

I have probably 500 hours on the game so, yeah.
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I started today and am level 10 now, playing crucible with bounties activated are quicker for leveling up than Campaign but the matches can get a bit boring.
So to sum it up we have:
PS4: orangpelupa, RengadeRocks, JPT, -tkf-?, Strange?, Graham? myself (psn: tranner)
XB1: Rangers, NRP, shredenvain, iroboto, Nisaaru

I gave up on the game after the DLC so don't bother trying to get a game with me :p
I really hate the decision to make radiant mats raid-only.

I've discussed this before, but it makes the game "raid" and "not raid".

"Not raid", after you race through the nightfall and weekly, has nothing left but doing bounties to level your weapons (and maybe armor). This is for the majority of the week. After you do the easy bounties, you're basically dredging, scrounging, for 3-4 bounties you really aren't that enthused about.

It's the least active I've ever felt in the game. Before, coming up the level ranks, one thing I really liked about the game was how it ALWAYS felt like there was so many different things to be doing, so many different tracks to pursue.

Even the nightfall, there is hardly any weapons or exotic armor I greatly desire. Probably the only weapon I kind of want still is Thunderlord. And a Badger CCL with field scout, but the odds of that dropping seem long, since not only the weapon has to drop, but the right perk with it. There's a few other elemental types that would be nice to have, but there's nothing really pressing at all.

I am not sure what to think about this. Part of me understands that fundamentally, not every weapon can be good, in fact most cant, if some are to be. So most weapon drops aren't exciting. Just as one example.

But I'm not sure what if any solution exists to these issues. One thing I can think of is just make the game a lot deeper. I understand in WoW, the best gear can be worked towards for months. But then that would bring it's own set of issues I suppose, such as turning off the more casual players.

I dont know, personally I wouldn't mind some exotic guns being more overpowered too. But there again, possible issues abound.

I guess this is a bit of the malaise every MMO player experiences after 500+ hours, though. The experience just cant stay fresh forever. One thing I've long noticed, is even going back to Ultima Online days, any MMO message board will be mostly filled with lots of bitter complaining, and how the good old days were better, and how the latest change by the developer, whatever it may be, just ruined things. It's just the way of MMO's I think.

Speaking to just my issue with radiant mats being raid only though, I saw a great idea on was to allow us to trade ascendant mats for radiant mats. The guy proposed 25 ascendant mats for one radiant. Now, that is WAYYYYYY to high. It would need to be maybe 10 for 1 or even less, but the idea imo is spectacular. Not only does it solve my issue of feeling like I'm not really progressing (even a little bit) most of the week after raid, but it also singlehandedly makes VoG relevant again (which VoG being basically irrelevant in TDB was another huge misstep they made imo). It doesn't have to be a ton of them, but even if you could work towards 2 or 3 over the week it would make a huge difference imo.
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BTW how the hell long is Bungie gonna stay silent for the holiday break? Last update 12/19. When's the deets on the new hard raid date? what about fixing the disappearing ammo bug and more vault space? C'mon Bungie.
dissapearing ammo is already there since BETA right? i think they wont fix it until Comet or Destiny 2.

about no activity...

i think the easiest for long-term is allowing "custom activity" to be made by friends. Like how you challange people on Driveclub or Watch Dogs. Its not totally custom so exploits can be minimized. (doesnt GTAV also have this custom activity to challange friend?)
I started today and am level 10 now, playing crucible with bounties activated are quicker for leveling up than Campaign but the matches can get a bit boring.

You need to play the campaign missions to enable areas for bounties(if you want at least vanguard armor/weapons and experience for equipment), Public Events(rewards/bonuses) and raids. Unsure if you can even play the Strike List then but I assume so.
btw do you play the dark below missions?

The 1st boss is accompanied by scary heart pumping music and atmosphere... Beware, dont look too close to his face. its scaaaaary.


I guess Bungie's "special legendary gifts" are going out...they're at the postmaster.

I got a Plug One.1 fusion rifle, which I blanched when I first saw because I already have it... but on closer examination it's void and my other one is solar, so that's actually one of the few guns (a void fusion) on my bucket list, so, pretty cool.

Of course, I wanted it for the Praetorians in VoG, and VoG isn't that relevant anymore, but still cool. More elemental weapons is usually always a good thing (usually always? heh).
Do we get seperate gift on all characters?? I guess I'll find out.

I'm actually happy with my gift as mentioned. At least it wasn't a useless pulse rifle or something...I've wanted a void fusion forever.